精華區beta Spain 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.notesfromspain.com/ 在中間上面有三個不同podcast可以點進去訂閱 找到的一個很有趣的網站 他們有三個podcast : Notes from Spain (用英文講講西班牙的事) http://www.notesfromspain.com/notes-from-spain/ Notes in Spanish (用西班牙文講講西班牙的事) http://www.notesfromspain.com/notes-in-spanish/ Cuisines from Spain (西班牙有聲美食食譜 深夜勿聽) http://www.notesfromspain.com/cuisine-from-spain/ (如果您還不知道啥是podcast : http://www.apple.com.tw/itunes/podcasts/ ) (在下強力推薦iTunes 平常聽音樂好用 訂閱podcast也超多選擇 ) (各式各樣的podcast可以帶來很多奇妙的資訊 純休閒或是知識性或online學習等) 主持人是一男一女 Ben and Marina started the Notes from Spain podcast in May 2005, and have now expanded the network to include the Cuisine from Spain and Notes in Spanish podcasts, and the Notes from Spain Forums. Ben… Ben has lived and worked in Madrid since 1998. He is a travel writer and editor, broadcaster and photographer, webmaster, and bilingual translator. Recent projects include work on the Fodor’s Spain Gold Guide, and providing podcasts and photographs for Lonely Planet (from Spain and India). To find out why Ben moved to Spain, and how he and Marina met, check out his book, Errant in Iberia. Marina… Marina, an original Madrilena, works in IT. In her spare time she works on her latest project, the Cuisine from Spain podcast. -- 大家要是有找到這種好康要來分享一下喔 :) -- ██████████████████ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cocacat:好棒的網站喔!!! 推一下^^ 06/26 04:36