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French striker Yaya Sanogo joins Club http://www.arsenal.com/news/news-archive/french-striker-yaya-sanogo-joins-club Arsenal Football Club is delighted to announce that French youth international Yaya Sanogo has joined on a long-term contract. The 20-year-old striker, who joins as a free agent after leaving Auxerre, made a total of 24 appearances and scored 11 goals during his time with the Ligue 2 side. Sanogo, who joined Auxerre as a 14-year-old, has represented his country at under-16, under-17 and under-19 levels,and is currently playing for France in the Fifa Under-20 World Cup in Turkey. Sanogo has impressed during the tournament, scoring in two of his country’s three matches, helping France qualify for the knockout phase. Arsène Wenger said: “Sanogo is a good young signing for us. He has shown that he has potential with his recent performances for Auxerre and also for the France Under-20 side. We are looking forward to Yaya joining us and continuing his promising development.” The deal is subject to the completion of formal registration processes, with Sanogo joining up with his new team-mates after his participation in the Under-20 World Cup. Sanogo’s shirt number will be revealed on the Club’s official Twitter account @Arsenal in due course. Everyone at Arsenal looks forward to welcoming Yaya to the Club. 法國前鋒小將Yaya Sanogo以自由球員的方式加盟槍手 文中有提到是長約 但是沒有說合約長度究竟多長 Sanogo原來是法乙球隊Auxerre的球員 在法乙留下24場出賽11進球的成績 目前他正效力於法國U20國家隊 參加U20世界盃 小組賽三場比賽中進了兩球 結束U20世界盃的賽事之後就會正式前往報到 版友們久等了...今夏第一簽終於進來了 至於傳聞中的另一位前鋒______何時才會簽進來啦?(掀桌!) Come on NEW GUNNERS! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DynastyFigo 來自: (07/02 05:09)
briankch:起床推 07/02 07:13
kuranyi:上班推 07/02 08:08
COCOSEL:希望是第二個大帝. 07/02 08:15
jamesvm:推~ 07/02 08:31
olddadwind:推 07/02 08:42
chair209:yaya~~~ 07/02 09:15
ariachiang:終於啊,在看了其他球隊的瘋狂進貨潮,終於輪到槍手了 07/02 09:43
kevinsyc:F5沒有壞~(沒其他人搶真無趣..) 收到P幣跟我說一聲XD 07/02 09:45
收到錢錢惹 謝謝版主 不過還真的沒有人搶 大家可能等消息等到發慌了
trilvie:你害我開燈了! 07/02 09:57
Habai:故意換這板標看會不會增加人氣XD 07/02 10:03
minikai:........................................我真的被騙進來 07/02 10:14
kevinsyc:借轉曼城版(咦) 07/02 10:15
trilvie:板友Yaya不出來面對嗎? 07/02 10:20
yeadean:曼城表示: 07/02 10:33
a2156700:更年輕的Yaya 07/02 10:44
Robert:說身體素質很好,但過去傷病史有點輝煌 07/02 10:54
ahsoo:YAYA!!!! 07/02 11:06
Nvboy:第二個Kanu無誤!!這次u21踢的很不錯,對他腳下技術印象深刻 07/02 11:12
Nvboy:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSLd7_Ups5Q v Ghana 07/02 11:19
Nvboy:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPyol0FwwqA v Spain 07/02 11:19
Nvboy:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmkChOuVPbk v Portugal 07/02 11:19
kkmark:FM不錯用的小妖 XD 07/02 11:46
satousei:爽!!! 07/02 11:58
Nvboy:http://tinyurl.com/aycsban Sanogo Profile 07/02 12:41
trilvie:再推一次 之前斷腿說想放棄足球生涯從事郵政工作 結果現在 07/02 12:49
trilvie:在阿森納 人生啊~~~ 07/02 12:49
chromedome:被板標騙到!嚇死我了 07/02 13:40
AaronRamsey:YAYA!! Sanogo 07/02 13:53
※ 編輯: DynastyFigo 來自: (07/02 14:01)
kevinsyc:"YAYA來到槍手後我們鋒線相當足夠" 西瓜因:蓋營養... 07/02 14:53
痾應該不會吧.... 教授在文中已經擺明是簽來養的了
Braginski:盼著西瓜 結果先進貨一隻小妖XDDDDDD 07/02 15:44
Shauter:標題殺人! 07/02 16:00
※ 編輯: DynastyFigo 來自: (07/03 00:44)
hangl0:看到版標嚇了一跳.... 07/03 01:32
zach12348:怎麼還沒有幫他取綽號啊哈ꬠ還是就叫yaya乾過癮這樣XDD 07/03 03:13
zach12348:yaya進球了呢XD 07/03 03:57
wing2000:首簽又是免錢的...到底70M要不要花 07/03 08:30
Cpan117:免錢的最貴 傷病史跟阿比有拼 07/03 08:44
sdf019:他兩年前有來我們喜鵲試訓,要簽約時體檢沒過 07/03 09:07
buggio:什麼時候版標可以改成"放顆西瓜當前鋒都打爆你" 07/03 12:29
trilvie:體檢沒過好少見 囧 07/03 12:42
trilvie:不過感覺能力是有的 最近進了不少球 07/03 12:42
Nvboy:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7TLXf_TNb4 昨日再進 07/03 13:06
Nvboy:http://youtube.com/watch?v=P7TkvRdiSLM sanogoal 12-13 07/03 13:07
xxxcristo:版標太騙了..... 07/03 20:24
nuturewind:希望他能夠健健康康的 07/03 23:55