精華區beta sttmountain 關於我們 聯絡資訊
作者: etch (蒼鷹) 站內: MountClub 標題: 吉爾吉斯搜救隊報告 時間: Fri Sep 15 08:56:52 2000 Description: Rescue, transportation, formalities, ritual services for remains of Mr. Jackson (USA) and Mr. Wang (Taiwan) by the leader of rescue team. The accident took place in Kyrgyz Republic (CIS) on Terskey Alatoo range (Southern side of Issyk - Kul lake) in Karakol valley. The name of the peak is Slonenok 4726 m. ("Elephant" in English) on August 29. According to Russian rating it was 3B, classical route. Information of two expedition members (UIAA) perishing and an order for realization of rescue and transportation works was received by "Tien Shan RTM" through morning radio connection at 8:00 am on 31.09.00. The order was made from the expedition leader Victor Grischenko. The same day rescue team was completed and also the helicopter was ordered for the flight to Karakol. Until 5 P.M. there was no permission for the flight because of weather reason. At 5 p.m. the helicopter left airport "Manas" to bring the rescue team which took the helicopter in the city landing at the old airport. On the way to Issykul lake the helicopter flew round the thunder front under the Boom valley and had to land because of weather reason in Cholpon - Ata city. Next morning (01.09.00) at 7:00 a.m. the helicopter left Cholpon - Ata for Karakol city where it got additional fuel and then it took off to Karakol valley. The first landing in Karakol valley was made at Base Camp (the camp was located at the place under the name Kok-Bor). After some consulting of bodies location the helicopter took the expedition leader Mr. Grischenko and followed to the place of accident. After exploration flight of Slonenok Peak the helicopter landed on the glacier approximately 1000 meters off the place of falling down at the altitude 3800 meters above sea level to get off the rescue team then it flew back to the base camp. The bodies were snowed and above the snow only part of rucksack is visible. After some searching the bodies were found and dig off the snow. Group started to prepare the bodies for transportation. Both of them were close to each other wrap with ropes which were used for climbing. The bodies of Mr. Jackson and Mr. Wang were delivered to the the place of landing the helicopter by drag inside of special packed bags. For landing the helicopter on the glacier special place were prepared. In 2 hours and 45 minutes after the set down the team the bodies were put into the helicopter. There were made detail flied down of the mountain to find out the exact route of ascend and falling down the mountaineers, make some pictures and try to get the reason of falling. As we could get from our observation of the route the group got ascend on icefall on "Metalurg" pass (located between Slonenok and Karakolsky Peaks) and then on the Western ridge started to ascend Slonenok peak. Approximately until the middle of the ridge there were visible fresh footprints. Closer to the summit footprints were also visible but not so good. Most likely those footprints belonged to another group which took ascend the same Peak but much earlier. On the middle of the ridge on snow-ice slope we could see two clear tracks similar to the bodies falling. Tracks were located about 20 meters each other. Character peculiarity of tracks were that lower track was much deeper and longer than upper one. We can make a conclusion that the first fell down the mountaineer who was lower and who pulled off the upper one at the moment of falling. By landing in Bishkek the helicopter was met with special car for transfer the bodies to morgue. Komissarov Vladimir. Director _______________________________________________ This message was sent by ITMC 1A, Molodaia Gvardia Street, Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720010, CIS Tel. +996 312 651404, 651221 Fax. +996 312 650747 E-mail: [email protected] http://itmc.extremezone.ru http://www.geocities.com/tienshan.geo/ http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Slope/6009/ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: zippy (山丘) 站內: MountClub 標題: [中]吉爾吉斯搜救隊報告 時間: Fri Sep 15 19:09:22 2000 > 作者: etch (蒼鷹) 站內: MountClub > 標題: 吉爾吉斯搜救隊報告 > 時間: Fri Sep 15 08:56:52 2000 > > Description: Rescue, transportation, formalities, ritual services for > remains of Mr. Jackson (USA) and Mr. Wang (Taiwan) by the leader of > rescue team. 說明: 關於Jackson先生(美)及王先生(台)遺體的搜救,運送,喪葬典禮等說明 筆者為搜救隊領隊 > The accident took place in Kyrgyz Republic (CIS) on > Terskey Alatoo range (Southern side of Issyk - Kul lake) in Karakol > valley. The name of the peak is Slonenok 4726 m. ("Elephant" in > English) on August 29. According to Russian rating it was 3B, > classical route. 事件發生在八月二十九號,於吉爾吉斯共和國的Terskey Alatoo地區 (在伊息庫爾湖南方)的Karakol山谷.這座山峰名為 Slonenok (4726m, 其意為'大象').在俄國的難度屬於3B等級,一條典型的路線. > Information of two expedition members (UIAA) > perishing and an order for realization of rescue and transportation > works was received by "Tien Shan RTM" through morning radio connection > at 8:00 am on 31.09.00. The order was made from the expedition leader > Victor Grischenko. The same day rescue team was completed and also the > helicopter was ordered for the flight to Karakol. 兩位UIAA探險隊員遇難的消息在九月三十一日早上八點,由探險隊領隊 Victor Grischenko發出,被 '天山RTM' 接收到.當天便已組織好搜救隊並訂好 飛往 Karakol 的直昇機. > Until 5 P.M. there > was no permission for the flight because of weather reason. At 5 p.m. > the helicopter left airport "Manas" to bring the rescue team which > took the helicopter in the city landing at the old airport. On the way > to Issykul lake the helicopter flew round the thunder front under the > Boom valley and had to land because of weather reason in Cholpon - Ata > city. 由於天候因素,直到當天下午5點直昇機才允許出發,由 "Manas" 機場 到當地的舊機場接搜救隊.往伊息庫爾湖的途中,直昇機頂著雷電飛行於 'Boom' 山谷,且不得不因為天氣因素降落在 'Cholpon - Ata'城. > Next morning (01.09.00) at 7:00 a.m. the helicopter left Cholpon > - Ata for Karakol city where it got additional fuel and then it took > off to Karakol valley. The first landing in Karakol valley was made at > Base Camp (the camp was located at the place under the name Kok-Bor). > After some consulting of bodies location the helicopter took the > expedition leader Mr. Grischenko and followed to the place of > accident. 次日早晨(九月一日)早上七點,直昇機離開'Cholpon - Ata'城,經'Karakol' 城並補充油料,續飛往 'Karakol' 山谷. 首次降落於 BC (位於Kok-Bor下方), 經過一些討論並確認遺體位置後,接起探險隊隊長Mr. Grischenko 飛往 出事地點. > After exploration flight of Slonenok Peak the helicopter > landed on the glacier approximately 1000 meters off the place of > falling down at the altitude 3800 meters above sea level to get off > the rescue team then it flew back to the base camp. The bodies were > snowed and above the snow only part of rucksack is visible. After some > searching the bodies were found and dig off the snow. Group started to > prepare the bodies for transportation. Both of them were close to each > other wrap with ropes which were used for climbing. 在熟悉Slonenok Peak 附近地形後,直昇機降落在約墜落地點的下方 約一千公尺處(海拔3800m),讓搜救隊下機之後便返回基地營.遺體已 被雪覆蓋止可見到部分的登山背包露出.經過片刻的搜尋,找出遺體並 挖掘出來.搜救隊並開始準備遺體的運送準備.兩具遺體的墜落地點 很接近且都被攀登主繩纏繞著. > The bodies of Mr. > Jackson and Mr. Wang were delivered to the the place of landing the > helicopter by drag inside of special packed bags. For landing the > helicopter on the glacier special place were prepared. In 2 hours and > 45 minutes after the set down the team the bodies were put into the > helicopter. There were made detail flied down of the mountain to find > out the exact route of ascend and falling down the mountaineers, make > some pictures and try to get the reason of falling. As we could get > from our observation of the route the group got ascend on icefall on > "Metalurg" pass (located between Slonenok and Karakolsky Peaks) and > then on the Western ridge started to ascend Slonenok peak. 傑克生先生及王先生的遺體在特製的袋子中被拖送到可供直昇機 降落地點.為了使直昇機得以降落,共花費二小時四十五分完成緩坡 及將遺體送上機的準備.我們詳盡的記載出事地點且拍下他們的攀登 路線及墜落地點,試著了解何以墜落.由我們的觀察可得,他們的攀登 路線由 "Metalurg" 冰瀑起攀(位於Slonenok 及 Karakolsky峰之間 ),接著 往Slonenok西稜上攀. > Approximately until the middle of the ridge there were visible fresh > footprints. Closer to the summit footprints were also visible but not > so good. Most likely those footprints belonged to another group which > took ascend the same Peak but much earlier. On the middle of the ridge > on snow-ice slope we could see two clear tracks similar to the bodies > falling. Tracks were located about 20 meters each other. Character > peculiarity of tracks were that lower track was much deeper and longer > than upper one. We can make a conclusion that the first fell down the > mountaineer who was lower and who pulled off the upper one at the > moment of falling. 大約在稜線中段之前,有留下的清楚的足跡.接近頂點處也留有一些 不甚清晰的腳印,可能是另一個早先的隊伍在攀登時所留下.在稜線 中段的冰雪坡,可以見到兩道清晰的類似兩位受難者的墜落痕跡.兩道 痕跡間距約為二十公尺.由這兩道痕跡的特徵來看,位於下方的痕跡 較另一條清晰且深.我們可以由此推斷首先墜落的是位於下方的隊員, 接著將另一位隊員一同拉下. > By landing in Bishkek the helicopter was met with > special car for transfer the bodies to morgue. > > Komissarov Vladimir. > Director > _______________________________________________ 直昇機降落在Bishkek後,由特別的車輛載送遺體至停屍間. > This message was sent by ITMC > 1A, Molodaia Gvardia Street, > Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720010, CIS > Tel. +996 312 651404, 651221 > Fax. +996 312 650747 > > E-mail: [email protected] > http://itmc.extremezone.ru > http://www.geocities.com/tienshan.geo/ > http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Slope/6009/ -- 不要用"具" -- ※ Origin: 楓橋驛站<bbs.cs.nthu.edu.tw> ◆ From: as3po5.hc.ficnet.net.tw ※ X-Info: redhair -> [email protected] ※ X-Sign: 0SSB6NOR1Bc0H2Kw3AiM (00/09/18 12:32:56 ) -- Origin:《 成大計中 BBS 站 》[bbs.ncku.edu.tw] 來源:[beethoven.ee.ncku.edu.tw]