精華區beta cat 關於我們 聯絡資訊
上個月在澳洲的RSPCA (皇家防止虐待動物協會)收養了一隻橘貓 這陣子做了很多養貓的功課, RSPCA也提供貓咪餵食指南,基本上跟板上的餵食觀念相差不大 這份指南是2015年修訂的,我簡單翻譯了一下,提供板上貓奴參考 What should I feed my cat? 我應該餵我的貓吃什麼? Cats are obligate or true carnivores, meaning that they need a source of animal protein to survive. In the wild, cats eat the carcases of the prey animals they catch which consist of raw meat, raw bones, organs, other tissue and digested vegetable matter. While cats are carnivores they do consume a small amount of the vegetable matter contained in the stomach and intestines of their prey. Cats have adapted over thousands of years to eat this type of diet. 貓是肉食性動物,這代表貓需要動物性蛋白質當營養來源。 在野外,貓吃他們獵捕來的獵物的肉,骨頭,器官還有其他組織。 雖然貓是肉食性動物,但他們也會攝取獵物腹中的殘存蔬果植物。 貓已用這樣的方式生活了數千年。 Basic cat feeding guide: 基本的餵食指南: 1. Talk to your veterinarian for advice 和你的動物醫生討論 2. Feed a high quality balanced premium commercial food that is appropriate for the life stage and health status of your cat. Check that it complies with the Australian Standard: Manufacturing and Marketing Pet Food: AS5812:2011 依造貓不同生命階段和健康狀態,選擇高品質的商業飼糧。 並且注意是否符合澳洲寵物食品製造與販售標準AS5812:2011 3. You can offer some natural foods to provide some variety 也可以餵貓吃一些天然的食物,增加貓食的多樣性 4. Natural foods include fresh raw meat (e.g. pieces of raw lamb, pieces of raw chicken) and raw meaty bones 天然的食物包括新鮮的生肉(像是生羊肉,生雞肉)還有生骨頭 5. First check that raw bones are suitable for your particular cat with your vet (some cats with misshapen jaws or dental disease may have difficulty chewing on raw bones or older cats may have difficulty) 首先,和你的動物醫生討論自家的貓是否能夠咬生骨頭, 因為某些貓有下顎或牙齒疾病,或是年紀太大,可能咬不動骨頭 6. Raw food offered to cats should always be fresh 應該要確保提供新鮮的生食 7. Choose human-grade raw meat and raw meaty bones because some pet meat/pet mince/pet rolls/pet meat and bone products can contain preservatives which can be detrimental to the cat's health (e.g. sulphite preservative induced thiamine deficiency which can be fatal) . However avoid sausages, sausage meat and cooked manufactured meats as they can contain sulphite preservatives. 選擇人類食材標準的生肉或生骨頭, 因為某些寵物生肉或生肉製品可能含有防腐劑,這會危害貓的健康 (例如亞硫酸鹽防腐劑會造成貓體內thiamine的流失,貓缺乏thiamine是致命的) 因此也避免餵食人類吃的香腸或任何加工食品。 8. Provide some moist foods in the diet regularly as this has been associated with greater urinary tract health e.g. wet can food, fresh raw lamb meat 定期地提供濕糧可以促進貓尿道的健康,濕糧包括貓商業罐頭,生肉等 9. Raw meaty bones provide several important health benefits. They help to keep teeth and gums healthy 讓貓吃生骨頭,對他們的健康是有益的。 尤其是維護他們牙齒與口腔的健康。 10. Suitable raw meaty bones include raw chicken necks, raw chicken wings, raw chicken drumsticks, raw lamb shanks 適合餵食的生骨頭包括生的雞脖子,生的雞翅,生的雞腿,生的羊小腿 11. Too many raw bones may lead to constipation. Generally 1-2 raw meaty bones may be provided per week with a few days in between each serving 但是若讓貓吃太多生骨頭,他們可能會便秘。 一般來說,每週餵食一到兩次(中間間隔幾天)比較適當。 