看板 Accounting 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《aaaaaakoyasu (quite busy)》之銘言: : sorry, no idea if i'm in the right board... : got a question about net operating losses (NOL). : Gus, who is married and files a joint return, owns a grocery store. : In 2008, his gross sales were $276,000, and operating expenses were $320,000. : Other items on his 2008 return were as follows: : nonbusiness capital gains (short term) $20,000 : nonbusiness capital losses (long term) 9,000 : itemized deductions (no casualty or theft) 18,000 : ordinary nonbusiness income 8,000 : salary from part-time job 10,000 : During the year 2006, Gus had no taxable income. In 2007, Gus had taxable : income of $22,300 computed as follows: : net business income $60,000 : interest income 2,000 : _________ : adjusted gross income $62,000 : less: itemized deductions : charitable contributions of $40,000, : limited to 50% of AGI $31,000 : medical expenses of $6,550, : limited to the amount of 7.5% of AGI 1,900 : ________ : total itemized deductions (32,900) : exemptions (2 x $3,400) (6,800) : _________ : taxable income $22,300 : ========= : a. What is Gus's 2008 NOL? : b. Determine Gus's recomputed taxable income for 2007. : c. Determine the amount of Gus's 2008 NOL to be carried forward to 2009. 第一題其實很簡單:就276,000-320,000=(44,000)而已。 簡單地說,operating income就是business income,反之operating loss就是 business loss。salary from part-time job也不是operating income,所以不 能算進去。要了解那個是那個,最快的方法就是找form 1040出來看,多看幾次 就會了。 第二題有點缺陷,因為NOL要不要carryback是可以由納稅人選擇的。假定要carryback ,因為原本的net business income都被抵了,還剩下17,000的operating income。 因此AGI就變成18,000。而再扣除列舉扣除額和免稅額,就是 18,000-50%*40,000-(6,500-7.5%*18,000)-3,400*2<0 所以taxable income為零。 第三題也很簡單,也有點缺陷。假定所有NOL都在2007年carryback了,最大可以 carryforward的金額為零。如果沒有carryback,最大可以carryback的金額是 44,000。 ※ 編輯: rocknieh 來自: (04/01 01:12) ※ 編輯: rocknieh 來自: (04/01 01:18)