看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/a/arsenal/5001674.stm Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein says the club turned down two 50m offers for striker Thierry Henry before he agreed to sign a new four-year deal. 阿森那球會副主席 Dein 說 : 在 Henry 簽下續約合同之前 , 我們拒絕了來自於兩個 俱樂部的五千萬英鎊的報價 . Henry's decision ended any chance of him replacing 47m Zinedine Zidane as the world's most expensive player. 而 Henry 續約的確定也終止了他取代 Zidane 成為全球最高轉會費球員的機會 , Zidane 的轉會費為四千七百萬英鎊 . "We turned down two world record deals from Spanish clubs. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to work out who they were," he told the Sunday Express. Dein 告訴 Sunday Express 說 : 這兩個五千萬的報價來自於西班牙 , 而你不必 像那些科學人員一樣搞的什麼都要知道 XD . "Our message was clear - he wasn't for sale. I'd like to think he heard that." 我們的訊息很明白 : Henry 是非賣品 , 我但願他們能夠聽進去這句話 . Dein also revealed that the contract Henry signed was one that he was offered back in January. "We made an offer in January, prodded Thierry now and then, but never put pressure on him," he said. Dein 也說 Henry 簽下的合同是早在一月就為他準備好的了 . 但我們沒給他任何壓力. "Money wasn't really mentioned. He wanted to know where we were going, but in reality I think he knew." 在合約中 , 錢並不是重點 , Henry 想要知道 Arsenal 想怎麼走 , 然而現實中 我認為 Henry 知道我們將怎麼做 .  Dein said the chance to influence the next generation of youngsters at Arsenal, who want to play with him, may also have persuaded Henry to stay on. Dein 也提到說 : 留在 Arsenal 可以帶給小正太們一些榜樣 , 或許也是促使 Henry 決定留下來的因素 . "He had seen the youngsters emerge after a dark period. Henry 看到了在低迷的聯賽成績中 , 一些小正太們的挺身而出 . "We have three teenagers at the World Cup - how many other clubs can say that? 我們有三個小伙子進到了世界盃大名單中 ,有哪些俱樂部可以這樣自豪 ? "The reason they are here is because of Thierry. The first question Theo Walcott asked was "Will Thierry still be here?". Walcott 第一個問題就說 : Henry 將來還會留在 Arsenal 嗎 ? 可見 Henry 對於這些正太們的意義 . 這是小伙子願意來 Arsenal 的原因 ! "I believe he also knew that if he went to a club like Barcelona or Real Madrid, he would just be a prince. Here he knows he is a KING." 重點來了 , Dein 說: 我相信 Henry 也知道 , 就算去了 RM 或是 FCBarcelona , 他頂多也只是個王子 , 而在這 , 他永遠是大帝 - 不僅是海不理大帝 , 也將會是 酋長大帝 . -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
whyy:推重點來了 本想猜是西班牙哪兩家球會 結果還是說出來了 05/21 15:43
GiaoGiao:能夠出到 50m GBP , 全世界五根手指頭就數的出來吧 XDDD 05/21 15:48
gminor40:巴薩出得起這麼多錢嗎?其實說到錢,現在貴隊也不錯啊! 05/21 15:56
Nvboy:大帝之於槍手 喬丹之於公牛 05/21 16:03
HIKONA:什麼酋長大帝 就大酋長啦 05/21 16:19
wadissimo:對於高層這決定覺得好感動,溫格以前也講過,他簽球員是為 05/21 18:21
wadissimo:了球隊的計畫,不是為了日後能賣個好價錢,開始覺得槍手像 05/21 18:23
wadissimo:是一支大球會了 :) 05/21 18:24
henryshih:其實不說也知道 西班牙也就那兩家出得了這價錢XDD 05/21 19:01