看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
傷員的部分.. 'Koscielny will be back in the squad, Szczesny has a test today and Saturday' (K6即將歸位,殺死你今天、禮拜六體檢) 關於辮子頭&威脅兒 'After the international break they shouldn't be too far away from training' (國家隊比賽週之後,很快就能開始訓練了) 轉會市場方面 'We are active but we don't want to bring average players in' (運作當中,但庸碌之輩我們看不上眼) 'I am relaxed... if we find a top, top, top player we will do it. We are working hard' (老夫輕鬆自在但也很努力,要是找到了頂,頂,頂級球員,我們自然會下手) 謎:他老人家大概不知道球迷們這幾天很緊張的一直刷網頁吧???? 關於丹麥孫國豪... 'There is a chance he is leaving. Where is not decided at the moment' (他可能會走(百分之九十九??)...還沒有個絕對) 查馬克的離去.... 'Again, we haven't made an agreement with any club' (重申,沒有與任何俱樂部協議完成) 關於老虎與他的小男孩... 'Theo has one year to go. We want to extend his contract. I think Theo loves the club. He is not obsessed by money, there is just a little difference [in the negotiations]' (我"想",他愛這個俱樂部,他心裡的小男孩應該不愛錢。談判就只差那麼一丁點兒了) 關於等會兒的歐冠抽籤: 'There are teams in [pot] four who are potential [pot] one teams' (第四區有一些球隊有潛力被選在第一區....(多特蒙德??馬拉加?) Wenger on a defining month 'It is of course because how we do against big teams will decide where we finish' (有請高手賜教,defining month的意思???決定生死月???) 關於前面兩場平局 'We have not scored but we know we can score and we have not conceded. We played teams that restricted us' (雖沒進球,但也沒被進阿~~我知道我們行的。只要他們不要再開大巴就好了XDD) 'I don't want to put pressure on [the strikers]. Henry arrived here and did not perform until November' (我不想給射手群壓力。話說當初亨利,也沒有一開始就大放異彩阿~大家耐心 一點吧!!!!) 關於利物浦教頭 'Liverpool have a history and tradition of playing good football. Every manager needs time' (光榮傳統與歷史的壓力之下....給他時間吧!!) _______________________________________________ 全文節錄自Arsenal官方Twitter 第一次編排,原來這麼累阿XDDD 編排傷眼,翻譯傷腦,還請海涵 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
trilvie:測試實力的九月? 從槍手怎麼面對一連串強隊 可看出這賽季 08/30 22:02
trilvie:我們能走多遠 08/30 22:02
holyduck: 終點站到了(爆) 08/30 22:03
trilvie:原波翻得很好呀 不過這魔鬼賽程來得太快了點 人都還沒買齊 08/30 22:05
ScotDaBig:簽了個法國小門將Deni Illiev然後還google不到這個人的 08/30 23:31
ScotDaBig:資料。 D神說把它放在DM的位子,然後叫他M'vila好了XD 08/30 23:33
Nvboy:就是我剛剛那個推文裡的那個人 08/30 23:35
ScotDaBig:馬其頓人..不是法國。 08/30 23:42