看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.oleole.com/blogs/arseblog/posts/arsenal-tell-barcelona-to-fuck-off (Arseblog這篇對法布的看法大家可以看看,擇要翻一下) Arsenal tell Barcelona to fuck off Thursday, 27 May 10, 03:01 PM Morning all. Well, for the first time since Cescmania began we heard from the man himself. He didn't tell us much we didn't already know, confirming that he'd spoken to Arsene Wenger about his future. He said it was 'probably the greatest conversation I've had with someone in my life'. 法布轉會風波以來,第一次我們聽到來自於他本人的說明。 關於我們所不知道的,他沒有說很多,但至少確認了跟教授談話一事, 並且認為這是他生命中最重要的一次談話之一。 He went on to say: He told me to concentrate on my football, he told me to concentrate on the World Cup, he told me to leave it in his hands, he will deal with whatever happens in my future and that's what I'm doing, just concentrating on football. It's not up to me anymore and its just now about Arsenal and that's it. "他叫我專心在我的足球,他叫我專心在世界盃,他叫我讓他來處理,他會幫我解決 關於我的未來的事情,而我現在也是打算如此,專心在足球上面。 (我的未來)掌控權已經不在我手中了,而是在槍手手上,就是這樣子" (以上談話全文請見部長11387帖) Now, I can't imagine for one second that during that conversation Arsene said he would allow him to leave the club. What made it the greatest conversation of his life? Beats me, I wasn't there, but I think we know the manager's stance well enough to know he'd have been trying to persuade him the best thing for him would to be to stay at Arsenal. Perhaps he told him the names of the players we're signing this summer and now Cesc is all excited. Like I said though, I wasn't there so I'm just guessing. 對我來說,我從未懷疑教授會在這次會談之中容許法布離開。那到底什麼讓法布認為這是 他生命中最重要的一次談話呢? 你打我好了,我不在現場啊, 但我相信我們夠了解教授的立場,用膝蓋想也知他會試著以留下來是最好的選擇這樣的 論點去勸說法布。也許他會告訴法布,那些我們這個夏天即將簽下來的人選,而法布 現在也一樣感覺興奮了。但就像我說的,我不在現場,我只能跟各位一樣猜想。 I know some people looked at the video of the interview and thought 'That's it, he's off', but I have to say I feel a bit more confident that he'll remain an Arsenal player. Especially when I read John Cross in this morning's Mirror. It seems Barcelona have been in touch, although not with a bid, and Arsenal have told them, to all intents and purposes, to fuck right off. 我知道有些人在看過法布談話的錄像以後,認為"完了,他走定了。" 但我會說,我感到有點信心他仍然會是槍手一員。尤其是我稍早讀到一篇John Cross 在鏡報的文章,http://tinyurl.com/398qllg 裡頭說到:巴薩已經正式接觸了,雖然 仍未報價,但是槍手高層已經明白告訴他們"不管你們要的是什麼,滾你媽的蛋"。 Arsenal have told Barcelona that they are wasting their time, that they will not even enter negotiations or discussions of any kind and that Fabregas is going nowhere. They also made it clear not to bother contacting them again. 高層還告訴他們,他們只是在浪費自己的時間,我們根本不會進入任何協商或討論的 地步,法布哪裡也不會去。高層這次非常清楚的表明,加泰隆尼亞人可以不用再來煩 我們了。 Just the stance I was hoping we'd take, to be honest, and I trust John's sources on this one. I would posit that Cesc was made aware of the club's position during TGCOHLc and he knows that whatever happens, whatever he wants, or wanted, ultimately it's up to Arsenal. 這正是我想要槍手所展現的態度,而且這次我很相信John Cross的消息來源。我相信 法布很清楚球團這次的態度,而且他也知道不管他如何想,如何作,最終決定權在球團。 He's not in the last chance saloon when it comes to making the move back to the club he supported as a lad. He's not at the end of his career, he still has years to go, and that's where Arsene will be at his persuasive best, I'm sure. Whatever happens, and I'm sure there's still plenty of mileage in this one, I don't think it's absolutely cut and dried that he'll leave. It might be a small hope but it's better than nothing. 