看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
綜合外電 http://tinyurl.com/2vjhrac http://younggunsblog.co.uk/2010/08/arsenal-make-contract-offer-to-miyaichi/ Ryo Miyaichi 'set for Arsenal transfer' as Wenger beats rivals to wonderkid The 17-year-old striker is to be offered a long-term deal at the Emirates Stadium after impressing on trial - as well as turning in some star performances for his country's Under-19s team recently. 溫格最近將魔手伸到亞洲,即將和日本U19小將 宮市亮 簽訂一紙據說是5年的合約 Gunners manager Arsene Wenger is thought to have sent officials out to Japan to finalise the details of a deal with Miyaichi, which would be confirmed in January. 由於小亮還沒年滿18歲,因此該合約將於明年1月份正式生效 The teenager, who was also said to be on the radars of European giants AC Milan and Ajax, currently attends Chukyodai Chuyko High School. 現在還在就讀中京大中京高中 據說米蘭、阿賈克斯都想要他 But he would be eligible to move to England to continue his footballing education when he turns 18 in December. Miyaichi, who played for Japan's Under-17s at the World Cup in Nigeria in 2009, is currently out injured with a broken leg but is expected to return to fitness before signing for the Gunners at the turn of the year. 目前腳正受傷中 但簽約前應該會康復 位置是翼鋒 在日本人稱是櫻花版C羅 宮市亮 攻勢亮 前途無量 又加入了槍手 將來想必是國家隊常客 照片: http://spysee.jp/faces/698285 影片: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcsh2c_ryo-miyaichi-2010_sport 其他資料: http://spysee.jp/%E5%AE%AE%E5%B8%82%E4%BA%AE/1589882/#lead 1992年 12月 14日生 出身 愛知県 據說17歲已經長成183cm 50公尺衝刺有5秒半的爆發力 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: flyingdog 來自: (09/03 11:25) ※ 編輯: flyingdog 來自: (09/03 11:26)
layila:J-League版是稱他「和製SAHA」...跟C羅等級好像有差啊 XD 09/03 11:28
changyg:很喜歡耍腳法呢~~~( ̄□ ̄|||)a 難怪會有這稱號 09/03 11:31
Jessie3:和製SAHA是日本媒體叫他的,沒看過什麼和製C羅阿 09/03 11:50
Jessie3:喔好像有看到一些,不過才17歲,未來難說 09/03 11:52
Nvboy:兩週前有來槍手試訓踢了兩場,後來去ajax試訓時受傷。這時機 09/03 12:00
Nvboy:想簽真是..頗耐人尋味。 09/03 12:01
BlueMt:降低簽約金?? 09/03 12:04
Nvboy:試訓可參考本版11690 09/03 12:04
wing2000:年青的肉體 (流口水) 09/03 12:06
sagax:速度好像蠻快的 身體素質不錯 09/03 12:13
lobby1986:我倒覺得他像魯尼的衝勁~帶球跑得時候 09/03 12:18
ahsoo:愛知之星~ 09/03 12:44
Nvboy: 諸星大 09/03 13:02
thomas34:櫻花版C羅.... 我討厭C羅呀 T.T 09/03 13:05
mijimi:那可以叫他"C羅版櫻花"? 09/03 14:26
ariachiang:市宮家的媽媽頭腦還算清楚,在阿森納最容易出頭了啦! 09/03 15:02
ariachiang:宮市才對,SORRY 09/03 15:02
ariachiang:因為我們的板凳深度不是很深~ 09/03 15:03
sagax:183 club 應該會很威 09/03 15:46
Valeriekuo:還好不是C羅版櫻木 09/03 17:58
henryshih:看成櫻木花道版C羅 =.= 09/03 20:41
DonDonbye:真的要來了!!!!!!5秒俠!!!!!! 09/03 20:44
ZALU:日本的高中生這麼強,看了好羨慕... 09/03 22:51
eleec:希望可以再長高一公分 09/03 22:51
hattrick:素質好 待進一步改造 09/03 23:25
wu220:加油..期待早日看他代表槍手上陣 09/05 17:38
b2209187:和製Saha可能代表日本人終於發現自己眼光很可笑吧 09/07 02:34
b2209187:有興趣的朋友,可以去找找之前號稱和製亨利那位... 09/07 02:34
nuturewind:喔喔表現好就有機會哩!!成為第一位亞洲槍手球星 09/08 15:34
wing2000:樓上,幾年前就有稻本潤一啦 09/08 15:35
b2209187:稻本不能算球星吧... 09/08 15:45