看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/494hz9n Pedro promising Arsenal a hot reception "I know that the first match was a great one for neutral fans to enjoy, but it drives us mad to lose games like that"," Pedro told UEFA.com. "You don't come away thinking the match was good with an intense rhythm and loads of chances. You just think 'we lost' and you feel a burning desire to take the next opportunity, to get a better result and to reach the next round." 「首回合的失利燃起我們獲勝的雄心」 "In fact, the result was strange because we deserved to win. You also need a little bit of luck, but we suffered a second case of Arsenal being behind to us at their place only to come back into the tie. At the Camp Nou, "we have to be ready to not be caught out by quick counterattacks, press them tightly and not let them draw breath" 「比賽結果很奇怪,我們應該要贏的,但缺少了一點運氣,被阿森納後來居上。 在紐坎普我們要避免被快速反擊打倒,不斷地壓迫,讓他們連喘氣的機會都沒有。」 "Part of our confidence that we can achieve the necessary result is down to knowing we're much stronger in front of our own fans, playing our style of football on our own pitch," he said. "The scoreline is not in our favour, Arsenal have the advantage, but with concentration and motivation we're able to go out and repeat what we've done previously and turn this around." 「能在熟悉的場地和球迷面前踢出我們的足球,帶給我們無比的信心。」 http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11670_6801568,00.html Cesc relishing Camp Nou bow "I've never played in the Nou Camp before and this will be one of the most exciting nights of my career," said Fabregas in The Sun. "To finally have the chance to take to the pitch at this mythical stadium is something I cannot fully describe. "The feeling is enormous and incredibly exciting." 「我沒有在紐坎普比賽過,終於有機會踏上這個神話般的場地,我感到非常地興奮」 Despite being heavily linked with a move back to Barca last summer, Fabregas is adamant helping the Gunners to victory is his only focus. And the midfielder believes Tuesday's showdown is a perfect opportunity for Arsenal to stake their claim for silverware after missing out on the Carling Cup to Birmingham late last month. "We have played so many games where we shown we have character, we have potential and that we are the present," said the skipper, who was sidelined for the cup decider at Wembley. "We want to win things for the club and this is obviously a fantastic exam for all of us a team and individually." 「我們一定要贏下點什麼,這是絕佳的機會,無論對個人或球隊都是」 The Spain midfielder is close friends with several members of the Barcelona side having shared World Cup success with a number of them last summer. Two of those friends are Carles Puyol and Gerard Pique, who will miss Tuesday's clash, and Fabregas feels their absence provides a welcome lift to Arsenal's chances. He said: "I believe it is a big boost for Arsenal that two of my close friends - Carles Puyol and Gerard Pique - are not playing this evening as the former is injured while the latter is suspended." 「我的好朋友皮克和普約爾不會上場是件好事」 He added: "We should not rest on our victory in the first leg. The job is not finished by a long way. "In the first leg we proved once again we have guts and character. But it's only the halfway stage. All that hard work and effort means nothing, absolutely nothing, if we don't finish the job off." 「首回合的勝利不算什麼,如果我們不繼續努力的話,那些都沒有意義。」 http://www.uefa.com/uefachampionsleague/news/newsid=1603014.html Nasri puts faith in attacking Arsenal "Barcelona are favourites, because they're the best team in the world," he told UEFA.com. "But we've got a good chance of beating them, because we've got an advantage [from] the first leg. 「巴薩仍然是被看好的一方,畢竟他們宇宙最強,但我們在首回合有進球優勢。」 "When we come to play, we'll just play our game. And we'll have plenty of space, because Barcelona just play, they don't defend like an Italian team. We've got a chance and I hope we can go through, because the Champions League is really important for me." 「我們仍然可以打出自己風格的比賽。巴薩不會像義大利隊伍那樣防守, 因此我們會有進攻機會,希望能好好把握,因為歐冠對我而言真的很重要。」 "I don't know if it was the best game in the Champions League but it was two teams who came and played their football, attacked with such great intensity," he explained. "That's why we like the Champions League – two teams from different countries can play and show who's the best and that's why it's really important for me to win the Champions League. "I have been dreaming about this competition since I was a kid, for those kind of games". And I'm really happy I was part of the first leg." 「我不知道這是否是最好的比賽,但至少兩支球隊都能發揮自己的風格-緊密地進攻, 這就是歐冠,我從小就夢想的園地,我很高興首回合有參與。」 Looming large over Tuesday's second leg is the memory of Messi's four goals in this fixture last term, although Arsenal largely kept the Argentinian international under wraps in north London three weeks ago. "I hope he'll be quiet in the second leg as well," he said. "Messi can score 100 goals in the league if he wants; that's OK, it's not our problem". But I don't want him to do what he did last year, because then he was unbelievable. He scored four fantastic goals, and showed us why he is the best player in the world. I hope he's quiet in the second leg. That will be really important for us." 「我希望梅西和首回合一樣安靜。他可以在西甲西超進一百個球,那不關我們的事, 但我不希望他像去年對我們一樣抓狂。」 == Barca draw Arsenal Barca晉級 槍手晉級 William Hill 1/3 4/1 8/1 1/3 9/4 台灣運彩 1.23 5.35 7.00 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: clenny 來自: (03/08 23:33)
sagax:推N8:他可以在西甲西超進一百個球,那不關我們的事 03/08 23:37
mintphysics:身為槍手+皇馬球迷 還是希望他去宇宙聯賽進球就好... 03/09 00:17
mintphysics:反正希望他今天安安靜靜 進球留著給外星人吧 03/09 00:19
Valeriekuo:看不懂樓上的推文... 到底是誰要進球啊? 03/09 00:26
sorridi:我也看不是很懂...難道我是歪國人嗎? 03/09 00:30
mintphysics:sorry睡前迷迷糊糊亂推文(汗) 重點就是梅西別進球XD" 03/09 00:30
mintphysics:(是指Nasri說梅西可以在西甲進100球沒關係那句話) 03/09 00:33