精華區beta Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
小弟目前只玩到前中期 所以有些名詞無法與遊戲內相符 請見諒 Air Combat (Long War) 空戰指南 UFOs are tougher, faster, and much moredeadly in the Long War. (UFO變得更硬、更快、更致命) Along with that, your crafts and armaments are significantly lesspotent, at least at first. (如此至少在前期你的飛機和武器裝備變得更沒用。) You'll be needing to cycle your craft regularly (like yoursoldiers), as kills now grant a sort of XP to accuracy, as if your pilots learnUFO flight patterns and movements, and learn to fire with increasing accuracywith their experience. (就像你的士兵一樣,你需要經常讓你的飛機進行車輪戰, 擊落UFO可以獲得經驗值來提 升命中率,就好像你的飛行員會逐漸習慣UFO的飛行規律和動作,射擊也會變得更准 Interceptorexperience provides +3% to hit per kill (up to + 30%) and +1% damage per kill(with no top limit). (攔截機每擊落一架UFO命中提升3%(最高30%),傷害提升1%(沒有上限)) Also, you willfind that both your craft and UFOs may sometimes get 'critical hits', with UFOsbeing downed in a few hits, or your undamaged Interceptor immediately goinginto near-full red. (而且你會發現你的飛機和UFO有時會受到暴擊,要麼UFO幾下就被擊落了,要麼你滿血的 攔截機一下子就全紅了。) For starters, the Avalanche Missiles, onyour fresh pilots, now have an abysmal 40% accuracy. (遊戲開始的時候,你的菜鳥飛行員裝備雪崩導彈只有糟糕的40%命中率) While it is possibleto still down the first Scout with one Interceptor, this is incrediblyunlikely, and most likely it will take two, or even three interceptions tobring down these upgraded craft. (只用一架攔截機擊落第一架偵查UFO的可能性很小,通常需要2架甚至3架攔截機才能擊落 這些增強了的UFO) Of course, with the vastly greater numberof UFOs you will encounter being a factor, repair times may cripple you: (當然現在的情況是你會遭遇大量的UFO,攔截機的修理時間會讓你抓狂) forexample, since you will lose at least 1 country in the first month, thatcontinent will most likely be the one to be focused on for Terror missions andUFO flights, which will damage your craft-- which will then raise panic, and inturn, cause more alien attacks to occur on that continent, to which you cannotintercept in flight. (例如你在第一個月會丟失一個國家,該國家所在大洲會經常遭到恐怖襲擊及UFO戰,這會 使你的戰機受傷,恐慌度提升,導致你的戰機無法出戰,然後遭遇更多外星攻擊形成惡性 循環。) Air-to-air weapons now have two damagestatistics - Damage and Armor Penetration. (空對空武器現在有2個傷害屬性) levels, which reduces the damage done by a weapon if its armorpenetration isn't high enough. (UFO護甲等級有所不同,如果武器的穿刺能力不夠的話UFO遭到的傷害會有減免) For example,you start with a choice between Avalanche missiles (medium damage, low armorpenetration) and Stingray missiles (low damage, medium armor penetration). (例如遊戲初期你可以選擇(雪崩導彈(中等傷害,低護甲穿刺)或(黃鯛魚導彈(低傷 害,中等護甲穿刺) Avalanches will be better against unarmored and very lightly armoredUFOs, while Stingrays will be better against more armored UFOs. (雪崩導彈對付無護甲或者輕甲的UFO更給力,黃鯛魚適合對付護甲更厚的UFO) When launching you can set a combat stancefor your interceptors as they launch on a mission. (攔截機發射時你可以選擇一種姿態) Aggressive gives +15% to hit for both you and the UFO, Balancedplays out like normal, and Defensive gives -15% to hit for both you and theUFO. (主動姿態攔截機和UFO的命中都加15) You may not use the dodgeconsumable when aggressive and you may not use the auto-hit consumable whendefensive. (主動姿態無法使用躲閃的一次性道具,防禦姿態無法使用自動瞄準的一次性道具) 按:中文版沒有顯示 應該由左到右是防禦到主動 UFOs can fly at three altitudes:"High", "Low" and "NOE" ("Nap of theEarth,"). (UFO的飛行高度有3種:高、低、掠地飛行) The altitudeis a clue of what mission the UFO is going on. (根據UFO高度可以推斷該UFO在進行什麼任務) UFOs flying at NOE altitude are most likely to land, areperforming bombing runs, or will generate an Abduction or Terror missionimmediately upon arriving at their destination. (掠地飛行的UFO最有可能降落,進行炸彈襲擊,或者在抵達目的地之後馬上進行綁架或者 恐怖襲擊。) UFOs at high altitude are most likely to be hunting satellites. (高飛行高度的UFO最有可能打你的衛星) The LW mod brings back a mechanic fromprevious generations of XCOM: UFOs can now have full DOA crashes (with minimalAlloy recovery, and no corpses or other artifacts), so in some cases you maywant to pull your punches. (LW MOD 引入了前代XCOM的一項機制:UFO可能完全墜毀(極少的合金回收,沒有屍體和 其他戰利品),所以有些時候你可能希望自己不要打的太狠) To compensate, the Council will give cash rewards for UFOsobliterated in flight. (作為補償,消滅UFO議會會給些錢) This will most commonly be the case for high altitude UFOs, as thefall from sub-orbital flight will demolish almost all other material of usefrom a crash. (高飛行高度的UFO最有可能完全墜毀,因為從亞軌道掉到地上) Satellite-hunting UFOs can be dissuaded bydamaging them, even if you can't shoot them down. (獵殺衛星的UFO只要遭受傷害就有可能放棄任務,即使你沒把它打下來) A satellite hunting UFO has a chance to shoot down your satellite atthe completion of its mission based on its damage level, 100% chance at 100% HPdown to 0% chance at 50% HP (further modified by the Stealth Satellitesupgrade), so any damage you can do to a satellite hunter could save yoursatellite. (獵殺衛星的UFO打下你衛星的幾率取決於它受傷的程度:100%HP對應100%的擊落率,0% 的擊落率對應HP 50%(研發隱形衛星的前提下),所以你對UFO造成的任何傷害都有可能 挽救你的衛星) Once you successfully raid a UFO type,either landed or crash landed, you can research that craft for a damage bonusagainst it in future. (一旦你成功掃蕩任何一種UFO,無論是降落的還是墜落的,你就能研究它,進而在之後 遭遇該類UFO時提升傷害) Lastly, there are Research and Engineeringprojects that will assist in aerial sorties. (最後,科技和工程項目也可以提升空戰能力) There are multiple foundry projects to improve your interceptors. (有很多製造工廠項目可以提升你的攔截機) The three consumables remain, but with Aim being built from Floatercorpses (so you may want to keep a good number on hand, at least to help yourless experienced pilots), the Boost device from Drone wrecks, and the usefulDodge module being limited by how many Cyberdiscs you can encounter anddestroy. (3種一次性道具仍然保留,加瞄準的需要漂浮者屍體(最好多存點,至少對你的菜鳥飛 行員很有用)加遭遇時間的道具需要自動機兵殘骸,最有用的閃避道具數量取決於你能 遇到並打死多少飛碟(閃變機甲)。) As you progress, each type of UFO's statistics also increase, from general 'health' to firing rates, as to keep you on yourtoes; so don't expect to ever truly dominate the skies. (每種類型UFO的資料也會不停上升,從開始能打贏到之後讓你抓狂,所以不要認為你能完 全掌握制空權) lus with the added variables to air-interception, there is no clear-cut"UFO X can be brought down by Interceptor Y" table. (空戰引入這些變數後,沒有類似X型UFO可以被Y型攔截機擊落之類的攻略) As such, theLong War's UFO page will be your general guide for how--- or if-- to attempt toengage these potent UFOs. (希望這個指南對你有所説明) ===================================分隔線===================================== UFO類型 UFOs (Long War) UFOs come in a variety of different sizes and configuration, and knowing what works well against what UFO can make the difference between victory and defeat. Below is a short general description of the types of UFOs that the player can encounter in the Long war. Unlike Vanilla, Long War UFOs get better over time. Just as the player researches and upgrades his or her interceptors, the Aliens upgrade their UFOs. This means that new tactics need to be employed during later stages of the game, as Late game UFOs can vary wildly from Early game UFO of the same type. UFO變得有很多類型和配置,知道什麼適合對付何種類型的UFO關係到勝敗。以下玩家會遭 遇的UFO類型屬性的簡介。和原版不一樣,LW MOD的UFO隨著時間推移會變得更強。就像玩 家不停研究升級他們的攔截機,外星人不停的升級UFO。這意味著在遊戲後期需要新的戰 術,因為遊戲後期的UFO相比遊戲前期同種類的UFO發生了很大變化。 One notable change to UFO behaviour in Long War is that UFOs can sometimes be forced to abort their missions by inflicting sufficient damage, without needing to shoot them down. For instance, if you detect an incoming Terror Ship and manage to damage it enough, then it may decide to evac instead of continuing on with its mission. UFOs may also seem to perform an emergency landing (not a crash) if sufficient damage is dealt. LW MOD中有一個顯著變化,UFO有時在遭受足夠多的傷害後會就放棄他們正在進行的任務 ,而不一定要擊落它們。例如,你偵測到一架UFO正在策劃恐怖襲擊,如果給它足夠傷害, 它就有可能放棄任務轉而逃跑。UFO也有可能在遭受大量傷害後緊急降落(非墜落)。 It is also important to note that a new 'UFO Analysis' Research will become available after raiding a crashed or landed UFO, matching the type of the UFO. Once this Analysis project is completed, your fighters will have better chances of quickly taking down UFOs of the same type in future. This is essential if you intend to engage the tougher craft more than once! 同時也要注意在成功掃蕩一架降落或墜落的UFO後,可以進行針對該種類型UFO進行分析研 究。一旦對該類型UFO的分析研究項目完成,你的戰機會在未來的遭遇戰中更快的擊落同 類型的UFO。如果你想不止一次打下強力UFO,這點很關鍵。 Contents 1 Small UFOs. 小型UFO 1.1 Scout 偵察機 1.2 Fighter 戰鬥機 2 Medium UFOs. 中級UFO 2.1 Raider 截擊機 2.2 Destroyer 驅逐艦 2.3 Overseer 監視者 3 Large UFOs. 大型UFO 3.1 Abductor 綁架者 3.2 Supply Barge (Harvester)駁船(收割者) 3.3 Transport 運輸船 3.4 Terror Ship 恐怖襲擊船 4 Very Large UFOs. 超大型UFO 4.1 Battleship 戰列艦 4.2 Assault Carrier 突襲航母 Small UFOs.小型UFO Scout偵察機 Firepower: Low 火力:低 Durability: Low 血量:低 Armor: None 護甲:無 These will be the first UFO's that the player will encounter. They will start appearing during the first half of the first month and continue to show up throughout the game. Scouts are unarmoured and lightly armed, but fast moving, meaning that the interception window is very small. They are, at least, easily (for as easy at it gets in Long War) shot down by interceptors. Although they give very little in terms of Alloys and Elerium, they offer a great opportunity to train new soldiers, Avalanche Missiles work well against this type of UFO. 這會是玩家遭遇的第一架UFO。從第一個月中旬開始出現直到遊戲結束。偵察機沒有護甲 或有輕型護甲,但是速度很快,意味著攔截機只有很短的交戰時間。對於攔截機來說他們 至少是最容易被擊落的(相對LW MOD而言)。雖然他們只提供非常少的合金和超鈾元素, 但是是個練新兵的好機會,雪崩導彈對付這類UFO就足夠了。 As the war progresses, it is sometimes wiser to let Scouts fly away and save Interceptors for bigger, more important interception targets. 隨著戰爭推進,省下對付偵察機的攔截機用來對付更大更重要的UFO會顯得更明智。 