精華區beta RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Sad Wings of Destiny版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_ZsERw4pWo
Unleashed In The East版,超愛! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jdvdWqTtKg
Tyrant 暴君 Judas Priest Behold 'tis I the commander Whose grip controls you all Resist me not, surrender I'll no compassion call 看啊!我正是那主宰 支配掌握你們每個人 投降吧!沒人能抵抗我 你們的呼嚎我無動於衷 (Tyrant) Capture of humanity (Tyrant) Conqueror of all (Tyrant) Hideous destructor (Tyrant) Every man shall fall (暴君)全人類落入我手中 (暴君)萬物的征服者 (暴君)殘暴的毀滅者 (暴君)眾人皆將敗亡 Your very lives are held within my fingers I snap them and you cower down in fear You spineless things who belly down to slither To the end of the world you follow to be near 你們的生命全都繫於我手上 我一屈指,汝等皆驚懼蜷縮 這群屈身爬行、沒骨氣的東西 隨著世界毀滅,你們也大限不遠 (Tyrant) Capture of humanity (Tyrant) Conqueror of all (Tyrant) Hideous destructor (Tyrant) Every man shall fall (暴君)全人類落入我手中 (暴君)萬物的征服者 (暴君)殘暴的毀滅者 (暴君)眾人皆將敗亡 Mourn for us oppressed in fear Chained and shackled we are bound Freedom choked in dread we live Since Tyrant was enthroned 「為我們這群受恐懼壓迫的人哀痛 自暴君登基為王 重重鐵鍊和桎梏束縛我們 生活於恐懼之中,不得自由」 I listen not to sympathy Whilst ruler of this land Withdraw your feeble aches and moans Or suffer smite from this my hand 你們的搖尾乞憐我無動於衷 手執長鞭統領這大地 你最好縮起虛弱的四肢哀嚎呻吟 不然領受毒打鞭笞 (Tyrant) Capture of humanity (Tyrant) Conqueror of all (Tyrant) Hideous destructor (Tyrant) Every man shall fall (暴君)全人類落入我手中 (暴君)萬物的征服者 (暴君)殘暴的毀滅者 (暴君)眾人皆將敗亡 Mourn for us oppressed in fear Chained and shackled we are bound Freedom choked in dread we live Since Tyrant was enthroned 「為我們這群受恐懼壓迫的人哀痛 自暴君登基為王 重重鐵鍊和桎梏束縛我們 生活於恐懼之中,不得自由」 My legions faithful unto death I'll summon to my court And as you perish each of you Shall scream as you are sought 我的大軍信奉死亡 我將升朝下令 而當你們自相殘殺之時 必將竭力嘶嚎 (Tyrant) Capture of humanity (Tyrant) Conqueror of all (Tyrant) Hideous destructor (Tyrant) Every man shall fall (暴君)全人類落入我手中 (暴君)萬物的征服者 (暴君)殘暴的毀滅者 (暴君)眾人皆將敗亡 (高仕艷 譯) -- Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Darkside18:狂推Tyrant,這應該是我第二喜歡的JP歌 05/08 13:08
coolfly:SWoD真是經典得沒話說>\\< 05/08 13:12
NZQR:愛死你了 你人真的超好的啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/08 13:39
lordlpg:愛死原po了 05/08 13:43
lordlpg:chorus第一和第三句單字唸好快@_@ 05/08 13:43
Mayhem:三樓看起來是真情流露、四樓看起來是趁亂告白... 05/08 13:53
NZQR:不過四樓很帥 XD 05/08 14:01
Mayhem:沒圖沒真相,快! 05/08 14:05
LedZeppelin:猴友要領號碼牌了嗎? 05/08 14:06
kenshinsandy:3樓先告白後發卡 @___@" 05/08 14:13
NZQR:三樓十足十好人 修電腦找他 囧~~~ 05/08 14:18
Mayhem:三樓很想幫原PO修電腦,結果原PO正準備跟四樓去逛街...<囧> 05/08 14:28
MotleyCrue:推! 05/08 15:49
Gotthard:三樓跟四樓都有SM傾向,這首歌煽情助興下忍不住紛紛告白 05/08 18:22
Hoopt:結果4樓出去後被放鴿子 05/08 20:12
coolfly:嚴正抗議三樓假告白真發卡!XD 我也要看四樓的真相~~ 05/08 23:59
Gotthard:原來是樓樓上攔胡了! 05/09 06:49
EDGE: 這時候要推''人帥真好''嗎? 05/09 08:53
fook:人帥真好 05/11 12:07
※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (05/17 22:11)