看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛爬文確定一下似乎沒有人寫過這位--another famous gooner,Roger Waters (有點訝異這裡沒人寫過,畢竟這位可是以歌明志,又是神主級搖滾巨擘,大概是時代稍微 久遠了) 幾天前把我老婆她姊收藏在家中櫃子裡,這張史上佔據Billboard專輯榜最長週數 (741 weeks也就是從 1973 to 1988,整整十四年多!!) Pink Floyd的前衛搖滾代表作品,太空迷幻祖師爺級專輯Dark Side of the Moon 拿出來聽,從此一發不可收拾,雖說是近四十年前的專輯了,但因為意象跟概念的完整, 幾首膾炙人口的名曲Money, The Great gig in the sky, Brain Damage, Eclipse, Us and them, Time...今日聽來仍有如新的感覺,我像是著了魔一樣的狂聽狂查他們 的東西.. 而Bassist兼front man的 Roger Waters在Syd Barret因精神分裂因素離團之後擔負 起樂團主要的概念舵手與詞曲創作者,從1973的Dark Side of the moon開始, 1975的Wish You were Here, 1977的Animals張張精采,再到1979的最著名Rock Opera 之一的The Wall. Roger Waters無疑是PF裡最重要的人物,但鋒芒太露也因此短暫逼 走Richard Wright,又因越來越注重個人思想,在音樂性上的退縮,讓他與吉他手兼主唱 David Gilmour鬧翻,最後導致自己離團(跟Arsenal有關的部份來囉!) 在他離團前的一張專輯1983 的The Final Cut有一曲名為The Gunner's Dream由於歌名 關係,馬上吸引我注意,是首相當抒情的反戰歌曲,動機是1982年倫敦海德公園發生兩起 恐怖炸彈攻擊,歌詞則以一個Gunner(戰士,機槍手)在他所乘的飛機被擊落之後,他在 使用降落傘飄落到地面前,自己的一生縮影從眼前晃過,然後他做了一個夢,一個和平 不再有戰亂的烏托邦之夢.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJTKv_c1tkE
乍看之下,這首歌跟阿森納兵工廠好像沒有什麼關係,但當你了解Waters根本就是 Highbury球場的根據地Islington的老鄉,你就應該猜到RW在這首歌名上動的手腳, 表面上The Gunner's Dream雖然是一首反戰歌曲,同時也在雙關槍手球員的慣用語 Gunners. (巧合的是onlinegooner論壇上面今天也有人跟我有一樣的發現跟討論 直接點明了RW是槍迷的事實) http://tinyurl.com/3zbg5pk 而作為一個槍迷最可以津津樂道的一點, Pink Floyd在1972六月份開始在全英最著名的Abbey Road Studio,錄製Dark Side of the Moon這張全球賣了4500多萬張,史上第三暢銷專輯(前兩名分別是MJ的Thriller 跟AC/DC的Back in Black),八月份開始樂團的錄音遭受到定期性的外務間斷影響開始 變得有點不順利,原因無他,就是Roger Waters開始必須常常翹班去海布里看他最愛的 槍手征戰!不蓋你,有Wikipedia為證: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Side_of_the_Moon#Recording "The recording sessions suffered regular interruptions; Waters, a supporter of Arsenal F.C., would often break to see his team compete." 順便查了一下,Waters當時看的槍手應該是Terry Neill時代的槍手, 這位34歲1976年開始執教,史上最年輕的槍手少帥,先前3年竟然是在死敵熱刺麾下掌教鞭, 而當時Liam Brady也在陣中作為主力球員為槍手踢球. Neill上任後成績很不錯,1978到1980年三度踢進足總杯決賽,一度封王(1979) 1980 雖然踢進UEFA優勝者杯決賽,但無奈以點球輸給Valencia. 當時Waters看的槍手無疑是很有競爭力的. 音樂上附帶一提,最近研究PF讓我覺得1970年代的搖滾真是風起雲湧百家爭鳴, 太多劃時代的,經典的團體的存在,當時作為樂迷真是太幸運, 而還跟我們同時代存在的最佳音樂團體已經沒有幾支了,Beatles,The Doors, Velvet Underground等早就已經作古不然就是解散. 而Pink Floyd兩位大將Gilmour跟Waters(雖已不是官方團員)還活著 (鍵盤手Wright2008年過世),也已經在這兩年先後宣布停止巡演, 但與他們同時代存在著,就表示我們還見證著歷史, 還好我這麼幸運能在這個年紀認識他們,欣賞他們,以後好對子子孫孫說, 瞧,你老爸/阿公年輕的時候這些經典的東西可是不會錯過的! ※ 引述《Noel (Fever Pitch)》之銘言: : 之前有討論過Arsenal球迷有哪些名人 : 取娛樂界我聽過的部份 : -Music- : 1.Dido : Mentioned in several papers that she's a committed Gooner : (and Frank McClintock fan), born and bred in Islington. : See this fan site or this one. Arsenal are thanked in her : album credits along with the usual family, friends, etc : 2.Martin Gore(Depeche Mode) : Dave Gahan (Depeche Mode), has been rumoured to be a gooner : ,but the word from fellow band-member Martin Gore is that : this is not the case. Martin, on the other hand, is most : definitely a Gooner. He's been known to get score updates : on stage when Depeche Mode and Arsenal have a fixture clash. : 3.Roger Taylor - Queen drummer : In the VIP lounge