Fighter戰鬥機 Firepower: Moderate 火力:中等 Durability: Low 血量:低 Armor: Light 護甲:輕型 These UFOs appear during the first month and the can be recognised by a purple strobe emanating from their blip. Unlike the Scout, the Fighter can pose a serious threat to Interceptors. As they are armoured, it is highly advised to use Stingray Missiles to punch through their armor. If a Fighter is in high orbit, it is likely searching for a country's satellite, therefore it is a good idea to check its altitude before deciding to engage a fighter or not. As the war progresses, Fighters become much more dangerous towards interceptors, with increases to armor and a much faster fire rate, making them a nightmare to shoot down in the later stages of the war. 這類UFO會在第一個月出現,可以通過雷達上顯示的紫色圖示辨認。和偵察機不同,戰鬥 機會對你的攔截機造成很大威脅。考慮到他們裝備了輕型護甲,極力建議你用黃鯛魚導彈 來穿透他們的護甲。如果一架戰鬥機在高軌道,它很有可能在尋找你的衛星。所以是 否出動攔截機進行攔截之前最好確認一下UFO的飛行高度。戰鬥機的護甲會越來越厚,射 速越來越快,這對於你的攔截機來說會越來越危險,在遊戲後期簡直是場噩夢。 Medium UFOs.中型UFO Raider截擊機 Firepower: Moderate 火力:中等 Durability: Moderate 血量:中等 Armor: Very light 護甲:非常輕 These UFOs usually start appearing during the latter half of the first month. Tougher and better armored than the scout, the Raider serves a similar purpose. With a larger chassis and bigger guns, several interceptors are required to reliably bring one down. Both Avalanche and Stingray missiles work well against this UFO. Raiders are a good way to gather Alloys and Elerium, as the crew contingent is rather small. 這類UFO通常在首月的下旬出現。比偵察機更硬更厚,和偵察機作用差不多。需要數架更 大炮架更大火炮的攔截機才能保證擊落它。雪崩導彈和黃鯛魚導彈對付它都不錯。截擊機 提供不錯數量的合金和超鈾,上面的外星人數量相對來說較少。 Destroyer驅逐艦 Firepower: High 火力:高 Durability: Moderate 血量:中等 Armor: Moderate 護甲:中等 Well armored and well armed, this aptly named UFO will annihilate unprepared Interceptors. Usually appearing during the second month, the Destroyer requires a concerted effort to bring down, and while it's not impossible it is usually not worth the risk early on. As the Destroyer is well-armoured, Stingray Missiles will be more effective than Avalanche Missiles - though higher tier weapons such as the Phoenix Coilgun or Laser Cannon should be used if available. Interceptor Upgrade Projects are essential to ensuring swift and effective takedowns - otherwise a full contingent of unupgraded Interceptors may be required, and doing so will most likely mean that there are no interceptors left to defend the continent's airspace for several weeks. 艦如其名,護甲和武裝都很到位,這類UFO會將毫無準備的攔截機徹底殲滅。通常會在第 二個月出現,驅逐艦需要做很多努力才能打下一架,在遊戲初期冒風險這麼做可能不太值 。考慮到驅逐艦的護甲,黃鯛魚導彈會比雪崩導彈更有效,當然如果有更高級的武器如鳳 凰線圈炮或者鐳射炮就更好了。攔截機的升級專案對於迅速有效的擊落這類UFO來說很關 鍵。不然你可能要準備1倉庫的未升級攔截機,這意味著在接下來的幾周你都沒有攔截機 來守衛該大洲的領空。 Overseer監察者 Firepower: Very High 火力:很高 Codename: Fulcrum 代碼:支點 Durability: High 血量:高 Armor: Very Heavy 護甲:非常厚 Functions nearly the same as in Vanilla, and still roughly tied with the Battleship as the hardest to take down. At minimum, an experienced Firestorm with EMP cannons and all three modules used, may have a chance of taking it down in lower diffculties. In harder diffculties, 2-3 Firestorms will be needed, along with a score of modules each. 資料和原版幾乎一樣,還是和戰列艦一樣是遊戲中最難被擊落的。最低配置,低難度下一 架裝備EMP炮的經驗豐富的風暴戰機及所有3件一次性道具,你有可能擊落它。在高難度下 ,需要2-3架風暴戰機及大量一次性道具。 One thing to keep in mind is that additional Overseers can appear, as opposed to it being a one-time plot event. Given the risk/challenge of shooting this craft down, compared to the material rewards, one may wish to ignore these additional Overseers. 有一點要注意,會出現額外的監察者,不要以為它是一次性事件。對比擊落它的風險代價 和它帶來的回報,你可能會選擇忽略額外出現的監察者。 Large UFOs.大型UFO Abductor綁架者 Firepower: High 火力:高 Durability: High 血量:高 Armor: Moderate/Heavy 護甲:中等/厚 These UFO's will pop up randomly and fly towards a country, though you won't be able to take these on during the early stages of the war. You'll need some experienced pilots in upgraded interceptors, equipped with high tier weaponry, such as Laser Cannons or Plasma Cannons to have a fighting chance. It is somewhat possible to take them down with 1 Interceptor, with generous Module use, luck, and about 20 seconds of sustained Phoenix Coilgun fire. 這些UFO會隨機出現飛向指定國家,在遊戲初期你無法打它們。你需要一些有經驗的飛行 員,升級後的裝備了諸如鐳射炮、電漿炮等高級武器攔截機,才有的一戰。大量一次性道 具、一點點運氣,以及20秒鐘鳳凰線圈炮的持續火力,你有可能只憑一架攔截機打下它。 However, they can be avoided, as they will not go after satellites or go on bombing runs over cities. Abductors are almost exclusively used for either abduction or research missions, so they will almost always either land or spawn an abduction mission, either way allowing you to thwart its mission with a ground assault. 但是它們不會打衛星或者對城市進行炸彈襲擊任務,所以你可以選擇回避。它們幾乎只會 進行科研或者綁架任務,當他們降落或者進行綁架時,這2種情況你都可以通過地面突襲 進行阻撓。 It is significantly harder to shoot down an Abductor than it is to let it land and then handle the abduction mission (in countries with lower levels of panic, at least). The reward for shooting down and successfully assaulting one of these crafts are plenty, but the difference between the credits received from salvage versus the Council reward for the abduction mission can be minimal, so only shoot it down if you really want the alloys and elerium, or can easily afford the damage to your interceptors. 把它打下來相比讓它降落然後處理綁架任務來說難太多了(至少是在低恐慌度的國家)。 把它打下來然後成功掃蕩它獲得的回報似乎很豐厚,但是通過回收獲得的金錢相比完成綁 架任務後議會給的金錢來說可能差不多,所以除非在你非常想要合金和超鈾,攔截機損失 也在你承受範圍內的情況下,再考慮把它打下來。 Supply Barge (Harvester)駁船(收割者) Firepower: Moderate火力:中等 Durability: High 血量:高 Armor: Low/Moderate 護甲:低/中等 These UFOs sometimes pass through airspace with a satellite during the early stages of the war. Like Abductors, going against one early is a very unwise decision as it can decimate interceptors rather quickly, and you'll want experienced pilots in well-equipped interceptors to have a good chance of taking them down. These UFO's fly around and gather materials, meaning that sometimes there is a chance to assault one while it is landed. During the early months this can be a suicide mission, but if successful, you gain quicker access to higher tiers of weaponry and research, as well as disrupt alien research, making them take longer to research new weapons and armor. 在遊戲前期這些UFO有時會從衛星邊上飛過。就像綁架者,早早的決定打它是很不明智的 決定,因為它可以很快打光你的攔截機。你需要經驗豐富的駕駛員駕駛武裝到位的攔截機 才有機會打下它們。這些UFO飛來飛去,搜集材料,這意味當它們降落時你有機會去掃蕩 。在最初的幾個月,這簡直就是自殺任務,但是一旦成功,你就能很快獲得高級武器和科 研,同時也能擾亂外星人的科研,使他們需要花費更長的時間研發新武器和護甲。 If you can reliably clear out landed ones, but not fast enough to get to the Meld canisters on this lengthy UFO: don't worry. As that if you are doing this well; the canisters will only have 3 Meld each at this point. The elerium and alloy supplies will probably be more useful to you. 如果你能慢慢的按部就班的掃蕩一架如此長的UFO,拿不到Meld也不用擔心。因為你打的 這麼好,在這個階段每個Meld箱子只有3個Meld。獲得的合金和超鈾對你來說才更有用。 Transport運輸船 Firepower: High 火力:高 Durability: Very High 血量:非常高 Armor: Heavy. 護甲:厚 This UFO is functionally identical to the Abductor, but it has even heavier armor and packs some pretty formidable weaponry. You're liable to have one land before you can shoot one down, giving an opportunity to assault it and take one intact, giving rewarding you with loads of alloys and elerium... though you'll have to remove the contingent of aliens first, of course. 這個UFO的作用和綁架者一樣,除了他有更厚的護甲,裝了更強大的外星人。在你有本事 打下一架之前你會先碰到一架降落的,給你一個完好無損拿下它的機會,附帶大量的合金 和超鈾,當然前提是你殺光上面的外星人。 Terror Ship恐怖襲擊船 Firepower: High 火力:高 Durability: Very High 血量:非常高 Armor: Heavy 護甲:厚 Structually the same as a Supply Barge, you may encounter these in high-panic continents, but won't be able to take them on until late game. If you wish to try your luck, let UFOs on Harvest missions go unimpeded, and eventually they'll be sent out. As they are the precursors to Terror Missions expect large numbers of high-level enemies even if you bring it down. 飛船結構與駁船一樣,你會在高恐慌度的大洲遭遇到,但是直到遊戲後期你才有能力把它 擊落。如果你想試試你的運氣,放行UFO的收割任務,最終他們會出來。作為恐怖襲擊任 務的前兆,即使你把它打下來了也要做好對付大量高級敵人的準備。 Very Large UFOs.超大型UFO Battleship(戰列艦) Firepower: Very high 火力:很高 Durability: Very high 血量:很高 Armor: Heavy 護甲:厚 As the name implies, these massive ships are some of the most dangerous craft an interceptor can go against. They are highly armored, and packed to the teeth with weaponry. They sometimes spawn as transports for terror missions, DON'T engage them early game, since they will one-shot interceptors without upgrades. 艦如其名,這些巨大的艦船是攔截機能對付的最危險的飛行物。他們的護甲極厚,並且武 裝到牙齒。它們有時候會作為恐怖任務的運輸船出現,千萬不要在遊戲早期打它們,因為 未升級的攔截機一炮就會被打下來。 They can be taken down with several Firestorms with Plasma or EMP Cannons with max foundry upgrades and consumables. Once you've downed one, you can use the fusion cores to build Fusion Lances to make it easier to take down more, but realistically you can win the game more easily than you can build an air force that can routinely take down battleships. 需要數架風暴戰機裝備電漿炮或EMP炮、製造工廠全部升級、所有一次性道具才能把它打下 來。一旦你打下一架,你可以用核聚變核心製造核聚變炮,使得打第二架輕鬆些。但是理 性一點,打贏遊戲比你打造一支能經常打下戰列艦的空軍來說更容易。 Assault Carrier(突擊航母) Firepower: High 火力:高 Durability: Highest血量:最高 Armor: Heavy護甲:厚 A variant of the Battleship. It has slightly less firepower in exchange for more durability and more aliens on the craft itself. Use your best ships and plenty of modules. With luck, you might even bring it down. Now try assaulting it and bringing in the goods. Godspeed, soldier. 戰列艦的一個變種,火力稍小,血量更多,船上的外星人更多。用上你最好的飛機及大量 的道具。運氣好你可能把它打下來。現在試著突擊它把戰利品帶回來。祝你好運,士兵。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1413956703.A.D97.html ※ 編輯: monhen (, 10/22/2014 13:59:18
jack0204: 不要再引誘人了!! 超越地球快上了!! 10/22 14:28
cokelon: 樓上這是XCOM,跟文明帝國沒衝突啊XD 10/22 16:29
snd: 人生只有一個阿!!! 10/22 16:38