看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Noel (Arsenal is my placebo)》之銘言: : 據稱F16在槍廠更衣間跟隊友宣布:"我已經決定我要去米蘭" : http://china.goal.com/en/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=679312 : It has been looking increasingly likely for a few weeks now that Flamini will be leaving Arsenal at the end of the season. : The 24-year-old, who is rated as one of Europe’s best centre midfielders, has not signed an extension to his Gunners contract that runs out in June, and his manager Arsene Wenger has been resigned to losing him. : An April 31(!?) deadline had been set by him for a decision to be made "either way," but with Flamini refusing to put pen on paper, the slimmest of hopes have now disappeared. : Juventus and Milan have been the two main teams tussling for his signature, and last week it was reported in the Italian press that the latter had won the fight. : Today the Corriere dello Sport claims that Flamini has notified his Arsenal team-mates where his future lies next season. : “I have decided that I will be going to Milan,” the Frenchman purportedly said in the dressing room. : Yesterday Milan coach Carlo Ancelotti revealed how much he would love to have Flamini. : "Along with Gattuso and Ambrosini, he can bring strength and substance without losing any quality," declared Carletto. "Flamini has exceptional dynamism, he can play three roles, even in front of defence." : Flamini signed for Arsenal in 2004 from Marseille, and has since made over 100 appearances for the North London outfit 祝福他 他最讓我懷念的還不是最近踢防中很威 而是06他是以右後衛的身分參與槍手闖入歐冠決賽的一員 (該屆歐冠兵工廠的防守數據真的不是蓋的...) 說些馬後砲 其實Flamini走我也不大難過(我講真的) 留不住就是留不住 若說兵工廠有哪些球員讓我不捨 大概就是Pires,Ljungberg,Henry (沒錯,我就是偏心,Wiltord走的時候我也沒什麼反應) Vieira離開時只是讓我覺得一個時代的過去 (老實說,其實Keown退休時我還更有fu,他和Sol真不賴啊) 如果真要我選擇哪個球員走了我會超難過 那就是Bergkamp和Fabregas (幸好Dennis踢到退休,最近又跑去作教練了,要是以後Wenger變成榮退教授時 蠻期待他來執教我廠的) 我希望Cesc能久留 上個世代Bergy是兵工廠的創意和靈氣所在(Henry則是生命力) 這個世代就是Cesc了 -- MARAT‧SAFIN拿下第三座grand slam獎盃指日可待... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
vicmore:推!! 有同感 05/01 23:45
arsenal14:狂推..就是Vieira,Pires,Ljungberg,Henry他們這一票打出 05/01 23:45
arsenal14:的地面滲透...在當時真的幾乎沒看過...真的超帥.... 05/01 23:49
arsenal14:還記得當時有人說只有我們可以擊倒巴西國家隊...現在這 05/01 23:52
arsenal14:些人都以各奔東西..(原幻想前天晚上H14會絕殺紅魔)..哀! 05/01 23:53
sam731215:同意,我也不傷心,只是有點不滿而已,以後看到他也就跟 05/02 00:06
sam731215:其他人一樣,沒啥感覺,因為我心目中的F16已經幻滅了 05/02 00:07
Noel:許多槍手脫下槍服 那個魔力就消失了 05/02 00:09
ah7675:我心中不能走的三人 Cesc Clichy Toure 05/02 00:10
nover:推永伯,亨利,皮爾斯,伯格坎普,法布,維耶拉!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/02 00:21
ahwah844:推 Pires,Ljungberg,Henry 是我最不捨得離開球員~~ 05/02 00:24
flyingdog:乾脆辦個投票好了..Henry Pires Ljungberg 05/02 00:35
HHChieh:我也推亨利 老皮 勇伯 05/02 00:38
yanagawa:我想讓我最難捨是去年 國王走了 不過後來法布的表現讓我 05/02 01:14
yanagawa:又燃起希望 05/02 01:15
howyou:唯一不能走的人 Wenger 05/02 01:18
weilun29s:F15 當時是踢左后衛不是右哦 ^.< 05/02 01:44
kdash03:BERGKEMP阿.... 不過最可惜的當然還是HENRY (泣..) 05/02 02:16
DancePotato:簽名檔......... 05/02 10:05
eleec:簽名檔估計是等不太到了= = 05/03 00:05
Gronkjaer:別這麼說!!!!!!!!!         (虛) 05/03 01:58
Inzaghi0919:ha 簽名檔...真的有點難XD 05/05 21:54