in the build-up to the 2001 FA Cup final : (spotted by Andrew McBrinn). : 4.Andrew Ridgeley (the other one from WHAM!). : 5.Angus Young of ACDC : 6.Roger Daltrey - The Who, plus acting appearances : 7.Leroy Thornhill of The Prodigy : 8.Graham of Blur. : 9.Alex also of Blur. : 10.Gavin Rossdale lead singer with Bush : 11.Crispian Mills lead singer with Kula Shaker : (anyone know if this is this a familial allegiance? He does : seem to have inherited his mother's politics, unfortunately). : 12.Sharleen Spiteri-Singer with Texas : and mate of Thierry Henry's (who got in trouble for a goal- : celebration which revealed a t-shirt congratulating her : on the birth of her child. Bloody FA killjoys!) : 13.Rollo of Faithless (Dido's brother qv) : 14.Nicole Appleton Of All Saints. : See also entries under "Maybe" and "Not" below : 15.Chris Shiflett Guitarist with the Foo Fighters. : Seen wearing Guinness-style ("Pure Genius") Arsenal t-shirt : at special recording for Channel 4, by John Delaney who was : there. He also wears it in their video for "Times Like These". : -Actors & Actresses- : Gwyneth Paltrow : Has said that she learnt some Arsenal chants to tease (Chelsea fan) : Ralph Fiennes with during the filming of "Shakespeare in Love". : Now she wants someone to take here to a match and we predict as soon : as they do, she'll be a fan. : Kevin Costner : revealed Goonerdom in Sky preview to 1998 FA Cup Final. Went to see : Villa 0 Arsenal 2 on 18/01/04, after which he was quoted as saying, : ""My first introduction to English football was in 1990 when I was : over here making Robin Hood and I got invited to an Arsenal game. : Having watched sports all my life in America, there was no comparison : in terms of the emotion that was in the stadium that day. And I really : never forgot it." : http://arseweb.com/other/celebs.html#music -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
willkill:推推\O/ 04/07 00:00
yaloveduff:Pink Floyd推,Bassist更用力推!! 04/07 00:11
Lansbury:推推\O/ 04/07 00:11
cold0204:老婆姊姊,到底是老婆還是姊姊呢? 04/07 00:12
flyingdog:老婆的姐姐啦 這會不會劃錯重點?XD 04/07 00:14
trilvie:The Beatles是我的最愛! (也畫錯重點) 04/07 00:40
cold0204:不過確實,聽了70年代的東西,再看看現在的,沒進步阿。 04/07 00:57
sejour:推~我也常常突然聽/看到老東西(?)覺得好驚艷XD 聽了幾首感 04/07 01:09
sejour:覺好棒:D 順便推trilvie同喜歡The Beatles~ 04/07 01:10
a111156987:推 04/07 01:14
delay:Roger Waters是槍迷?? 太驚人了... 另外原po多打了一個"l" 04/07 01:56
HOPEFIRE:挖喔 04/07 02:56
※ 編輯: flyingdog 來自: (04/07 08:07)
juuto:推Pink Floyd跟槍迷Roger Waters!太帥了。XD 04/07 14:45
trilvie:Michael Jackson也有一首歌就叫Keep The Faith喔! 04/07 17:50
trilvie:http://tinyurl.com/3nwm3wf 歌詞"You Can Be A Winner 04/07 17:51
trilvie:But You Got To Keep The Faith" 都要懷疑MJ也是槍迷了 XD 04/07 17:51
briankch:推, 再來要寫BIN LADEN嗎? 04/07 20:20
trilvie:OMG http://0rz.tw/yDPLM 這看起來不像合成的 XDDDDD 04/07 20:32
trilvie:http://0rz.tw/ML7tW 賓拉登與阿森納的故事 (附穿球衣圖) 04/07 20:33
willkill:演員Colin Firth和snooker名將Ronnie O'Sullivan都是啊:P 04/07 21:06
thisismysoul:推 04/08 01:28
