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以下原文在 james-camerons-avatar.wikia.com Unobtainium is a highly valuable mineral found on the moon Pandora which humans mine to save the earth from its energy crisis. “難得素”是在潘朵拉衛星上的一種高價值礦物,人類藉開採“難得素”來因應地球上的 能源危機(譯注:約2150年左右) Origin: Researchers believe that billions of years ago, a Mars-sized planet crashed into the still-molten Pandora. “難得素”的起源:科學家相信“難得素”是數十億年前,一個火星大小的(小)行星撞擊 當是尚未固化的潘朵拉星時所形成 The Hallelujah Mountains, a rich area of Unobtainium.It is a room temperature super-conductor for energy, which makes it very valuable: it's worth $20 Million per kilogram on Earth. However, It is vastly expensive to mine on Pandora since humans are unable to breathe in the Pandoran atmosphere. Because of this, all personnel are required to wear a mask and it is very cumbersome. Humans transport Unobtainium on trucks called Hell Trucks from the mines back to Hell's Gate. “哈雷路亞”山脈蘊藏有豐富的“難得素”。 “難得素”在室溫下即有超導特性,因此 在地球上的價值每公斤可高達兩千萬元。不過“難得素”非常難以開採,因為潘朵拉星的 大氣並不適於人類生存,人員必須穿戴面罩才能在室外工作。將“難得素”運回”地獄門 ”的載具稱為”地獄卡車” Unobtainium has a unique magnetic field and properties of superconductivity, causing it to levitate. On Pandora, the magnetic effect causes huge outcroppings of Unobtainium to rip loose from the surface and float in the magnetic vortexes. These huge islands, named Hallelujah Mountains by Earth's explorers, are called Thundering Rocks by the Pandorans, who hold them sacred. “難得素”具有特殊的介磁特性與超導效能,因此能對抗重力懸浮。在潘朵拉星上,富含 “難得素”的大塊原礦露頭可藉由磁感應力在磁場中騰空懸浮(譯注:F_m=I cross B,假 設真有這種物質,可以讓大電流在礦石內持續迴轉,也必須要有強大且方向特定的磁場才 能漂浮;片中公司經理桌上的“難得素”石是飄浮在”台座”上的)。這些位在人稱“哈 雷路亞”山脈的巨大空中浮島,被那米人視為聖物,稱之為”雷石”。 The unique magnetic properties of Unobtainium are used to contain and direct the energy of the matter-antimatter annihilation which propels ships like ISV Venture Star. Without Unobtanium, interstellar commerce on this scale would not be possible. Unobtanium is not only the key to Earth’s energy needs in the 22nd century, but it is the enabler of interstellar travel and the establishment of a truly spacefaring civilization. Making a feed back loop, the more Unobtainium is mined, the more ships can be built, and more mining equipment can be sent to Pandora . “難得素”的磁特性可用在儲存與傳導由物質-反物質消滅引擎所產生的能量。ISV冒險星 號(ISV Venture Star)上就是利用該引擎作為星際旅行的動力。若無法取得“難得素”, 大規模的星際旅行與貿易將無法實現。“難得素”不僅僅是解決地球22世紀能源危機的關 鍵,也是實現星際旅行與建立太空殖民文明的必要礦藏。若能開採更多的“難得素”,便 能建造更多的採礦船到潘朵拉星。 問題: 地球人不會到“哈雷路亞”山把”浮石”炸碎,拖回來就好,為甚麼要到原住民家 裡,挖人家的”地基主”? 心得: “難得素”這麼好用,那潘朵拉的覆滅就是不可避免的。It’s just a matter of time.,除非人類重蹈復活節島的覆輒,沒把最後剩下來的幾顆樹(“難得素”)作成逃 生艇。人類只會帶著更多的海陸或者是更致命的武器回來的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
harlemfans:在室溫就有超導特性 比高溫超導體還猛 12/22 17:50
harlemfans:搬回地球大家都能變magneto 12/22 17:57
treker:拉比達那顆飛行石原來是潘朵拉來的 XD 12/22 19:06
taiwan81903: 突然想不起來...那句毀滅咒語... 12/22 19:10
moonlitnight:紮給魯! 12/22 19:41
ttk620:巴魯斯! 12/22 22:40
ellinas:我就想應該只有常溫超導有辦法值這麼多錢 12/27 16:25