12. The bone must be large enough so that the cat cannot fit the whole bone in its mouth or swallow the bone whole 生骨頭的大小必須要大到不會讓貓一口就吞下去 13. Always supervise cats when they eat raw bones 不要讓貓在沒有人監督的情況下吃生骨頭 14. Avoid large marrow bones, large knuckle bones or bones sawn lengthwise as cats may crack their teeth on these 避免提供大的生骨髓骨頭,或是大的關節骨頭給貓吃, 因為貓可能會太用力地咬,讓他們的牙齒碎裂 15. Never feed cooked bones as these may splinter and cause internal damage or become an intestinal obstruction 絕對不要餵食熟的骨頭,熟的骨頭可能會裂開, 在貓的胃食道,腸道造成阻塞 16. Fish, such as tinned sardines in springwater; tinned tuna and tinned salmon (care with any fish bones) can also be offered as a treat occasionally. Please avoid feeding fish constantly 魚底的罐頭可以當成零食,但不要當成主食天天餵食 17. Cooked meat such as boiled chicken may also be offered occasionally, please ensure there are no cooked bones, onions/onion sauces or other toxic substances present (see below) 也可以偶爾提供自製熟肉, 但要小心不要讓貓吃到熟的骨頭,洋蔥或含有洋蔥的湯汁, 或是其他對人類無毒但對貓咪有毒的食材 18. Cats may also be offered a small amount of vegetable matter 也可以提供貓咪吃蔬果 19. Provide cats with access to grass (avoid chemically treated grass and toxic plants) - they occasionally eat grass which may be a source of vegetable matter and micronutrients. Be aware that large amounts of certain types of 'cat grass' can cause hypervitaminosis D. 讓貓能夠接觸到無毒且無化學殘留的草地或植披, 這可以當作維他命或礦物質等微生物營養來源。 但要注意某些特定的”貓草”可能會造成貓體內維生素D過多 20. The amount of food required will depend on your cat's size and age, but you should take care not to overfeed or underfeed. Your vet will be able to weigh your cat, assess your cat's body condition score and provide advice 貓的餵食量跟他們的體重還有年紀有關。 可以和你的動物醫生討論,避免過多或過少的餵食。 21. Adult cats tend to prefer to eat several smaller meals throughout the day/night. They should ideally be offered food at least 3-4 times per day (eating smaller frequent meals has been associated with greater urinary tract health) 成貓傾向一餐少量但一日多餐。 最佳的餵食方式是一天餵食3-4次,這樣的餵食方式對他們的尿道健康也有幫助。 22. Please ensure clean fresh drinking water is available at all times 一定要讓貓無時無刻都能夠喝到乾淨的水 23. Do not feed the following (note this is not an exhaustive list ): onions, onion powder, garlic, chocolate, coffee or caffeine products, mouldy or spoiled foods or compost,bread dough, yeast dough, avocado, grapes, raisins, sultanas (including in Christmas cakes etc), currants, nuts including macadamia nuts, fruit stones (pits) e.g. mango seeds, apricot stones; fruit seeds, corncobs; tomatoes, mushrooms; fish constantly, cooked bones; small pieces of raw bone or fatty trimmings/fatty foods, salt. Also ensure your pet cat does not have access to string wrappings around rolled roasts or absorbent pads found under meat when wrapped on trays. 請不要餵食:鹽,洋蔥,大蒜,巧克力,咖啡或任何含有咖啡因的製品, 任何發酵製品,酪梨,葡萄,葡萄乾,堅果,水果的種子,番茄,蘑菇 煮過的骨頭或碎裂的生骨頭 含有太多脂肪的食物。還要確保貓咪不會誤食生肉的包裝紙。 (請注意這不是詳盡的清單) Article ID: 262 Last updated: 28 Oct, 2015 Revision: 15 Companion animals -> Cats -> Feeding -> What should I feed my cat? http://kb.rspca.org.au/entry/262/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/cat/M.1490436956.A.79C.html ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/cat/M.1490436956.A.79C.html
q06017: 讚03/25 18:51
xiuxinme: 最後一段 「煮過的骨頭」03/25 19:23
xiuxinme: 或「破碎的生骨頭」03/25 19:24
nocamera: 好文必推 感謝分享!03/25 22:14
※ 編輯: cherryiami (, 03/26/2017 01:03:02
chhwchinese: 推~ 03/26 11:55
coprophagia: https://goo.gl/I234Yy 03/26 21:24