看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
很奇怪的消息,有點讓人擔心。 Arsenal Holdings Plc - Board restructuring http://tinyurl.com/5fnd8v Arsenal Holdings plc (the “Company”) today announces the following changes to the composition of the Boards of the Company and The Arsenal Football Club Plc (the “Club”). Ivan Gazidis, the incoming Chief Executive, will join the Boards of the Company and the Club with effect from 1 January 2009. Richard Carr has announced his resignation from the Board of the Company having served as a director for twenty seven years. Richard will, however, remain a director of the Club. Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith will be leaving the Boards of the Company and the Club with immediate effect. [Wednesday, December 17, 2008] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Nvboy:剛翻了過去文章 Smith手中握有15.9%股份是第二大股東耶orz.. 12/18 09:13
Nvboy:去年好像也是因為怕她的股份被諾夫買走股東們才簽訂兩年內 12/18 09:53
Nvboy:不能賣股份的協議(本版5044). 現在離開董事會代表她的股份將 12/18 09:55
Nvboy:不受限制 只能祈禱不被懦夫買走了..不然會達到收購標準..XXX 12/18 09:57
flyingdog:http://tinyurl.com/4hvvjp 太陽報去年的文章對她的家族 12/18 10:05
flyingdog:有一點介紹(有照片) 簡單說 她是印度裔 某前任槍手主席 12/18 10:05
flyingdog:Sir George Bracewell-Smith的媳婦..Bracewell-Smith家 12/18 10:07
flyingdog:族的主要企業在於旅館業 一度擁有倫敦跟巴黎兩間麗池( 12/18 10:07
flyingdog:Ritz)酒店的股份,看這樣的身世淵源,應該不會傻到當槍手 12/18 10:08
flyingdog:歷史上的罪人吧 12/18 10:08
flyingdog:希望如主席所講的是會賣給現任董事... 12/18 10:09
Nvboy:克倫科買下將持股27.9% 懦夫買下將超過30%可以收購槍手.(暈) 12/18 10:24