精華區beta Transformers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《TX55 (金屬齒輪)》之銘言: : 部分版本有提出了些解釋: : 1. DW : [1] 部分壓縮理論 : 部分角色如太空列車與舷側在人型模式時,他們的有許多層高密度的裝甲層,當他 : 們變成比原來體積更大的載具時,這些裝甲層便會擴張,而形成更寬大的空間。 : [2] 質量轉換理論 : 主要指的是分子結構上的空間壓縮。像是聲波在變成錄音機的時候,身體會自動將 : 分子與分子間的空間壓縮,使體積縮小。但是這並非個人意識所能控制,也就是說 : 他無法像超人力霸王7那樣自由縮小或放大,而是在變成錄音機時候才會縮小。 : 2. IDW - 質量位移程序 : 以美加王為例,當他在變成手槍的縮小過程中,他會排除部分身體的質量以達到縮 : 小的目的。有玩家便提出了問題來,根據e=mc^2的定律看來,當他在縮小的時候勢 : 必會放出極大的能量,使他附近的人都會被高能量所傷。 : 此外,有玩家間為這種縮小放大現象私下做了解釋(也就是說非官方設定),提出了「 : 亞空間(Subspace)理論」。大意是說當身體縮小的時候,多餘的質量就存到亞空間中,不 : 過跟前面兩者比較起來有點超現實了些。 ^^;; 目前三種理論中比較常被玩家接受的為DW : 版的解釋。 : ps. 還有一件很難解釋的問題,「至尊變形之後,為何老是看不到他的貨櫃車?」XD 附上一些原始設定 SIZE/MASS CHANGE During conversion, many Cybertronians [see Cybertron: Inhabitants] are capable of shifting their size, growing larger or smaller to suit their mode. There are 2 primary methods by which this takes place: parts compression and mass conversion. Parts Compression Parts compression is the standard technique for Cybertronians who grow larger or smaller in their transformations. It's operation is relatively simple: in the smaller of the mechanoid's modes, the parts are designed to slide together in a tightly compressed fashion, filling in whatever space is available. This allows for the Cybertronian to have extra material physically stored within for use when converting to the larger mode. In that larger mode, the extra parts are shifted out, expanding their size considerably. This method does have its drawbacks, including the fact that the mechanoid in question often has weaker armor in the expanded mode. Also, this method is highly inefficient for extreme size changes. 簡單來說,在人型狀態時,變形金剛的部件會堆疊得較為緊密,彼此空間比載具模式 時來得小,這樣有助於在變成較大載具時有多餘質量可利用,但是問題是這樣變出來 的載具裝甲可能較弱,同時在過份巨大化時還是不夠用 (個人覺得電影採用這個設定,由Autobot降臨地球時的鐵球一顆,到複雜的細部零件 變形,都比較符合這個變換模式) Mass Conversion Mass conversion is the more complex of the 2 methods, and it represents a significant genetic difference in those who possess it. In their standard size (for example, robot mode),the basic atomic components of Cybertronians who utilize mass conversion are at rest. However, when called upon to convert into a larger or smaller mode, the very subatomic particles that compose them restructure themselves even as the being's body changes its physical configuration. Much like a Cybertronian's physical form can change its shape and properties, so can the atomic building blocks of those who possess mass conversion abilities. These particles are hardwired to reconfigure themselves according to a predetermined schematic, splitting up or combining to alter their own mass and density to match the needs of the mode in question. 這個就比上頭那個方法神多了 質量轉換牽涉到變形金剛的組成元素,在變大變小的過程中,構成身體的物質發生了 次原子層次的改變,我的解讀是可能是構成元素原子序的變換,使得同質量的物體,因 密度不同,而得以產生體積的極大變化,若以人型時為鐵元素來看,變成較大載具時可 能就換成了鈦或是鋁等輕元素,變成手提音響可能就成了鉑,金之類的重元素 (這個就真的很唬爛了,簡直是煉金術等級的唬爛了XD,而且缺點同上,如果Jazz某天 想變身成Omega Supreme,那最後可能會飄起來,因為構成元素變成氦原子了XDDD 同理,如果Optimus Prime要變手機,那可能最後會變成一顆中子星.......) 套句空想科學讀本的話,任意變大變小是很危險的!! 以上資料摘自設定集 Transformers : More Than Meets the Eye 這應該算官方設定了吧? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
TX55:這應該就是DW的設定~ ^^ 07/15 15:11
RickymarU:這也可以順便解釋 輻射能的問題吧 07/15 16:00