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這遊戲好是好,就是太慢了。我逛網路發現有密技可以加快速度 在此貼來給大家看 Settlers II has a cheat mode. When in the cheat mode, you'll see a red exclamation icon in the right top corner of the game screen. To enable this cheat, type WINTER (version 1.51) or THUNDER (up to version 1.5). 在遊戲進行中,於1.5版的打THUNDER,1.51版的打WINTER 當畫面右上角出現紅色驚嘆號就代表密技模式已啟動 The cheat mode allows you to speed up the game, to see the entire map, to see enemy's house names and amount of soldiers, plus you can build extra headquarters to almost any free spot in the map. The normal method of speeding up the game is to press V. It only allows you a slightly faster and the normal speed. However, in cheat mode you can set the speed of the game by pressing Alt + 1 … Alt + 6 where 6 is the fastest speed. 正常來說,按V就可以加速遊戲了,但不是很快。 而在密技模式下可以設定六種速度,按Alt+1. Alt+2... Alt+6 數字越大越快。 You can see the entire map by pressing F7. You can see the enemy house names if you have enabled to see these yourself. You can enable house names by pressing C and amount of soldiers and production level can be seen by pressing S. 按F7可以看到全地圖,按C可以看到敵人房屋名,按S可以看到敵人產能跟士兵駐數 To position headquarters in cheat mode, you can just click on any unconquered free spot on the map and then click on the build headquarters button. 在無人佔領的空地上按左鍵,如果地夠平坦和寬就可以建立免費建立總部 一直建都不需要蓋兵營來擴地了 大概就是這樣,如果還有多的密技歡迎補充。謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
longshao:推 12/12 00:02