精華區beta RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
粉絲自製300壯士版MV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XksbG6gwIk
配上Battle Hymn更有fu~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhvUpykF7OM
One Shot at Glory 奪取榮耀 Judas Priest Let me hear the battle cry Calling on the wind Let me see the banners fly Before the storm begins 讓我聽聽那戰鬥的吶喊 在風中呼號 讓我看看那飛揚的旌旗 在風暴降臨之前 Let me feel the spirits soar Destroy the enemy Striking at the evil core For all the world to see 讓我感受那高昂的鬥志 摧毀敵軍 讓全世界見識我們 痛擊邪惡中樞 This day will last forever Deep in the hearts of men Courage and victory Remember, remember 今日將長存人類 內心深處之中 英勇與勝利 永誌不渝,永誌不渝 One Shot At Glory In the crossfire overhead Fate stands before me Words have all been said 奪取榮耀 在上方駁火交錯之間 命運就站立我面前 一切不言可喻 One Shot At Glory Driving hard and seeing red Destiny calls me One night of fire One Shot At Glory 奪取榮耀 不顧一切狂熱奮戰 命運呼喚著我 如火如荼的一夜 奪取榮耀 Fighting on with dignity In life and death we deal The power and the majesty Amidst the blood and steel 昂然奮戰 我們在生死之間搏鬥 權力與威嚴 須自鐵與血中掙得 I still hear the battle cry The call goes on and on I still see the banners fly The battle's always won 我仍聽見戰鬥的吶喊 持續不斷叫喚 我仍看見飄揚的旌旗 戰無不克! (高仕艷 譯) -- ...aye, a thousand shadows there Shall leap and flicker and stir and stay and run, Like petrels of the changing foul or fair; Like ghosts of twilight, of the moon, of him Whose homeland lies past each horizon's rim... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wiredo:推這首 06/16 12:14
tom79621:喔不! 又被洗版了 給個推~! 06/16 12:40
coolfly:都是一樓教唆我的> <;;;(推卸) 06/16 13:03
※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (06/16 19:53)
wiredo:不干我的事呀! 06/16 19:54
edwkyl:這配斯巴達的感覺真好 06/16 22:36
miabcd199:洗版了 XDD 06/16 23:24
Gotthard:當兵的時候經常想起這首歌~~戰! 06/17 01:12