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http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ology&article_id=3399225 關於Sue Rynski 的一些簡介,我在下面有貼上兩篇文章, 日文那篇是來自Jun Takahashi的介紹, 英文那篇是來自網站的簡介,Sue Rynski 是個藝術家, 應該說是攝影家,會接觸到她也是因為Zamiang辦的展覽, 對於被高橋 盾先生所認同的人我都有一種希望多去了解的想法, 之前已經介紹過Anne-Valerie Dupond,那當然還有Madsaki先生還沒介紹, 回到本文,由於她的作品被高橋 盾先生所認同, 所以才會有這個展覽合作的機會, 在展出的時候其實並沒有造成太大的迴響,看的人也多是抱著好奇的心態, 但對於Sue Rynski 卻是很陌生的,那次展覽也發售了聯名短T, SUE RYNSKI X HYSTERIC X ZAMIANG紀念限定款式, T上印製的圖像作品是Sue Rynski 的得意之作, 背後還有這次展出的紀念字樣,這款T在當時也沒有達成開幕完售的目標, 但現在要買也是買不到了^^,Sue Rynski 的作品其實受搖滾的影響很深, 與高橋 盾的龐克搖滾有另一種火花, 那不曉得有多少人看過Sue Rynski 的作品,除了這些介紹之外, 或許你也有不同的感受摟^^ 1.日文簡介貼不上來 2. Photographer Sue Rynski is a cult figure of the pre-punk/punk rock scene, which she documented during 1977-82 in Detroit. Trained in Paris, at Rhode Island School of Design, and at University of Michigan, she found artistic inspiration in the re-emergence of powerful, original rock music. The transfer of energy from performer to photographer is evident in her work, which captures movement and emotion live and up close. Rynski was chief photographer for the legendary White Noise magazine, Paul Zimmerman and Jerry "Vile" Peterson's first Detroit publication. Her photos also appeared in the local, national, and international music and mainstream press, as well as being in demand by the bands. She was nominated for Best Photographer in the first Michigan Rock Awards. In 1983-84, she briefly took the stage herself as lead singer of psychedelic pop rock band Batteur Attaque. She believes that music is a precious cultural and artistic heritage, especially Detroit's original music. Her photo archives preserve a highly creative era in rock history. Artists photographed include Detroit's own as well as the other well known U.S. and British bands of the period. A selection from Sue Rynski's archives is exhibited at Detroit's cpop gallery. Collector, dealer, curator, publisher and historian enquiries welcome. Email Sue Rynski:[email protected] -- O'logy designed by swama07 奧樂奇股份有限公司 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ology -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: