看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://arsenal-mania.com/articles/3109070/Henry-and-Pires-sink-Blackburn.html Written by Mark Brus on Saturday, August 28, 2010 跳著翻 加減看 In the build-up to today's game there was a lot of noise about Arsène Wenger's 'rugby' comments aimed at Blackburn. The significance of those comments? They weren't actually aimed at our opponents at all, he was making reference much more to the manner in which Stoke equalised against Spurs last weekend. The big teams dropping points against the smaller teams was a big feature of last season, but so far it doesn't look like that will continue this year. Man City aside, it's been a very quiet transfer window; the small sides haven't really made the necessary steps to improve. Despite the rugby tactics, Spurs beat Stoke having lost there last season, and Arsenal beat Blackburn, having lost there last season. And while it's been an equally quiet summer spending-wise for us and Tottenham, young players like Walcott and Bale have improved to the point of becoming match-winners. Even if we don't spend, our young players have far more potential than most from the clubs further down the league. 今年這個轉會相當蕭條的夏天,不管是烙刺或是我們皆然,年輕的球員像是哇靠 跟Bale都已經成長到能成為比賽勝負關鍵人物的等級. I've perhaps been Walcott's biggest critic over the last year or two, and while it will still take some time for me to be properly convinced, he's definitely getting there. His goal today is the kind that should become his trademark, and his overall performance today was like a right-sided Thierry Henry. 我(作者)個人在過去一兩年一直是對哇靠的抨擊的那群評論者之一,小老虎也許 還需要更多的時間跟表現來說服我,但我相信他快要到達那地步了.他昨晚的 進球可以說是個人註冊商標,而昨晚的整體表現更像個右路的蒂埃里.亨利 We were solid without being particularly penetrative, like we were at Anfield, but this time with a bit more quality on the pitch with the returns of Fabregas and van Persie. van Persie's exquisite Bergkamp pass released Theo and our Henry for the day made no mistake, slamming it low and hard into the corner - the crucial first goal that came from basically nowhere. 范佩西的那腳精緻優美的作球,就像冰王子柏格坎普傳承下來的大師級演出, 解放了邊路小老虎,而我們的新亨利不慌不忙,毫無差錯,將球壓低猛力送入 球網遠角,打破僵局,但在此短短幾秒之前,有誰看出這美妙進球的跡象嗎? Sadly, but predictably, van Persie now faces a small spell on the sidelines. Hopefully it won't be more than ten days as I've heard, but we really can't be surprised if we lose him for the bulk of the season again. It's tragic to see such a quality player suffer another injury on his first start of the season. Still, Marouane Chamakh came on in his place and played his part in the win, playing surprisingly deep at times, as I imagine he has been encouraged to by Wenger. 馬路彎.查馬克先生上來頂替小冰王子之後,令人驚訝的藏在前場邊路相當深的地方, 我認為這是溫格特別授意的戰術. And it was Chamakh's pass from midfield that released Sagna, who for once got a good ball into the box. His low pass found Fabregas, who hit it against Walcott before the ball found its way to Arshavin, who scored a Píres goal to win the game; arriving late to coolly sidefoot into the corner. He had another quiet game today, but if the Russian can find that Píres in him and provide more end product then no one will mind too much. 而正是查馬克的中場傳遞解放了薩尼亞,薩先生相當漂亮地帶球深入禁區,他的 橫傳低球找到了 「夏天被套別隊球衣到現在還深感噁心不適」的隊長法布雷大人, 一角射門卻打中了小老虎,但一顆星反彈到俄羅斯沙皇跟下,沙皇眼中閃現 槍手前一代撿漏大師皮雷下巴那一條鬍子的哲人夙型,靈光一現也來記威脅兒 面對球門該好好學習的冷靜射門本領,輕鬆自在的撿漏成功,讓我們歡慶沙皇 得到皮雷的留傳的撿漏真經. Apart from that we created very little. Our most noteworthy opportunity came on a late counter-attack as Walcott fed substitute Jack Wilshere, who should have scored, but scuffed his shot into Robinson's arms. Four points from our first two away games at Anfield and Ewood Park? I don't think anyone would have been surprised at 0 or 1 before the campaign started, so I think we can be very happy with the smash and grab nature of these two results. 前兩個客場在安菲爾德及伊伍德球場(去年我們在此輸球)得到四分? 我想很多人對於這兩個客場要是只得一分都不意外的. 能得到四分 我想槍迷應該要感到相當開心 Still, the defence is not without its problems. Surprisingly I was waiting for a bad moment from Almunia today but it never came. The Spaniard was solid in dealing with any crosses that came his way, but Koscienly and Vermaelen let him down on occasion. 然而,防守仍然不是沒有隱憂,訝異的是,整場比賽我都在等著木門什麼時候會 炸裂,讓我們換上金門或銀門,但卻沒有等到這個時刻. 西班牙人昨晚表現相當出色,對付橫傳游刃有餘,但是科思切爾尼跟藥水有時反而 讓他失望. Koscienly looked weak on their goal. Diouf should not have been able to shrug him off like that. Our new signing mentioned that he would be doing extra work in the gym in preperation for the Premier League and let's hope so, otherwise good luck against Drogba and Rooney. 科科昨晚在失球上表現得太軟弱了,不該讓敵物夫如此輕易的扛開他, 希望科科在健身房多做些功課,並且祝他碰到獸巴跟史瑞克時能展現他的成果 Vermaelen uncharacteristically misjudged the bounce of a fairly slowly-moving ball and allowed Kalinic in, only for the Blackburn striker to blaze the shot over. Earlier we had to clear a Nelsen header off the line and saw Samba head over from close range. 藥水昨晚也有一個錯誤,對一個慢速移動球犯了很不藥水的誤判,並讓咖哩尼奇 進來差點造成傷害.早先我們也讓內耳深的球在門前被擋下,還有三八差點在門 前頭球破門. Still, we survived and that's nothing but progress. I look forward to seeing new signing Sebastien Squillaci play soon, as he seems more like what we need for games like today, and indeed most games. Koscienly looks like he'll be a good defender, but there's no sense in rushing him when we have a more experienced alternative. 我很期待看到牛頭馬面組終於有傳人了,死鬼正是適合昨晚對付這種屠夫隊的 選擇,而且英超一堆屠夫隊,大家也不是不知道. The season's got going and it feels lovely, so naturally there's now an international break. Wake me up in two weeks. 季賽開始了,這讓我們感到相當興奮, 馬上就是一個國際比賽週的休息,兩週後再把我搖醒. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: flyingdog 來自: (08/29 10:58)
satousei:最後一句真的很幽默XD 讓法布也睡兩星期吧... 08/29 13:42
clenny:「下巴那一條鬍子的哲人夙型」 XD 08/29 15:49
jrhard:木門炸裂XD 不過這場進攻速度不錯。 08/29 17:38
andybinla:史瑞克XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 08/29 17:44
Nvboy:翻的好好喔XDDDD 08/29 18:05
突然發現翻譯文章可以作的手腳好多喔~哈哈... ※ 編輯: flyingdog 來自: (08/29 21:01)
libobobo:Rooney!! hahaha 08/29 21:26
kkc:亨利不是原本就是右腳的嗎QQ 感覺應該是在右邊 08/29 21:50
kkc:不過還是推一個! 08/29 21:53
kevinsyc:右腳在右路吊中比較順(反之要有很強的腳外側) 08/29 21:55
eleec:推飛狗,另外To kkc:其實沒有一定,畢竟右腳踢左邊也有優勢 08/30 09:06
eleec:想成一千零一招的右腳Robben就可以了XD 08/30 09:07
flyingdog:感謝kkc指正 我翻成右路的亨利比較正確啦!一時翻過去就 08/30 10:12
flyingdog:沒想那麼多... 08/30 10:12
※ 編輯: flyingdog 來自: (08/30 10:13)