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有在用utorrent的人相信偶爾會遇到resume.dat這檔崩潰而吃盡苦頭。 通常在放這檔還有一個resume.dat.old。在一遇到崩潰時先將整個存放 目錄加以備分,以免有更多的意外發生。 修護方式是利用resume.dat.old其實是正常前次啟動的resume.dat的備份 檔的特性來作業。在崩潰後所產生的resume.dat通常僅有1k大小,已經是 喪失有用的資料了,將這檔刪除。重新啟動,一般是會啟用resume.dat.old 來替代resume.dat。 但有時會連resume.dat.old也一併受損。這時就要用到一個程式,BEncode Editor來修正錯誤,就算不能百分百還原,但也達到可用地步。 http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=31306 Introduction BEncoding is a data encoding scheme used primarily in the BitTorrent world. Because BEncoded files can contain binary data, and because of some of the intricacies involved in the way binary strings are stored, it is often not safe to edit such files in text editors. Many people have previously asked about where one might find an editor that can safely edit BEncoded files, but none have really existed in the general sense. The only ones I've seen were .torrent file editors, which (although they technically do edit BEncoded files) don't edit just ANY type of BEncoded file. Out of a bit of boredom and free time, this editor was born. USES Edit .torrent files: - the announce/announce-list keys (binary/list) store the tracker(s) - the url-list key (binary/list) stores the webseed(s) - the nodes key (list) stores the DHT bootstrap node(s) Edit μTorrent's .dat files: - corrupt resume.dat files can sometimes be salvaged simply by loading and saving the resume.dat file in this editor - the paths stored in resume.dat can be edited en masse with Find/Replace -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
abccbaandy : 山│ ∕═══ ═══﹨ │ 05/26 23:27
abccbaandy : 朋╰─▏═╦═ ═╦═▕─╯氵貴 05/26 23:27
abccbaandy : ◢▇▅▃▂▁﹨ ║┌┬┬┐║ ∕▁▂▃▅▇◣ 05/26 23:27
abccbaandy :◢██████▆▄ ┴┴┴┴ ▄▆██████◣ 05/26 23:27
abccbaandy :咦,歪掉了= = 05/26 23:27
abccbaandy :話說我從來沒遇過resume.dat的問題耶 05/26 23:27
mules :developer寫的軟體 05/26 23:30
Kenqr :沒遇過 05/27 01:18