精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
本文轉載需經原作者zzt同意 同樣也是cradle of filth的作品 講述東正教族長受邪惡誘惑 釋放出吸血鬼女伯爵與之為害人世的故事 冬之后,登基 Iniquitous 邪惡 I share Carmilla's mask 我分享了卡蜜拉的面具 A gaunt mephitic voyeur 一個憔悴帶有臭氣的窺淫者 On the black side of the glass 在玻璃的陰暗面 Peering through the mirror 透過鏡子偷窺 Deep dark and ominous 闇黑與不祥 Consorting themes, demons I weave 連成一致的主題,由我編織的惡魔 Subservience from thee to lost 汝服從於失落 I am Corinthian light 我是放蕩之光 A snake in flowers by night 夜裡花中之蛇 the last temptation of Christ 基督最後的誘惑 evil in mortal 致命的邪惡 Sharp-eyed, impassive whore 銳利眼神、沒有感覺的娼妓 Burn the asafoetida 燃燒止痙巒的橡樹脂 and rank petriachor 並欺瞞東正教的族長 Lure me panthered Faustia 引誘我,化作黑豹的精靈 With cunt and veiled womb 用她的陰部與遮掩住的子宮 To prowl thy inner sanctum walls 尋覓?內在的祕室之牆 In Tirgoviste to resume 在提爾郭維斯特中繼續 Control 控制 Seduction, my obsessive art 誘惑,我使人著迷的技巧 A pantheon of tragedies inscribed upon the stars 萬神殿的悲劇雕刻在星上 Like thistled ruin, garbed around thy heart 如化作灰燼的薊,環繞在你心房四周 Bacchanal Cinderella, desirious midnight passed 狂歡作樂的灰姑娘,渴望的午夜已過 Leaving thee as sacrifice asleep within my arms 將妳留作獻祭睡在我懷裡 'Midst dreams of robed redemption versed in sexual aftermath 穿著禮服的救贖典禮之夢中,精通了交媾的後果 When we ebb as tides together, carnal souls entwined 當我們歡愉後如潮水般退潮時,世俗的靈魂糾纏在一起 And orgasms expire, come puppet wires and the blind 當高潮終止,傀儡的金屬線與盲人到來 (Purge) (淨化咒) Fires work in me 火在我體內燃燒 A lithe supremacy 輕盈的至尊 I tear asunder heaven as I would all enemies 我將傀儡撕裂,如視之為敵 Impaler Lord 被刺穿的貴族 Flesh upon the sword 在劍上的肉 My lower lusts are sated, the greater herald war 我低下的慾望已滿足,首領已宣戰 I am thirst, spearheaded hunger 我何等飢渴 Sacrament and pain 聖禮與痛苦 Nails raked in savagery 遍佈的釘子 When the cruel Countessa came 當殘忍的伯爵夫人到來 Exalt! 歡呼吧! The Queen of death-white winter enthroned 屍白的冬之后登基了 Evil resplendent, in dusk red seething skies 邪惡變得燦爛,在暮紅中浸透天空 Foam-flecked nightmares drag a moon 如斑點狀泡沫的夢饜拖曳著月亮 Of Draconian design 出自德古拉的設計 A love that never dies 愛永不逝 Nefarious silhouettes to rise 極惡的剪影升起 When stars fall pale 當星光黯淡 And to drown back in Her eyes 溢滿她的雙眼 Is to madden ghosts within 將使裡面的鬼魂發狂 To unhinge a thousand sins 解下千罪之鏈 From Death's dark vale 從死神的黑暗之谷裡 "Blessed be these spells of winter 施予祝福於冬之咒 Unto us that wait with patience in 在耐心等待的我們身上 This secret garden 在這個秘密的花園中 To storm our way into another 摧毀了我們到別處的路 As yet undone" 至今為止已被破壞" (Surge) (奔騰嘶吼) Desert claims Eden 荒漠奪去伊甸園 And Hyperborean 與北方的淨土 Visions of Utopia are driven from the sun 烏托邦的視野脫離日光 Iconoclast 反對崇拜聖像者 Before thee angels clasped 在汝等天使前 In nakedness their ochre flesh 以赤裸的姿態勾住他們黃赭的肉體 Shall yield to thy advance 將屈服於汝之行進 She is all to me 她是我的全部 Mysterious, alive 神秘、現存的 The howling in the deep woods 在密林中的咆哮 When cold festal stars aligned 當寒日之星連成一線 A lurid moon looms; phosphorent, evil 火紅的月亮陰森地逼近;邪惡,發出螢光 Yesod vested in despotic upheaval 穿好衣服的耶索德在暴君的動亂中 Silvering wolves that scarlet forest snow 血紅林雪中的鈹銀之狼 Forgotten ones enter as above, so below 被遺忘的吸血鬼俯翼進入人世 The trees groan aghast as ghostly pallored clouds are rent 樹木驚懼地呻吟當鬼魂般蒼白的雲降臨 When the drunken earth heaves, sweep aside seas to ascend 當醺醉的大地嘔吐,以旁邊的海洋沖洗 From Sheol's dank haunted wilderness 從冥府潮濕的鬧鬼荒地 Thy seal upon Nuit's starry vault to incense the sleepers, dead 妳在努特神的天頂所結的圖章向沉睡的死者焚香 Queen of Winter, throned 冬之后,登基 The murderess lurked in vulgar caresses 女殺手潛伏在下流的愛撫中 Vestal masturbation 處女的手淫 (Purity) Overthrown 純潔已被推翻 Darkness 黑暗 In raven feathered dress 以烏鴉羽毛的裝扮 Sides with Death at chess 與死神站在棋亦的同側 Their pawns are many and the enemy 祂們以人類與敵人賭注 Powerless 無力的 When the miscreants fell dead 當賭徒死去 She took to conjuring spells in the cusp of the night 她便用作夜晚的魔法符咒 And the bestial floor shook with terrible life 野獸般的地面隨著可怕生物震動著 I rise before thee Queen 我重現皇后面前 To feed our lusts on the blood of the weak 以餵食我們對弱者之血的淫慾 To rule heaven and worlds crawling beneath 統治天國與在底下蠕動的俗世 Satanic Tyranny 撒旦般的暴政 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: