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The Hellion/Electric Eye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5ufENTQY84
據說The Hellion本來是要寫成一首完整的歌 但是斷頭了XD Electric Eye 電子之眼 Judas Priest Up here in space I'm looking down on you My lasers trace Everything you do 從房間上方 我俯視著你 我的雷射軌跡 追蹤你一舉一動 You think you've private lives Think nothing of the kind There is no true escape I'm watching all the time 你自認生活隱密 認為不會有這種事 實際上你無處可逃 我隨時都在監看 I'm made of metal My circuits gleam I am perpetual I keep the country clean 我由金屬打造 迴路電光閃爍 我從不休息 保持國家完美有序 I'm elected electric spy I'm protected electric eye 我是通了電的電子間諜 我是受法律保護的電子之眼 Always in focus You can't feel my stare I zoom into you but You don't know I'm there 總是焦距集中 你無從查覺我的凝視 我密切觀察你 但你不知道我就在這兒 I take a pride in probing all your secret moves My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove 得意洋洋追蹤你的每個秘密活動 我無淚的視網膜,拍下每個證據 I'm made of metal My circuits gleam I am perpetual I keep the country clean 我由金屬打造 迴路電光閃爍 我從不休息 保持國家完美有序 I'm elected electric spy I'm protected electric eye 我是通了電的電子間諜 我是受法律保護的電子之眼 Electric eye, in the sky Feel my stare, always there There's nothing you can do about it Develop and expose I feed upon your every thought And so my power grows 電子之眼,高掛空中 感受我的視線,永遠在那兒 你也無可奈何 揭發顯露你的想法 以你的每個思緒為糧 我的力量因此滋長 I'm made of metal My circuits gleam I am perpetual I keep the country clean 我由金屬打造 迴路電光閃爍 我從不休息 保持國家完美有序 I'm elected electric spy I'm protected electric eye I'm elected electric spy I'm elected protective, detective, Electric Eye! 我是通了電的電子間諜 我是受法律保護的電子之眼 我是通了電的電子間諜 我是通電的、偵查防衛一切的,電子之眼! (高仕艷 譯) -- ...aye, a thousand shadows there Shall leap and flicker and stir and stay and run, Like petrels of the changing foul or fair; Like ghosts of twilight, of the moon, of him Whose homeland lies past each horizon's rim... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
AnthonyL:Helloween版的比較讚~XD 06/16 12:13
coolfly:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50gmGlJmr5E 萬聖節版 06/16 12:17