精華區beta RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原唱版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocLYOrgOwaM
Fates Warning翻唱版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4q8V7HBtFZE
Saints In Hell 地獄聖徒 Judas Priest They laughed at their gods And fought them in vain So he turned his back on them And left them in pain Now here come the saints With their banners held high Each one of them martyrs Quite willing to die 他們嘲笑自己的神 徒勞無功地對抗祂們 於是祂捨棄他們 將他們拋在痛苦之中 如今聖徒到來 旗幟昂然高舉 他們每個皆捨身為道 願意壯烈成仁 Wake the dead, the saints are in Hell Wake the dead, they've come for the bell 死者驚醒,聖徒們已來到地獄 死者驚醒,他們來取那鐘 Cover your fists Razor your spears It's been our possession For 8,000 years Fetch the scream eagles Unleash the wild cats Set loose the king cobras And blood sucking bats 包裹你們的拳頭 磨利你們的長矛 這裡是我們的領土 已有八千年之久 牽來尖鳴的隼鷹 釋放兇猛的山貓 放出眼鏡王蛇 以及吸血蝙蝠 Wake the dead, the saints are in hell Wake the dead, they've come for the bell 死者驚醒,聖徒們已來到地獄 死者驚醒,他們來取那鐘 We are saints In hell We are saints In hell We're going down Into the fire We're going down Into the fire 我們是聖徒 降臨地獄 我們是聖徒 降臨地獄 我們將墮入 火海 我們將墮入 火海 The streets run with blood from the mass mutilation As carnage took toll for the bell 他們為了那鐘,展開屠殺,殘酷奪去生命 斷垣殘壁之間,血流滿街 Abattoir, abattoir, mon Dieu quelle horreur For a time is was like second hell 屠殺,屠殺,天啊,怵目驚心 一時之間,彷彿又一個地獄 Saints in Hell Saints in Hell 降臨地獄的聖徒 降臨地獄的聖徒 The battle is over, the saints are alive How can we all thank you, we felt so despised 戰役結束,聖者生存 而備覺屈辱的我等,卻要怎麼感謝你們? Saints in Hell Saints in Hell Saints in Hell Saints in Hell Saints in Hell Saints in Hell 降臨地獄的聖徒 降臨地獄的聖徒 降臨地獄的聖徒 降臨地獄的聖徒 降臨地獄的聖徒 降臨地獄的聖徒 (高仕艷 譯) -- ...aye, a thousand shadows there Shall leap and flicker and stir and stay and run, Like petrels of the changing foul or fair; Like ghosts of twilight, of the moon, of him Whose homeland lies past each horizon's rim... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: