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※ 引述《roron (r~r~r)》之銘言: : → katherienven:幾個月前收到某個Journal寄來的report 說明過去一年 10/13 12:20 : → katherienven:有那些國家的人投了那本Journal 台灣的部分 被標示為 10/13 12:22 : → katherienven:Taiwan, China 寄信給Editor-in-Chief 他說這是 10/13 12:25 : → katherienven:Scholar One Manuscript Central 產生的 請我直接跟 10/13 12:25 : → katherienven:Scholar One反應 他還說IEEE Transactions都是用這 10/13 12:26 : → katherienven:個MC system 他無能為力 10/13 12:26 : → katherienven:我說的是IEEE T-MECH 10/13 12:27 : → katherienven:喔~我說錯了 他不是寫Taiwan, China 他是寫 10/13 12:30 : → katherienven:Taiwan, Province of China 10/13 12:30 我投了幾篇的 Journal of Functional Programming (劍橋大學出版) 也是使用 Scholar One Manuscript Central. 該系統的 help 選項底下 列了許多常見問題,其中次數排名第五多 (共計 35 次) 的就是 Why does Taiwan appear as TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA? 答案也就是 推託要你找主編個別處理,而且推託的理由根本說不通: ScholarOne Manuscripts became ISO compliant with the release of ScholarOne Manuscripts v4.0, which means we are obliged to follow the International Organization for Standardization standards in all aspects of our work. The current list of country names as is presented in ScholarOne Manuscripts, was last updated with the release of ScholarOne Manuscripts v4.1.1, which included the update to the official ISO List of Country Names and Code Elements (effected by ISO 3166-1), and accordingly, Taiwan is listed as TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA. The default dropdown menu selection of the list of countries on ScholarOne Manuscripts will be updated whenever the official ISO list changes. You may review the official ISO list of country names and code elements list at the following site: http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists/english_country_names_and_code_elements.htm Publishers and journal administration can request that a country name be changed on an individual journal basis, and if so interested, may submit a support case to ScholarOne Manuscripts. Authors and reviewers may contact the journal directly regarding such requests. Please send requests to change this to client solutions. 你說你要 ISO compliant 就要遵循 ISO 所有標準的規定是吧? 好奇怪,為什麼我一直收到貴刊邀我審的稿,封面是不符合 ISO 標準格式的日期 (例如 "15-Oct-2010"),內頁是不符合 ISO 標準 大小的紙張 (Letter 而非 A4)? 男朋友建議我,下次審稿過期,就推說我是被貴刊不符規定的日期 格式搞混,以為期限是 2015 年 10 月 2010 日才到。 -- 單中杰.[email protected].善終結 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
oplz:神人出現 10/16 13:06
Keelungman:cool 10/17 01:17
herstein:看到這個名字給推一下.... 10/18 02:36
antibonding:推這篇。 10/18 20:28
antibonding:狗屁不通的理由一堆,弄了一堆程序,是想要擊退懶惰的 10/18 20:28
antibonding:人嗎? 10/18 20:28
ccshan:我想是的 10/19 10:10
anek:單中杰的男朋友建議我??? 老單.... 10/19 22:37