看板 AntiVirus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
稍早去官網看剛好看到出了,已下載等等來當白老鼠看看。 http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=136785.0 Hi all, I'm glad to announce that we've just released AVAST 2014 (build number 9.0.2006). Here is the list of major changes/improvements: Protection-related features and improvements ‧New DeepScreen technology allows avast! to make more intelligent decisions about new/unknown files. DeepScreen is a successor of AutoSandbox, now upgraded with some additional new technologies such as dynamic binary translation and dyna-gen announced earlier. ‧New Hardened mode for stricter lockdown scenarios. This is a new mode that is recommended especially for novice users (such as your grandmas): it automatically blocks execution of binaries that would normally be deepscreened (Moderate level) or even allows only execution of programs that are well-known to FileRep (Aggressive level). In a way, it brings the whitelisting concept to the consumer AV space. ‧Improved cloud scanning features and crowdsourced analysis of suspicious items. This includes new, optimized mechanism for collecting data from our sensors. ‧Continuously streaming update (CSU) technology for up-to-minute detections. This is not entirely new for v2014, but we now have really buttoned up the whole streaming update infrastructure to allow for reliable, uninterrupted service. We’re currently doing 350-400 updates a day, which equals to one update in roughly every 3.75 minutes, 24x7, 365 days a year. Streaming updates can now also carry more types of definitions than before. ‧Improved cleaning of malware. This applies to standard malware as well as rootkits and file infectors. Other new features ‧All-new web browser plugins featuring comprehensive security ratings, protection against malware, phishing and typosquatting sites and Do-Not-Track (DNT) functionality for improved anonymity on the Internet. The DNT functionality doesn’t rely on the DNT HTTP headers; instead, it uses a proprietary technology that cannot be overridden by the servers. ‧All-new SafeZone for more secure online shopping and banking. Users can now switch back and forth between SafeZone and the regular browser with a single click. Also, online banking sites can be automatically opened in the SafeZone. ‧Rescue disk - allow users to create a bootable CD or flash disk with Avast on it. Great for cleaning. Other improvements ‧A new, streamlined user interface for simplified navigation and more user comfort. The new UI is actually much simplified, and it’s probably the biggest change since version 5.0. We have also redefined the shields to the total number of three (File Shield, Web Shield, Mail Shield) and tweaked the action buttons (tiles) on the home page so that they’re now fully configurable. ‧Control and manage all protected devices directly from the Avast console. That is, the my.avast.com account is perfectly integrated in the UI to allow for management of all your devices running Avast. ‧Dramatic reduction in product size (full installer < 60MB, compared to today ’s 120MB) and memory footprint. By default, install is done through a new stub installer though (which has the advantage of always installing the most up-to-date version). ‧Faster scanning thanks to optimized scanning engine (raw [in-memory] scans of EXE files are about 2x faster, while scans of text contents (e.g. web pages and scripts) are up to 10x faster). ‧Completely rewritten setup/updater that makes the installation and upgrade process faster, easier and more reliable ‧Firewall has been redesigned from scratch to allow for better compatibility with latest Windows, better performance and full support for IPv6 (although its UI hasn’t really changed). ‧New licensing system allows for much easier management of product licenses. The system relies on activation codes, and these can be added seamlessly by simply clicking a link. ‧Various improvement in the Software Updater and Browser Cleanup tool. Download locations http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_pro_antivirus_setup.exe http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_internet_security_setup.exe http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_premier_antivirus_setup.exe avast! cleaner: http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avastclear.exe It should be possible to install this version on top of your existing avast! installation (all settings should be preserved). Or you can use in-product updater. thanks a lot, enjoy this release!!! Pavel -- ╭────────────────────╮ 若有遇到條件和你相當的女生, 然後她個性也蠻不錯的話,那就應該懂得把握, 免得有一天後悔該的沒好好把握, 反而付出很多在不對等的人上. ╰────────────────────╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
DALUGI:終於出來了! 對手都釋出2014版好幾天了XD 10/15 22:31
KCKCLIN:小紅傘是只有德文英文版QQ 10/15 23:15
y3k:我個人能吃德文英文 但是我是IS版..orz 10/15 23:36
KCKCLIN:拍拍,本也想用英文版紅傘看看,只是還是要安裝工具列才有 10/15 23:39
KCKCLIN:WB就想說算了。另外2014版avast很多2013的防護好像都整合 10/15 23:41
KCKCLIN:了。希望再來別像之前那樣出大包:亂砍重要檔案就好XD 10/15 23:42
DALUGI:前幾天想起AVAST出過大包 為避免後患 就把處理動作改為 10/15 23:49
DALUGI:詢問優先 其次才是修復 隔離 10/15 23:49
darren8221:前兩天被 AswRundl.exe 搞得很怒 orz 10/16 00:55
cys070:連病毒庫都整合~之前測試還有人講防護變弱xd 10/16 07:34
cys070:現在用是真的要當白老鼠 10/16 07:50
rick:小紅傘英文版看久了就懂了! 繁中版不知道要等多久才會出! 10/16 14:05
n810516:我才剛刪avast裝avira XD (幾年來第一次換) 10/16 14:28
n810516:把avira刪掉裝回avast了 10/16 14:58
olduck:稍微試了一下免費版,沙盒拿掉、網路方面多數整合到網頁防 10/16 23:12
olduck:護...界面精緻一點的感覺,圖示平面化、方式也有變,比較不 10/16 23:13
olduck:會暈的感覺...記憶體用量好像多一丁丁點,可忽略的程度 10/16 23:14
olduck:沒問題過兩天再裝到實體機器,不過還是不想裝網頁防護拖速 10/16 23:15
cys070:沙盒沒拿掉是整合到DeepScreen裡 10/17 08:31
olduck:不知有無誤解 剛轉到avast沒多久 http://ppt.cc/eY5n 10/17 08:40
cys070:DeepScreen就有沙盒功能,免費版就不給我們自訂功能xd 10/17 08:47
cys070:這代之前功能都整合起來,設定變簡易 10/17 08:48
mywarmday:用了3天 已改回2013版本 系統WIN XP 會造成系統不穩 10/18 22:42
mywarmday:開啟程式時會出現一個掃描 接著就呈現藍畫面→黑畫面 10/18 22:43
DALUGI:win7沒什麼大問題 除了介面改變 習慣中 其他還不錯XD 10/18 23:34
jwg2:小弟的是Win XP,裝完2014開機到桌面會當機 10/23 13:57
lineer:Win XP SP3 裝2014正常使用中 ~~~ 10/23 21:08
weibreeze:不過遠端存取是不是多了只能連到進階版的限制? 10/25 00:39
kaorucyc:官方論壇 好像也不少XP使用者有出現問題 10/29 15:05