看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
官網(大約是去年Bergkamp告別兵工廠球員身分的比賽前一陣子 (Friday, July 21, 2006) http://www.arsenal.com/article.asp?thisNav=&article=404709 還有照片 When Dennis decided that he was signing for Arsenal and we were moving to London, I was delighted. We had just had two years in Milan, and it was great to experience the culture there, but it was time for a change. In Italy it was football, football, football morning afternoon and evening, so by the time we came to London, it was nice to be more relaxed. Not that I don’t like football, far from it, I love watching the games — which is just as well when you’re married to a footballer! I love coming to the games, after all I could have stayed at home on Saturday afternoons if I liked, but we used to always go along to Highbury for the football. Now we have bought a box at Emirates Stadium so we will continue to watch the games this season, and Dennis will be able to shout at all his former team-mates! 哈哈哈 我想這種鏡頭應該會持續很久吧 能在看台上常看到Bergy應該很不錯 特別要是攝影師來個適時特寫 比方說 Van Persie進個世界波 可以馬上調鏡頭看看Bergkamp是什麼反應 We have been in London for 11 years and the time has absolutely flown by. The fans have really taken to Dennis and we’ve all been made to feel very welcome by the whole Club. The kids have been to the training ground quite a lot and we’ve made lots of friends at Arsenal. These are friendships that I hope will continue for many years. There’s no need for them to end just because Dennis isn’t playing anymore, we will still be around! I know how much the fans think of Dennis and they show a lot of respect to him. It’s been great and the relationship he has had with the fans has made our time here even more special. He’s known as the Iceman of course, and I know he can come across as cool, but really, when you get to know him he is not like that. When he’s at home he is just a normal husband and dad. He is able to switch off from football when he’s at home, although obviously he’s not in a great mood after a bad result. To be honest though, I’m usually worse than him after we’ve lost! I have been so busy helping organise this testimonial match lately that I haven’t really stopped to think that this is Dennis’s last ever game — that there’s no more after today. After such a long time in the sport, it will be strange when he’s not playing anymore. I’m sure it will be emotional, both for him and for me, this afternoon. I hope you all enjoy it, and thanks for making our family feel so at home at Arsenal over the years. Finally I want to thank my husband, who has given me and the family so much joy during his career and our time in London, and our children, who always knew when daddy had an important game and when they had to be well behaved and help him be properly prepared. ------------ btw Bergkamp對於球場內外的生活都條理的很好 除了能夠以這麼大的年齡(踢的位置還是前鋒!)繼續在英超保持靈敏的感覺 場外家庭生活也是很不錯的 另外他投資理財有一套 收入在英超球員裡算是很高的 (Bergy女兒也很可愛 XD) 什麼時候我們的這群小將能夠又出現Bergkamp,Pires呢? 加油吧...Young Gunners.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
balkas:推! 這樣以後會很期待觀眾席特寫了XD 03/16 12:51