精華區beta TSSHS56th319 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我剛剛終於找到10/19/99這期的Time了 我抄下來跟同學分享,Best Line是他們所說的一句簡短的話,有激勵作用 都很不錯,值得同學花點時間去思考一下。 就是我昨天說的那前五十名Time覺得下世紀最重要的Digital領導人 我沒有全部摘錄,摘錄的都是大家比較熟的。 Digital time : The Most Important People Shaping Technology Today. http://www.timedigital.com 1.Jeff Bezos 就是他,五年前還是雜貨店老問,現在身價百億 The storekeeper 半年內股票漲200倍的就是他。 Amazon.com www.amazon.com網路書店,很不錯,大家可以去看看。 Founden and CEO Age:35 Net Worth:$7 Billion E-mail:[email protected] Best Line:In many ways,we're a one trick pony.It's just a good trick. 2.Steve Case 美國最大的網路公司,已經有超過兩千萬的用戶 The messenger 相當於台灣的Hinet American Online Chairman and CEO Age:41 Net worth:650 Million E-mail:[email protected] Best Line:This is a battle between good and evil. 3.Bill Gates 應該沒有人不認識這個王八蛋吧?!既討人厭又令人羨慕 Beleguered Mogul Microsoft corp. Chairman and CEO Age:43 Net worth:85 Billion Web:www.microsoft.com Best Line:That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. 4.Linus Torvalds 寫出Linux的天才,太大方了,竟然放出Souce Code. The father of Linux 現在有:IBM,Intel,Oracle(全球第二大軟體商) Transmeta Corp. Compaq(康柏電腦)均用Linux架Server. programmer 不是用Windows NT. Age:29 E-mail:[email protected] Best Line:Software is like sex;It's better then it is free. 5.Meg Whiteman The new Auctioneer eBay Preident and CEO Age:43 Net worth:900 Million Web:www.ebay.com Best Line:We are far and waway the largest marketplace.Sellers want to be where the buyers are,and buyers want to to be where the sellers are.That's where being the largest help. 6.Michael Dell Dell 電腦創辦人,我欣賞的人之一。 PC prodigy Dell computer corp. Age:34 Net worth:21.5 Billion Best Line:It's easy , when things look good to assume that you're invincible.But that's exactly when you're weakest. 8.Steve Jobs 中興Apple電腦的人 Apple Poloisher Apple computer Inc.; Age:44 Net worth:1.5 Billion Web:www.apple.com Best Line:It's not about money.It's about the people you have how you're led and how much you get it. 9.C. Michael Armstrong Telecom Titan AT&T CEO Age:61 Best Line:I'm proud of be a cable guy. 12.Craig Barrett CHip chief Intel Corp. president CEO and COO Age:60 Net worth:400 Million Best Line:The road to the Internet is paved with silicon. 13.Jerry Yang Yahoo!的老闆,在台灣出生,姓楊。 Keeper of the list Yahoo! Inc. Co-Founder and chief Yahoo Age:30 Net worth:3 Billion E-mail:[email protected] Best Line:On the outside,Yahoo is a fun and irreverent place,but on the inside we are extremely competitive. 17.Carly Fiorina 非常漂亮的惠普總裁 Markeover Artist Hewlett-Packard Co. president and CEO Age:45 Web:www.hp.com Best Line:My gender is interestin but really not the subject of the subject of the story here. 24.Jorma Ollia The wireless Wonder Nokia corp. Chairman and CEO Age:49 Best Line:We now see the emergence of the wireless information society. 27.Pokemon 皮卡丘 Game Craze du Jour Age:1 Net worth:5 Billion Web:www.pokemon.com Best Line:Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 50.Barbie 芭比娃娃 The Bit Girl Mattel Age:40 Net worth:1.9 Billion Web:www.mattel.com Best Line:You're so good at using computer. -- ╭═══╮╔═╗╔╗╭═══╮╔══╮╗ ║ ║║ ║║║║ ║║ ║║ ║ ═ ║║ ╚╝║║ ═ ║║ ║║ ║ ╔╗║║ ╔╗║║ ╔╗║║ ║ ║ ╚═╝╚╝╚═╝╚╝╚═╝╚╝╚═╰═╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: u860535.CHENG.ab.nthu.edu.tw