精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Bale透過律師發表聲明 http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20213954,00.html 然後Bale的母親說他們並沒有報警 ”Yes I was there and yes there was a family situation but the police are handling it and I cannot say any more at the moment. We didn't call the police to the scene. I can't say any more but we didn't call the police.” 姐姐說是"It's a family matter" 但是Bale ”Christian Bale attended a London police station today, on a voluntary basis, in order to assist with an allegation that had been made against him to the police by his mother and sister. Mr Bale who denies the allegation, co-operated throughout, gave his account in full of the events in question, and has left the station without any charge being made against him by the police. At this time, there will be no further comment by Mr. Bale." 如果真的是家庭事件幹嘛等了一天特地到首映前一天報警 且去Hampshire 警局而不是就近在倫敦警局報案 媒體用長久以來的家庭不和來形容這次的事件 然後英國媒體Daily Mail報導: "母親Jenny 先侮辱他和他的妻子,令已飽受工作壓力的他忍無可忍破口大罵 但在過程中,他絕對沒有出手,更沒有威嚇會使用暴力" [via] http://batfamily.com/ 最後是一張改圖 http://flickr.com/photos/alljerry04/2696138566/ 星期四是巴塞隆納首映禮 -- He HA HA HA HA HAHAHA | | AHAHAH Why So Serious? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH You're Just A Freak, Like Me! HAHAHAHAHAHAH There's a Batman, woo he wanna play. come on! I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? THE DARK KNIGHT http://www.thedarkknight.com 08.07.17 (18) Taiwan (US) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
poloball:可以不要貼這種文嗎? 這不是八卦版 07/23 23:25
beckseaton:人紅是非多 要是不紅媒體才懶的報 07/23 23:25
Verlander35:I Believe In Christian Bale!!! XDDDDDD 07/23 23:26
alljerry04:poloball那五分鐘後我就刪文吧 07/23 23:26
beckseaton:不用刪吧 這是跟演員有關而且大家都想知道 07/23 23:27
leemt:I Believe In Christian Bale!!! 07/23 23:28
※ 編輯: alljerry04 來自: (07/23 23:28)
alljerry04:所以要不要刪 囧 07/23 23:29
zyxel:刪吧 好萊屋幾乎每個演員都有負面新聞 07/23 23:30
Verlander35:不用啦 反正不妥板主會自動刪XD 07/23 23:30
lpb:I Believe In Christian Bale!! 07/23 23:30
TheRoots:一樓的這關於電影明星的新聞為何要刪?? 07/23 23:30
TheRoots:熱心的板友提供最新消息還這樣...唉 07/23 23:31
northcloud:I Believe In Christian Bale!!! 07/23 23:31
wcc960:貝爾家人出面了:Why so serious? 07/23 23:32
a111156987:不要刪啦 不然只留前面幾篇誤會會更大吧 07/23 23:32
alljerry04:樓上 你的帳號我剛剛看開頭以為是我XD 07/23 23:32
Clovershine:poor Bale......有這種家人真叫人難過 07/23 23:33
wcc960:X檔案(本週末上映)宣傳部門:It's all part of plan.... 07/23 23:34
Ieatta:I Believe In Christian Bale!!! 那張很棒 XDDDD 07/23 23:35
a111156987:我也看錯你的帳號過XDDD 07/23 23:36
alljerry04:你的是1還是L?XD 07/23 23:36
HysTakuya:不刪+1 07/23 23:36
a111156987:我是數字 不過看起來都一樣 07/23 23:37
alljerry04:我是L 看起來的好像XD 07/23 23:37
MewGirl:這也是演員人生中的一部分啊... 07/23 23:37
seagraywhale:不要刪啦....前面的文章光看是要毀了貝爾嗎...... 07/23 23:42
northcloud:不刪+1 07/23 23:43
mrnoone:劃清誤會很好阿 台灣的新聞報的似乎有點誇張 07/23 23:47
dennis331533:台灣的新聞哪一天不渲染?? 07/23 23:53
ttecat:msn改成"果然是黑鍋騎士" XD Bale~秀秀 i believe in u 2 07/23 23:54
dennis331533:還詛咒哩 真佩服那記者.... 07/23 23:54
Defne:請不要刪!大大~ 07/23 23:54
alljerry04:台港法都有渲染XD 07/23 23:54
ttecat:台媒基本上是東抄一點西抄一些外電再自己加料的版本 07/23 23:59
andypaul:感謝分享 07/24 00:09
Riolove:I believe in Christian Bale    灰姑娘克莉絲汀貝兒 07/24 00:14
clover32:灰姑娘克莉絲汀貝兒 XD 07/24 00:17
raul7777777:I believe in Christian Bale 謝謝分享 07/24 00:20
wpt01:還蠻關心這件事的+1 07/24 02:00
vodkaice:I believe in Christian Bale! 07/24 02:00
KayyaK:I believe in Christian Bale! 07/24 02:20
greety:謝謝你的詳細整理!!! 07/24 07:47
greety:I believe in Christian Bale! 07/24 07:47
Nilthoron:I believe in Christian Bale! 07/24 08:36
a111156987:I believe in Christian Bale 07/24 08:57
piichan:I believe in Christian Bale 07/24 12:06
smokeblue:I believe in Christian Bale! 07/24 12:11
dontalubame:I believe in Christian Bale 07/24 12:18
gwcatgwcat:I believe in Christian Bale 不要刪啊 07/24 13:13
Misscinnamon:貝兒是最特別的Betman...尤其他眼睛很漂亮... 07/24 16:05
aerosnith:I Believe In Christian Bale!! 07/24 17:59
miyeon:I Believe In Christian Bale!!! 07/24 20:48
nsmmsn: I believe in Christian Bale! 07/25 01:38