看板 AntiVirus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.來源: http://www.matousec.com/projects/proactive-security-challenge-64/ 2.新測軟體: Comodo Internet Security Premium 6.3.297838.2953 3.排名: http://i.imgur.com/lKkqgdi.png
4.官方評語: COMODO - Proactive Security - This configuration turns CIS into the ultimate protection machine. All possible protections are activated and all critical COM interfaces and files are protected. This is what Comodo's online help states and we have to admit that the latest version of Comodo Internet Security really is the ultimate protection machine. From its previous 92 % Comodo Internet Security jumped to today's 97 %, and is now very close to the perfect result. Comodo Internet Security raised the bar again and blocked many of the most complex attacking techniques that Security Software Testing Suite 64 offers. Comodo now leads the challenge 7 % ahead of Outpost. Great job and congratulations! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rick:comodo 依舊稱霸! 10/29 15:03
y3k:Proactive強歸強 實際日常使用有沒有符合便利和必要性是個問題 10/29 15:35
KCKCLIN:個人覺得KIS比較均衡,防護&對多數用戶上手性 10/29 15:48
KCKCLIN:目前是因為一些原因才用KAV+COMODO QQ 10/29 15:48
rick:KIS有比KAV+COMODO吃資源嗎? 10/29 16:03
is1128:comodo 太吵了~現在改用 privatefirewall 就很安靜了 10/29 19:25
timshan:Comodo 6.x版會吵? 沙盒關掉後理論上就不太會叫 10/29 20:49
timshan:這樣還會叫應該要重新檢視平時的操作習慣 10/29 20:49
timshan: 吵 10/29 20:50
KCKCLIN:沒注意耶,主要是因為不常用自己電腦,覺得啟用授權浪費XD 10/29 21:19
ja881213:KAV不是有主防?配COMODO不會衝突? 10/29 23:08
KCKCLIN:目前是沒衝突情況,後來有互設排除,只是殘體KAV不定期(大概 10/30 07:49
KCKCLIN:放著幾天吧,週末才會回家)會出現不論怎麼更新都顯示病毒碼 10/30 07:50
KCKCLIN:過期,2014KAV才有此情況,2013KAV不會 10/30 07:51
KCKCLIN:只能重新開機解決,應該是2014BUG吧,系統是WIN7 X64 10/30 07:51
huckebein12:comodo不是只要不裝防毒功能就無所謂嗎 搭KAV的話 @@ 10/30 21:25