看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/3pgwx8 這人提到從威爾斯方面來的消息,溫格是如何在兩個鐘頭的晚宴招待中,用三個論點 說服Ramsey加入兵工廠。 Wenger's three arguments that convinced Ramsey to snub Manchester United By Aries In a two hours, no holds barred, question and answer lunch come meeting in a Basle restaurant, Arsene Wenger convinced Aaron Ramsey and his parents, Kevin and Marlene, that Arsenal is the better club to join. (溫格在這次會面中,跟Ramsey與其雙親說,有疑問可以趁現在沒有保留地問教練) According to information coming out of Wales Arsene Wenger had three major points to put forward which seemed to sway the young man’s decision towards snubbing Manchester United. Wenger first told him that his route to first-team football at Manchester United was blocked by no more than nine players. (第一點,如果Ramsey選擇曼聯,在他先發的路上前面有九名球員擋著) And he named them as Cristiano Ronaldo, Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, Michael Carrick, Owen Hargreaves, Darren Fletcher, Ji-Sung Park, Anderson, and Nani. Whereas at Arsenal he only has to compete with Tomas Rosicky, Gilberto Silva, Emmanuel Eboue, Denilson, Abou Diaby and Walcott. (如果Ramsey選擇槍手,他先發的競爭者只有這些人...看到唉不唉的名字,不知道該哭 還是該笑,想不到被不少槍迷批評的這條中場深度,也可以變成說服正太加盟的利器XD) Fabregas is obviously beyond his or anyone’s reach and Hleb will probably not be there next season. (法布跟阿諾的名字都沒被溫格提到,前者是當然先發,後者很可能今夏會離去) The second point made by Wenger was that Arsenal’s transfer policy is more conservative and does not rely on signing big stars. (第二點,槍手的保守轉會政策,與不簽大牌的方式,讓Ramsey更有機會在槍手發展) Big money transfers would obviously further block his development and his route to first team football. Which according to Wenger is what Manchester United tend to do. He pointed out that United have spent around £300m on transfers in the last six years, while Arsenal in the same period have splashed out only £40m. (我對這論點比較保留,曼聯有花那麼多錢?槍手又只花四千萬鎊?) And the third point which seemed to convince the Ramsey family is that Aaron’ s style and football technique is more suited to Arsenal. (第三點Ramsey的技術比較適合在兵工廠) Arsene Wenger is of course the master at this kind of thing. He has to deal with concerned parents of young starlets all the time. (說服球員的雙親,是溫格此次搶人成功的原因之一) Remember last summer around this time he stopped short his holiday in Sardinia and traveled to Norway to meet with Nordtveit, his father and club president clinching his signature right there and then. He probably has by now developed the art of persuasion to a masters level. He not only laid on a private jet for Aaron to travel to his base where he is commenting for French TV on the Euro 2008 but he invited his parents too. (溫格親自出馬,並用專機帶球員與其雙親到瑞士會面,誠意的表現) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Nvboy:第一點 其實最大的競爭者是教授 必須讓他覺得你足夠好 06/14 21:20
Nvboy:第二點認同 第三點也是主觀 就像當初溫格保證法布雙親一樣 06/14 21:22
Nvboy:歡迎加入阿森納!! 06/14 21:23
bluerace:歡迎!! 06/14 21:25
※ 編輯: wadissimo 來自: (06/14 21:28)
wadissimo:Ramsey首季的出場機會應該會比哇靠的第一季來的多 06/14 21:29
okla80328:所以說Ramsey很有可能開季就在一線隊嗎 06/14 21:47
eleec:歡迎來到兵工廠!! 06/14 23:21
Nvboy:感覺未來主要會在兩邊路出現 Randall Merida等人要更拼 06/14 23:28