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QuickTime Alternative 1.22 QuickTimeAlternative讓您不用安裝QuickTime就可以播放其相關多媒體檔!它內建強大的 多媒體播放程式「MediaPlayerClassic」,支援副檔名:*.mov、*.qt.... QuickTime Alternative will allow you to play QuickTime files (.mov, .qt and oth er extensions) without having to install the official QuickTime Player. As a bo nus, Internet Explorer will play all QuickTime movies that are embedded in a we bpage. You do need a media player that is capable of playing QuickTime files. T he included Media Player Classic supports it and works very well. The QuickTime Browser plugin supports Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape and Mozilla. The Qu ickTime plugins include iPIX and QuickTimeVR. download: http://ftp.nctu.edu.tw/ftp/Vendors/Softking/soft/en/q/quicktimealt122.exe http://ftp.isu.edu.tw/Windows/softking/soft/en/q/quicktimealt122.exe ftp://ftp.nctu.edu.tw/Vendors/Softking/soft/en/q/quicktimealt122.exe ftp://ftp.isu.edu.tw/Windows/softking/soft/en/q/quicktimealt122.exe -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: