精華區beta WorldCup 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://mag.udn.com/mag/sports/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=259405 2014巴西世足 十大期許 【聯合晚報╱特約記者吳意政╱綜合報導】 南非世足賽在驚嘆聲中圓滿落幕,有鑑於這一個月來不論場內外均發生 許多值得討論及改進的話題,美國雅虎體育網特別列出2014年巴西世足賽的 十大期許,希望4年後球迷能欣賞到更有看頭的世足賽。 Ten things we’d like to see at World Cup 2014 By Ryan Bailey http://tinyurl.com/24yeqjw 1.更多超級球星的精湛演出 More superstar performances Some of the biggest names in football simply didn't turn up at this tournament. Predicted Golden Boot winner Leo Messi failed to find the net, new daddy Cristiano Ronaldo did little other than fumble a comedy goal during Portugal's North Korea walkover, and Wayne Rooney seemed to forget how to run, let alone kick a ball. The capitulation of the box office names may have allowed rising talents like Thomas Mueller to take center stage, but we hope the big stars shine the brightest in Brazil. 南非世足賽球迷有幸見到像斯內德(Wesley Sneijder)、佛蘭(Diego Forlan)、 穆勒(Thomas Muller)等原本不太被媒體注意的球員,展現一流球技, 但原本賽前最被看好的金靴獎得主,像C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo)、 魯尼(Wayne Rooney)與梅西(Leo Messi)等巨星的表現,卻令球迷大感失望。 這些巨星如能有正常演出,只會讓比賽更加精采,這也是這屆世足賽的最大遺憾。 2. 別再「嗚」個沒停了 A less annoying fan craze Traditionally, fans at World Cup tournaments find a way of making their presence known - Mexico '86 had the Mexican Wave, Argentina '78 saw an overzealous use of ticker tape, and South Africa's prevalent fan leitmotif has been the vuvuzela. An omnipresent irritation for TV viewers, and a deafening distraction for players, the plastic horn is a stalwart of African football culture that is in grave danger of spreading to the rest of the world. Let's hope fans in Brazil introduce a slightly less annoying novelty. Samba dancing and bikini street parades, anyone? 球迷熱情參與當然有其必要,但巫巫茲拉實在太吵,轉播單位、電視機前球迷 全都叫苦連天。期望巴西世足賽能不再見到這根長塑膠管的身影,以熱情有勁的 森巴舞曲、火辣的比基尼秀來取代,不是更好嗎? 3.少些空蕩蕩觀眾席 Less empty seats Yes, South Africa is a long haul flight away from Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia, but the amount of empty seats we have seen at stadiums during the tournament is unforgivable -- there were even a few going spare in the semis. Perhaps FIFA could have spent less time prosecuting attractive Dutch girls and more time investing some of the $3.3 billion profit it made from the tournament in putting butts on seats. 早在世足開踢前,售票就成為一大詬病,高額的票價完全不符合非洲民情。 此外,南非地處偏遠,加上治安問題,讓許多歐、美、亞、澳的觀光客卻步, 許多場比賽動輒數千位已購票球迷未入場看球,國際足總還為此展開特別調查。 準決賽時,觀眾席上依舊有區域空無一人。 4.馬拉度納(Diego Maradona)續集 More Maradona With his animated touchline antics, punishing training sessions, bizarre superstitions and inability to go five minutes without saying something outrageous, Diego Maradona was a constant source of amusement before his severe lack of tactical nous was finally exposed by Germany. He hasn't stopped crying since his return to Argentina, but hopefully he will be persuaded to stay on as coach for the tournament hosted by his nation's fierce rivals. If his entertainment value was matched by managerial skill, he would truly be the Jose Mourinho of the international stage. 勝過所有場內現役球星,老馬無疑是南非世足賽最具話題性之人物, 他的一舉手,一投足,全是媒體爭相報導的焦點。我們看到老馬留下了英雄淚, 但真的不希望他就此離開,何況下屆世足賽就在南美,更不可缺少這位阿根廷傳奇。 5.採用新科技輔助判決 The introduction of video technology After years of stoic resistance, FIFA have finally decided to consider implementing video technology, following numerous controversial incidents in South Africa. "It is obvious that after the experience so far in this World Cup it would be nonsense to not reopen the file of technology at the business meeting of the International FA Board in July," said Blatter following Frank Lampard's faux goal and Carlos Tevez's miles-offside strike against Mexico. It's likely the technology would simply be a camera in the goal, but it paves the way for more exciting rule changes, like a tennis-style system where teams could get three opportunities to call for replays of non-goal mouth incidents. Or robot referees. That would be sweet. 國際足總常年不肯引進新科技的堅持,終於在南非世足賽有所動搖, 整體來說,裁判在世足賽的表現不及格,希望巴西世足賽至少針對進球與否, 能採取輔助措施幫助裁判。 6.跟動物有關的,還是看動物星球頻道就好 Less psychic animals Paul the octopus, you may be a contender for Ruler of the Universe, but you've truly opened a psychic animal can of worms (pun intended). The first pretender to the throne was Mani the Parakeet, then came Pino the chimp and Apfelsin the Red River Hog. Lin Ping the psychic panda was the last straw of animal exploitation, apparently drawing out the prognosticating abilities of a species that is generally too lazy to even procreate. What started as a hilarious novelty turned into a shameless promotional exercise for zoos and aquariums across the world. 南非世足賽的最佳配角,非章魚哥保羅(Paul the octopus)莫屬, 若說保羅已取代「Zakumi」,成為正港吉祥物也不為過。但也因保羅太神, 引來其他所有天上飛的、路上爬的、海裡游的都想證明他們也有超能力, 世足賽變成動物大賞,焦點模糊。 另外,其它四點期許,雅虎體育網也以一群荷蘭辣妹因被懷疑替非國際足總 的正式贊助商打廣告,而被趕出球場為題,希望下屆有更多人來挑戰國際足總。 還有希望法國隊的內鬨鬧劇能繼續上演,及加強球場安全等。 最後雅虎期許巴西世足賽的冠軍賽能更加精采,西班牙與荷蘭的廝殺, 雖緊張刺激有餘,但精彩不足,特別是牌子實在太多了。 【2010/07/12 聯合晚報】 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 另外補充4點 7. More ambush marketing 8. More French mishaps 9. Better stadium security 10. A better final -- 每週好片推薦 2.失控的國家隊 上映時間:2010-06-18 本片根據多位法國當紅球星的暢銷自傳改編 劇情描述一支國家隊好不容易歷經千辛萬苦,終於打進世界盃的決賽圈 卻發現這只是另外一場混亂與災難的開始... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (07/12 19:04)
shter:佛蘭算是賽前不被媒體注意嗎? 07/12 19:11
affen:我寧願看章魚也不要看馬拉度納 07/12 19:12
bokunotameni:馬拉度納!!!! 老馬最高!!!! 07/12 19:13
sampsonlu919:佛蘭的確先前在台灣不紅 07/12 19:14
kiddno56979:Forlan聲望在開踢前大部分地區都遠遠不及 Messi Kaka 07/12 19:16
rufugy: 希望排名167名 的國家 可以用種子身份打16強~ 07/12 19:16
dynien: 然後被打爆嗎= = 07/12 19:21
Beowolves:沒那實力幹嘛去踢..想創丟臉紀錄嗎.. 07/12 19:25
freekicker7:Forlan Villa Robben>>in Taiwan>>Messi Ronaldo Kaka 07/12 19:25
shifa:我期待巴西的森巴球風回來 QwQ 07/12 19:34
leenle:4 年後 不就是都 3D 看球了嗎? 07/12 19:54
kiddno56979:你會期待4年後就每個人都看3D迷片嗎? 我想不會吧 07/12 19:55
Beowolves:希望荷蘭小組賽墊底出局 07/12 20:00
Toge:我只能推第六點了 07/12 20:05
maikxz:下屆之前 各聯賽版LFP FAPL etc SOCCER常駐100+ 07/12 20:06
freekicker7:下屆結束後 台灣PTT越位文減少至100- 07/12 20:11
sohate5566:會懷念Vuvuzela的南非世足足球場比賽現場轉播+1 07/12 20:43
roleset:今天還有人問誰是佛蘭 07/12 20:48
kennethnono:裁判牌子太多 也不看看是誰造成的 怪裁判喔 07/12 21:14
kisasei:Zakumi真的存在感很低耶 雖然我覺得還滿可愛的XD 07/12 21:46
kisasei:Vuvuzela很吵 可是我也滿想買一支的 07/12 21:47
burdette:森巴球風有沒有回來不重要 最重要的是要奪冠阿 07/12 22:57
skywingmac:在巴西的話阿根廷沒甚麼機會我想.... 07/13 03:22