看板 AndroidDev 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看了READ ME還是沒看到有說哪裡不一樣 = =? ================================Google AdMob Ads SDK for Android================================This is the Google AdMob Ad SDK for Android.The SDK provides:- AdView, suitable for showing banner ads in many different sizes.- InterstitialAd which provides a means to display interstitial ads (image andvideo).Requirements:- A Google AdSense or AdMob account ID.- Runtime of Android 1.5 or later.Additional information is available in the documentation located in the docsdirectory in this zip file.You can also find the latest, detailed information about the SDK as well asdownload examples using the SDK at:http://code.google.com/mobile/ads/docs/android 另外有版友知道針對解析度較高的手機要如何讓廣告可以填滿它的嗎? 目前我有看到一個APP叫台灣電影資訊的有填滿..可是她感覺是整個畫面去填? 因為原本非廣告的畫面都變糊了?? -- 批踢踢一下:免登入不斷線~追蹤分享文章就像GOOGLE READER~ TV節目即時查:將節目撥出時段加到手機日曆作提醒~ https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Whitebird+Wang -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
doom3:是不是Smart Banner阿 主站啥時多了廣告聯播網中介服務阿 XD 04/21 23:22
Magicx:對~我剛好也順便想問這個東西..中介服務什麼的.. 04/21 23:23
doom3:有人要推薦好的國外廣告商嗎 04/21 23:24
Magicx:另外剛剛把SDK從4.03換成6.0後..APK檔硬生生多了50KB多= = 04/21 23:24
doom3:中介大概就是你可以用多個廣告商 然後他會幫你選最有價值的 04/21 23:26
doom3:那一個播出來 04/21 23:26