他也不是處在一個"這次不做,沒有下次"的時候,也不是在自己職業生涯的遲暮, 他還有多年可以踢球,不用急著回去他小時候支持的球隊陣中,而這也是溫格能拿出 勸說他最好的理由。不管接下來發生什麼,我認為距離最後的結果都還有很遠的路要走, 我不相信現在情形又像過去幾季主力離開的時候一樣,好像他走定了。而法布昨天這席 話,反而又讓我們燃起信心。 He'll now concentrate on his World Cup duties with Spain, Arsenal can watch the phone ringing and ignore Barcelona because of the wonders of caller ID (or at least pick up and put on a funny voice saying "Hello, Franco's Pizza, how may I help you?"), and now it's down to the manager to do the rest of the business that has to be done this summer. 他現在可以好好專心在他的世界杯上面,而槍手呢?可以翹腳看著電話響起,然後看著 來電顯示是巴薩的時候,鳥都不鳥他們。(或是要接起來,然後裝個搞笑的聲音,說: "達美樂你好"也行。XD) 剩下的夏天,要做哪些生意,確實是留給溫格去表演了。 Poor Arsene also has to deal with the possible departure of Carlos Vela, who, according to Carlos Vela News, the home of all the latest news about Carlos Vela, is thinking that the World Cup could open doors for him. (以下幾段非關法布就不翻了) Arsenal will expecting the Mexican forward striker manchild to revolve back to London after the tournament of South African but when Arsene Wenger does not much present the opportunity for Carlitos to make time on the pitch then it is often proving that the player must fly away and the future lies in different hands. Oh yeah. And to give him even more to think about Nicklas Bendtner was in the Danish press talking about playing for one of the big two in Spain one day. I know I should probably be thinking 'nice timing, Nick' but then you look at the picture of him wandering around a hotel in his underpants and I think he's just a rather endearing mentalist who's pretty good at headers. Footballers really are an odd lot. The sooner we stop thinking of them as normal human beings the better off we'll all be. How about another centre-half to add to our list? The Mail says we're looking at Lorient’s Laurent Koscielny. Who? Exactly, but then most of us said much the same thing about Vermaelen last summer. Meanwhile, Bacary Sagna says Pape Diakhate would be a good signing. Hey, if he's got the patented Sagna Seal of Approval® then that's good enough for me. Lady Arse has videos of Robin van Persie's goals for Holland last night. Top finishing, makes me a bit wistful though. The least we deserve is an injury free, 40 goal season next time around. And finally when I said yesterday I'd heard whispers about Joe Cole I got an email from a regular reader who has also heard the whispers but they were louder than whispers. Not quite shouty but perhaps just a touch above normal speaking volume. Make of it what you will. And that's about that. I'm off to ring up Barcelona just to tell them to fuck off myself. 今天就說到這裡,我現在要去親自打電話給巴薩叫他們滾開了。 "FC Barcelona, bon dia!" "巴薩足球俱樂部,你好!(加泰隆尼亞文,bon dia 日安之意)" "Fuck off!!" "滾你媽的蛋蛋!!" *click* *挂斷* Magic. Till tomorrow. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
Valeriekuo:Fuck off! 放開那個男孩! 05/27 17:56
changyg:打國際電話太貴啦....寫 email 算了吧 =.= 05/27 18:01
sagax:songla 宇宙隊閉嘴! 05/27 18:06
trilvie:讓我想到我昨天看謎樣的雙眼... 有人打電話給男配角討債 05/27 18:08
trilvie:他接起來說:「你好,精子銀行。喔你打錯了喔。」(掛)XD 05/27 18:08
kevinsyc:巴薩主席:「沒有沒有、、我想貸款法布的精子。」 05/27 18:10
flyingdog:@changyg:可以用Skype試試喔~跟打國內一樣錢~:P 05/27 18:11
kevinsyc:@changyg: 零 零 六~ 05/27 18:16
※ 編輯: flyingdog 來自: (05/27 18:17)
eleec:一句問好後接髒話太帥了!!! 我的推文被修掉了>< 05/28 10:46
flyingdog:有嗎?有嗎? 不好意思啦 (搔頭) 05/28 11:45
Nvboy:FFFFFFFOOOOOO xD 05/28 16:50
Nvboy:http://tinyurl.com/3axl64c 10-11 new home kits XDDDD 05/28 16:52
Habai:樓上op 科科 05/28 17:17