看板 Aquarius 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Daily Horoscope A sudden burst of inspiration for a creative project might keep you busy in the morning and afternoon, Aquarius. You will need information and materials you don't have at home, and finding them might require a larger expenditure of time, energy, and money than you initially thought. Don't give up on the idea. It's likely to be a good one and you will definitely want to pursue it. 一個對於創意性靈感突然的爆發可能會使你早上跟下午都匆忙。 你會需要一點資訊和材料,你不必在家,且會花上比你預想外的時間、精力和金錢 不要放棄這個想法,這可能是很好的一個且你絕對會想要追求它 -- Love Horoscope The alignment at play today gives you the incentive to mix and mingle with others - even more so if you are looking for someone special to share your life with. You will find that the people you meet today are different in some way, and may provide you with inspiration, and much food for thought. One person is likely to make you think very deeply - especially about seeing them again. 今天行星的排列會激勵你比以往和其他人相處再一起,如果你在尋找特別的與你分享生活 的人。你將會發現今天你見面的人某種程度不同,且可能會提供你靈感,和心靈的糧食。 有一個人可能會讓你深思熟慮-尤其當你再次看到他們 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1493051970.A.566.html ※ 編輯: reenigneutn (, 04/25/2017 00:50:35
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