看板 AfterPhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 PhD 看板 #1Dcqdor3 ] 作者: taidungman (taidung's man) 看板: PhD 標題: [資訊] Postdoc position @UCLA Inst. of the Environment 時間: Wed Apr 6 00:57:20 2011 Subject: Post-doctoral position in Environmental Economics, Energy Conservation and Sustainability @ UCLA Post-doctoral position in Environmental Economics, Energy Conservation and Sustainability. UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability The UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability is offering a post-doctoral position in Environmental Economics, Energy Conservation and Sustainability. Relevant disciplines are economics, business strategy and organizational behavior, but others can be considered. Preference will be given to candidates with strong quantitative analytical skills. The candidate will take a leading role in a study funded by a grant from the California Air Resources Board on Behavioral Responses to Real-Time Individual Energy Usage Information. In this study we will undertake an experiment where we implement electricity monitoring technologies, private real-time information displays, public information posting, and incentive programs in 150 graduate student family apartments at the University of California Los Angeles. This will be done to determine if and to what extent, real-time, easily accessible energy usage information and financial or other incentives results in significant reductions in energy consumption. More information about the project can be found here: http://www.environment.ucla.edu/media_IOE/files/Delmas_ARB-gp-0xk.pdf The post-doctoral position will be located in the newly established center for corporate environmental performance. http://www.environment.ucla.edu/ccep/ The candidate will work primarily with Professor Delmas and a team of electrical engineers and will have the opportunity to interact with major players in the electric utility industry. Starting date is summer 2011. Applicants should hold a PhD and strong demonstrated potential and interest to conduct research. The annual stipend will be $60,000 per year including benefits. The position will be for 15 months. To apply for this post, please email your CV and letter of interest to: Professor Magali Delmas ([email protected]). -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: