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※ 本文轉錄自 [Meto_e] 看板 發信人: "TQ" <ToweringQs AT adelphia.net>, 看板: Meto_e 標 題: Re: thermal lift 發信站: (Fri Oct 8 15:58:55 2004) 轉信站: itcz!news2.wam.umd.edu!ra.nrl.navy.mil!HSNX.atgi.net!headwall.stanford. Origin: "ekantian" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]... | i am searching for any studies / info on the variation of rising | versus sinking air & specifically the variation of the maximum rate of | rising air within convective thermals. | i am curious how this max lift rate changes with thermal size / total | thermal energy. are larger "spikes" due to smaller isolated and thus | more concentrated thermals? | as a glider pilot (desiring to gain max altitude), for instance, would | one prefer isolated thermal pockets of lift or broader areas of lift | that span more area? or would these offer the same statistical | expected maximum vertical speed rates? | thank you. "An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology" (Roland B. Stall - Kluwer Academic Publlishers) "What do Thermals Look Like" http://www.rc-soar.com/tech/thermals.htm -- TQ Start every day off with a smile and get it over with. - - - W. C. Fields - - -