看板 Argentina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
World-wide 2006 GERMANY 1 (4) - ARGENTINA 1 (2) We let it escape Argentina was for and had more against the cords to Germany in its house. But it needed to decision in the game and boldness in the changes not to depend on the penitentiaries. 阿根廷在德國的主場做得更好,但在場上需要更有決心,換人要更有勇氣,不能等pk。 ego did not see them Maradona was in the field but it went before the penitentiaries. 老馬到了球場,但在pk之前離開了。 "Why to me" The Cuchu cried after the penitentiary. "He is one of the saddest days", said. 坎比在pk後哭著說,這是最悲傷的一天。 One by one of the World-wide one 世界杯後的球員總評。 "a cycle was finished" Jose said that he will not continue like technician, clarified that it is not a decision in hot and he left a message optimistic: "This Selection gave back the joy to us to the Argentineans". 佩克曼說他不再當國家隊教練,現在國家隊已經留下樂觀的訊息, "國家隊已經將歡樂帶回給大家。" Now what? Although the one of Jose is not closed, took the succession and Diego arose in end. In the Web, Bianchi wins. 雖然佩克曼的情況還沒決定,但老馬將是替代人選嗎?在網路上,比安奇勝利。 It went to face or Crus Pekerman removed to Riquelme and Crespo but never put to Messi or Saviola. It changed little figure by little figure arrives and coqueteo with the hibridez in half of the field. 佩克曼換下羅米和小克,但沒有讓梅西和小兔上場。局勢一點一點的改變...後面不懂 內文大意是坎比換下羅米是一個關鍵。 Plucked Klose wore to Abbondanzieri, removed it from the party, it made us lose a change and its dawn in the turn of penitentiaries. Klose弄傷鴨子下場,浪費我們一個換人名額,還使Pk希望渺茫。 There is future With Mascherano and Tevez like flags, more Messi and others, surely that the Selection will continue giving fight. 小馬和小猴是標誌人物,還有梅西他們,無疑國家隊將繼續奮戰。 Mouse with luck for the misfortune... Ayala put a goal, played Barbarian but it ended up missing his penitentiary, like in the Glass America 99. And by third time one went bad of a World-wide one... 阿亞拉進了一個球,踢得很強悍,但最後踢失了一個PK,就像在99年的美洲杯,不幸的 是這一次是在世界杯上。 Single Messi played little and it did not enter the dynamics of the group. 梅西比賽時獨自坐著,和球隊沒有什麼互動。 And where he is the pilot? Disappointment, I disillusion, disappointment, failure... Pongale the word that it wants. Riquelme had neither the waited for party nor the World-wide one and Argentina felt it. Romy ended up suffering in the bank. 失望、覺悟、破滅、失敗...放上任何想用的字。羅米不是比賽中等待的人,也不是 阿根廷人認為的那個人。最後他在板凳上受苦。 Of white glove Without crude errors and without it is possible to be indicated like cause of the elimination, the Slovakian referee Lubos Michel made fine, subtle a trabajito, in favor of Germany. 沒有明顯的錯誤,沒有決定性的判罰,斯洛伐克的裁判精巧的,微妙的偏向德國。 The spirit very loaded Borowski and other Germans spent and a tumult was armed. 應該是指暴動的事。 They make firewood In Brazil and England there were festejos by the defeat. The Germans, respectful. 巴西和英格蘭為阿根廷失敗而慶祝,德國還比較尊敬對手。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
A8804064:我一直都以為老馬沒去,媽x...原來是德國撥單位不照他.... 07/01 17:55
INUWASHI:我也以為他沒去 07/01 18:01
xxiinn:我也一直奇怪馬拉度納怎麼這場沒來,原來是德國媒體搞鬼... 07/01 18:13
xxiinn:實在是xxx,唉~昨天看到結束時是震驚氣憤,剛看完重播忍不 07/01 18:14
xxiinn:住掉下眼淚,明明有那麼多好球員為啥還輸呢?嗚嗚~ 07/01 18:15