看板 Ally_McBeal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我好喜歡這集的費氏理論, 「人生其中一個鍵是快轉。每部電影也會有糟糕的部份,竅門在於用快轉避開它。 時光流逝,妳會回頭說:『那只是小小的姦情。』然後用快轉回到目前,妳已經 沒有感覺了。」 One of the keys to life...The fast-forward. Every movie has its lousy parts. The trick is to fast-forward through them. See, as time passes you'll look back and say,“Oh, that little adultery thing, oh that.” You fast-forward to then right now. And you're over it. -- 想不到理察安慰人有時也會中獎XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gmktwo:回首往事時,很多事都會讓人覺得雲淡風輕了。理查講得不賴 11/27 15:34