精華區beta RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
還是想不到比較好的譯名>"<;;;; Nightcrawler 暗夜惡魔 Judas Priest Howling winds keep screaming round And the rain comes pouring down Doors are locked and bolted now As the thing crawls into town 狂風呼號於四野 暴雨傾盆而降 當那怪物爬進城中 門窗無不關緊栓上 Straight out of hell One of a kind Stalking his victim Don't look behind you 自地獄竄出 獨一無二 追蹤他的獵物 千萬別回頭看 Nightcrawler Beware the beast in black Nightcrawler You know he's coming back Nightcrawler 暗夜惡魔 當心那黑暗中的怪物 暗夜惡魔 你知道他又回來了 暗夜惡魔 Sanctuary is being sought Whispered prayers a last resort Homing in its cry distorts Terror struck they know they're caught 避難之處已遭尋獲 低聲禱告是最後依靠 重歸舊地,牠的叫聲邪惡扭曲 恐懼襲來,他們自知無處可逃 Straight out of hell One of a kind Stalking his victim Don't look behind you 自地獄竄出 獨一無二 追蹤他的獵物 千萬別回頭看 Nightcrawler Beware the beast in black Nightcrawler You know he's coming back Nightcrawler 暗夜惡魔 當心那黑暗中的怪物 暗夜惡魔 你知道他又回來了 暗夜惡魔 As night is falling The end is drawing near They'll hear Their last rites echo on the wind 當夜幕降臨 結局也隨之迫近 人們將會聽到 他們的臨終聖禮在風中迴響 Huddled in the cellar Fear caught in their eyes Daring not to move or breathe As the creature cries Fingernails start scratching On the outside wall Clawing at the windows Come to me it calls Atmospheres electric As it now descend the stairs (人們躲入地窖 恐懼充滿他們眼眸 當那怪物發出哭號 無人膽敢呼吸妄動 外牆之上 利爪開始刨抓 攀窗而入 嚎叫朝我而來 牠自樓梯爬下 氣氛悚然入骨) Hiding in the darkness Is so futile from its glare Death comes in an instant As they hoped it would Souls ascend to heaven While it feasts on flesh and blood (即使躲入黑暗 也無從自牠目光逃脫 死亡驟降 靈魂升天 一如曾經所願 ──當牠大啖他們的血與肉) Straight out of hell One of a kind Stalking his victim Don't look behind you 自地獄竄出 獨一無二 追蹤他的獵物 千萬別回頭看 Nightcrawler Beware the beast in black Nightcrawler You know he's coming back Nightcrawler Beware the beast in black Nightcrawler You know he's coming back Nightcrawler 暗夜惡魔 當心那黑暗中的怪物 暗夜惡魔 你知道他又回來了 暗夜惡魔 當心那黑暗中的怪物 暗夜惡魔 你知道他又回來了 暗夜惡魔 He's gonna get you He's gonna get you Beware the beast Nightcrawler Beware the beast He's gonna get you Nightcrawler 他會獵捕你 他會獵捕你 當心那怪物 暗夜惡魔 當心那怪物 他會獵捕你 暗夜惡魔 (高仕艷 譯) -- Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lordlpg:推啊! 05/11 19:11
megadave:這首歌讚!!! 05/11 19:15
sion0712:酷飛可參考X戰警的翻譯阿~ 有藍魔鬼或是夜行者兩種 05/11 19:16
MotleyCrue:特讚必推!! 05/11 19:18
CGMS:推啦! 05/11 19:35
coolfly:to sion大 實則兩種都有考慮過,但始終覺得不夠適切... 05/11 19:35
coolfly:不過現在這個翻法好像也不夠凶狠...囧> 05/11 19:36
sion0712:我倒是覺得這角色挺俏皮不用太過凶狠呢 呵 05/11 19:39
sion0712:而且翻譯配上故事背景就會覺得很生動 再配上歌更爽~ 05/11 19:39
lordlpg:魑魅魍魎 05/11 19:45
coolfly:我想得到最接近歌詞描述的是羅剎,但這樣翻太東方了XDD 05/11 19:47
lordlpg:那乾脆直接把歌名中文人名化好了 XD 05/11 19:56
coolfly:改成大家躲入佛堂狂念阿彌陀佛?XDDDDrz 05/11 19:57
lordlpg:奈克洛爾 XD 05/11 19:57
Darkside18:推酷飛 05/11 20:10
wiredo:翻成百鬼夜行不就變日式了 05/11 20:45
bjorn607:暗夜伏魔? 伏感覺比較有crawler的意思 05/11 21:46
sion0712:不過伏魔一般乍聽之下會聯想到"收服妖怪"吧~ 05/11 22:00
goregrind:這首超強大 05/12 00:14
※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (05/19 20:25)