rex9999:這值推 04/08 03:14
補個讓大家看起來更爽的 http://www.wordmagazine.co.uk/content/word-exclusive-roger-waters 2008年Waters接受英國Word雜誌專訪提到他的足球嗜好: "Well, as you know, the coverage of English Premier League, and even the Championship, is actually better over here(in US). You actually get to see more matches than in England. And I've been an Arsenal fan all my life. I lived there from 1968 to 1975, and when I wasn't on the road I went to every home game. Stood under the clock, before they built the stands. I can name the whole squad now (he does so). I can still remember everyone going out into the street in Islington at the end of the Cup in '71 [Arsenal beat Liverpool in extra time], wandering about, slightly dazed, just remembering the pleasure of it. Which puts me in mind of listening to the radio inside and then going back out into Rock Road in Cambridge back in 1956 when Jim Laker took ten Australian wickets. Another of those moments that never ceases to be magic. They never evaporate." "Mind you, [Arsenal] beating AC Milan two-nil last night was pretty spectacular. If only Chelsea had lost..." "我一輩子都是槍迷,我從1968到1975都住在Islington,當我不是在巡演時,我每場 主場比賽都會去看,站在大時鐘下,在他們搭建那些看臺之前。我還可以唸出整隊球 員的名字(他真的做到了,譯註:我猜是當年的球員) 還可以記得在'71年足總杯決賽 擊敗利物浦時,所有人都衝上Islington的街頭慶祝,狂歡狂喜,我還記得那當下的 感覺。" "附帶一提,昨晚[2008年歐冠]槍手2:0擊敗米蘭真是太棒了,假如切爾西也輸的話就 更爽.." --- Pink Floyd還有兩首歌也跟足球有關 1971Meddle專輯的Echoes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echoes_%28Pink_Floyd_song%29#Early_versions The title "Echoes" was also subjected to significant revisions before and after the release of Meddle: Waters, a devoted football fan, proposed that the band call its new piece "We Won the Double" in celebration of Arsenal's 1971 victory. 這首曲子在專輯發行之前後做了不少次的更動,Waters樂團提議將這首歌叫做"We Won the Double" 以慶祝槍手在1971年的雙冠。 **這首曲子除了很長(20幾分鐘),也看得出未來PF幾張專輯的Progresssive Rock的確 定走向以外,還涉及到Andrew Lloyd Webber的1986 Phantom of the Opera涉嫌抄 襲這首歌的幾個片段 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S3fpgrZ9ys
Waters對此表示:"Yeah, the beginning of that bloody Phantom song is from Echoes. *DAAAA-da-da-da-da-da* . I couldn't believe it when I heard it. It's the same time signature - it's 12/8piece and it's the same notes and it's the same everything. Bastard. It probably is actionable. It really is! But I think that life's too long to bother with suing Andrew fucking Lloyd Webber." (不翻譯了 反正最後是沒有採取法律行動) 另一首歌也是從Meddle專輯出來的Fearless, 這首歌前後都納入了足球迷的chanting,最後面更有一分多鐘的球迷高歌,仔細一聽 卻是Liverpool的國歌"You'll never Walk Alone" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWH01DBJxlo (從5分鐘以後開始)
※ 編輯: flyingdog 來自: (04/08 10:30)
tsungpu:推Pink Floyd跟Dark side of the moon.. 04/08 12:46
trilvie:驚 歌劇魅影那段名開場跟這首歌真的很像 04/08 14:03
willkill:看得很愉悅 再推一次XD 04/08 20:26
sejour:看到Colin Firth也是槍迷再推一次XDDD 04/08 22:47
Noel:推PF, 十幾年前從姊姊CD櫃A走Dark side那張CD後 決定不還她了 04/10 16:59
COCOSEL:樓上真調皮 :p 04/10 19:43
eleec:推飛狗用心整理!! 還有偷推Mr. Darcy U////U 04/10 22:48
flyingdog:to Noel:這是正常人都會作的決定..哈哈 04/11 01:02