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Electrical Shock Race Foster, DVM Marty Smith, DVM Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc. Puppies, by nature, like to chew on objects. Unfortunately, many households have a number of electrical cords which may be readily accessible to chewing pets. If a puppy chews a cord that is connected to an electrical socket, the puppy may receive a severe electrical shock. What are the symptoms? If a puppy chews through the rubber coating of an electrical cord, it will receive a severe shock as its teeth come in contact with the inner wires. The dog will cry out when it becomes 'shocked.' Additionally, the mouth may have received a severe burn, especially the roof and tongue areas. Following the burn, the affected areas will become red and irritated. This may take several days as the burned tissue dies and is sloughed off. In more severe instances the electrical current may travel into the dog's body and cause damage to the lungs as well. The damaged lungs generally fill with fluid (edema) within several days following the electrical shock. Puppies with damaged lungs from an electrical shock will have a difficult time breathing and may die if left untreated. What are the risks? Electrical shocks are always unpleasant and potentially life threatening. Any puppy receiving a shock should be monitored closely for several days for signs of burning and/or lung damage. What is the management? Prevention is the best. If possible, do not leave cords exposed. Encase cords in plastic tubing (PVC pipe) when possible. There are 'pet proof' cords available which will protect the puppy from shock if the puppy does chew the cord. Additionally, bitter substances such as Chew Stop and Bitter Apple can be sprayed on cords to discourage chewing. Unplug all accessible cords if the puppy is left unsupervised (we recommend puppies be confined in a crate if they are not under direct supervision). Summary Puppies that have received a shock must be monitored closely. Various medications are available to veterinarians to help manage lung and burn damage if present. In all cases of suspected electrical shock, consult your veterinarian. Proper management will be determined by the extent or severity of the shock. The authors would like to mention that children are also at risk of electrical shock from chewing electrical cords. Reference: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=2&cat=1677&articleid=275 另一篇 臨床症狀: a) 急性的呼吸困難伴有溼性囉音。 b) 肌肉僵直。 c) 失去意識。 d) 局部的組織壞死(尤其在口腔部位)。 e) 可能發生心律不整。 f) 可能有蛋白尿。 治療: 1.治療休克,如果呼吸心跳停止,則開始CPR。 2.給予100%氧氣。 3.改善肺水腫。 4.給予抗生素。 監測: 1.胸腔放射線檢察。 2.監測心電圖。 所以最好還是帶去獸醫院。 至於CPR的方法,我之前有po過,不過我還是把它放在下面。 黃色部分表示可能礙於器材或是技術層面的限制。 原則上還是立即送往獸醫院為主,在過程中,飼主可自行斟酌給予動物救助。 A 暢通呼吸道: 1.伸長頸部,拉出舌頭。 2.清除分泌物或是嘔吐物。 3.氣管插管。 4.無氣管插管時: a)其他方法: (1)面罩。 (2)手圈住口鼻,封住嘴部,由鼻孔吹氣入肺。 b)注意事項:避免快速高壓送入氣體,以防止胃部鼓脹,導致嘔吐。 5.異物阻塞上呼吸道: a)排除法:由腹部猛烈向前推擠橫膈4~6下。 b)2~3min無法移除時: (1)施行氣管切開術。 (2)16~18G套管針針頭經皮刺入軟骨環間,提供高流量氧氣。 B 回復呼吸: 1.若仍無呼吸,則先給兩口長1~1.5秒的空氣以刺激呼吸。 2.人工呼吸: a)速率:每分鐘25~35次。 b)長度:吸氣呼氣各半。 c)潮氣容量:10~15ml/KG。 3.氧氣來源包括: a)純氧:是最好的選擇。 b)空氣:氧僅占21%。 c)人嘴吹出氣體中氧占:16%。 4.針刺:人中與山根穴可刺激呼吸。 C 建立循環: 1.胸外按摩術: a)體位與按摩處: (1) 小於7kg採側躺,按摩第3~6肋骨間,胸腔下1/3處。 (2) 大於7kg採背側躺,按摩胸骨後1/3處。 b)按摩速率:每分鐘80~120下(與人工呼吸速率配合約3:1)。 c)按摩方式:採快而短的按摩,使胸腔直徑縮小25~30%。 d)增加回心血流的方法: (1)間斷性按壓腹部:與按摩心臟交替進行。 (2)加壓包裹後肢及下腹部。 (3)提高後肢(但能以方便CPR操作為主)。 2.胸內按摩術: a)適用時機: (1)胸外按摩椅進行2~20min,仍無心跳時。 (2)超過20kg的狗可考慮直接採用。 (3)存在會令胸外按摩成效不彰的情況: (a)氣胸。 (b)血胸。 (c)心包囊積液。 (d)橫膈赫尼亞。 (e)過度肥胖。 (f)嚴重低血量造成之心跳停止。 b)切開部位:左側第五肋間,心包囊的心尖部位及心包橫膈韌帶。 c)按摩速率:每分鐘80~120下。 d)按摩方式: (1)雙手或單手握住心臟,手指均勻放置在左右心室。 (2)指腹或手掌按摩。(不要以指尖按摩)。 (3)壓力由心尖至心底施予。 (4)不可旋轉心臟而阻礙血流。 e)增加腦部血流的方法:壓迫下行主動脈。 3.有效之按摩:已能產生股動脈搏為目標,按摩之位置,力道,速率可自行調整。 獸醫處置的部分,在此不熬述。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: