看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源網址:http://ppt.cc/sP1s Dennis Bergkamp: 'You climb one mountain and see a higher one' 丹尼斯 博格坎普:你登高山,望更高那座山 In his new book, out this week, the Arsenal legend says being good at football is not enough, you need to love the game 在本周出版的自傳中,這位兵工廠傳奇人物告訴人們,踢好足球還不夠,你要愛足球! Dennis Bergkamp The Observer, Saturday 21 September 2013 22.59 BST What motivates you, Dennis? 是什麼一直激勵著你,丹尼斯? "I think about this a lot, especially now I'm a coach. You see players who have a hunger to succeed because they had a difficult childhood. You know, people often say: 'You have to be down in the gutter to understand what it means in life.' You're always thinking about which of the young players has the drive to have a great career. As a coach you're looking for that hunger. I know I had that drive." 我也常想這個問題,特別是現在我當了教練。有些球員因為艱苦的童年讓他們有成功的 渴望。人們常說:「你要身處艱困才能明白艱困對人生的意義。」我常去想哪些年輕球 員渴望取得偉大的職業生涯?身為教練,你要去找尋那種渴望,我知道我曾有過。 You weren't in the gutter. 你過去生活可不艱困。 "No, no, not at all. I had a very secure, happy childhood. We could just about manage. Maybe you could say: 'Then money is my drive.' But it isn't." 當然一點都不艱難,我有一個很安定、很開心的童年。我們還過得去啦!也許你會說: 「金錢是我的動力。」但事實並非如此。 Is it just passion? Is it something within yourself? You're very shy and modest but deep down inside you want to be the best in the world and that's your goal, your aim … 單純是熱情嗎?還是某種你內在的東西?你很害羞、謙和,但內心深處你想成為世界 最好的球員,那是你的目標 "That's me. Sometimes you hear of people having drive because their parents divorced. My parents weren't divorced. Perhaps it was significant that we didn't have much money when I was a child. It doesn't explain my drive but maybe it formed me in some way. Perhaps it made me feel that, if you have a chance, you go for it and keep going for it." 那的確是我。你有時候會聽說有人的動力是由於父母離異。我爹娘並沒有離婚。也許我 小時候家裡沒什麼錢,那對我有比較大的影響。可這並不是我動力所在,只能說或多或 少有一些影響。也許那讓我感覺到,當機會出現,要為之奮鬥並繼續努力。 What do you look for in the youngsters you coach now? 現在身為教練的你,看重年輕球員的哪些品質? "Well, you see straightaway who has drive. But it can come from different things. Let's say this kid wants to be a millionaire when he's 18. That's drive. Is it bad? 'By 28 I want to have three sports cars and the only way to get them is to win trophies and play good football.' If that's his conclusion, maybe it's OK. But if he thinks: 'I'm making one million each year now and if I play for five years I've got five million and that's it, I can retire,' that's different. Or: 'I'll stay in the reserves and just keep training as long as I can put gas in my Lamborghini.' I'm not sure that's drive at all. It's not a passion from the soul. And that's what you're looking for: the real passion that comes from inside." 我看誰有動力,那動力可能出於不同原因。這麼說吧,一個小孩說他想要在十八歲的時 候成為百萬富翁,這是一種動力,這不好嗎?「二十八歲時,我希望擁有三輛跑車,而 達成此目標的唯一方法是踢好足球並拿冠軍。」如果這是球員的目的,也許說得過去。 但他如果是這樣想:「我每年賺一百萬,踢了五年的球以後,我賺到五百萬,然後我就 可以退休。」那可就完全不同。或者是這樣:「我窩在預備隊裡,只要能賺到我那藍寶 金尼跑車的油錢就夠了。」我不認為那是動力,那不是發自內心的熱情。我要尋找的是 「由內心迸發的熱情」。 And, in the end, perhaps the striving to improve becomes almost spiritual. Patrick Vieira says that with you it is both artistic and spiritual. 或許,「不斷進步之渴望」最終已經是心靈層面的事兒了。維埃拉曾說你踢球既有藝術 又有靈魂。 "Well, you set yourself goals, targets. And once you've got there you want to move on and go further. You keep raising the bar and therefore it's never good enough. You want perfection. It's never good enough but it's within your reach. You climb one mountain and see the higher one. And I want to do it, I want to do that. But I like what you say that it's a passion – something within the soul, isn't it? It's deeper. Whereas ambition, for money or whatever, is more calculating. It can be satisfied. But passion is … no … you keep … you want to grab it. You do the hard thing, always go for the difficult thing, and then you have to go for the next thing." 你設定了目標,當你達標了,你會想更進一步、走更遠一點。你會不斷提高標準,因此 會覺得永遠不夠。你追求完美。你做的永遠比完美還差一點點,但這不是永遠不可能發 生。你登上一座山,然後看到一座更高的山。這是我想做的。但我同意你所說熱情,靈 魂深處的東西,不是嗎?這是深層的東西。對金錢或其他東西的野心,那是表面的算計 ,那很容易被滿足。但熱情是…你保持…你想要緊握堅守的東西。你努力、排除萬難, 然後你要去挑戰更高的難度。 Arsène Wenger has an interesting view about this. He says: "It is a spiritual thing. I am convinced of that. I believe you have two kinds of players who play football. Those who want to serve football like you serve God, and they put football so high that everything that is not close to what football should be is a little bit non-acceptable. And then you have those who use football to serve their ego. And sometimes the ego can get in the way of the game, because their interest comes before the interest of the game. 溫格對此有個很有趣的觀點,他說:「這是精神層面的事,我很確信。我認為有兩種 球員,一類的球員對待足球就像對待上帝一樣,他們把足球放到那種高度,其他所有 事物的重要性根本不能與之相比。另一類球員只是利用足球來滿足他們的自我,有時 候自我會成為比賽的阻礙,因為他們把自身利益置於球賽之前。」 "Sometimes the big ego is linked with what we call strong personalities, charisma. But most of the time what people call charisma is just big ego. I believe that Dennis was one of those who had such a high idea of the game and such a respect for the game that he wanted that to be above everything. I believe that the real great players are guided by how football should be played and not by how football should serve them. If it becomes spiritual, it's endless and you're always driven to going higher and getting closer to what you think football should be." 有時候強烈的自我和我們所說的個性和個人魅力是有關的。但大多數的時候人們所說的 個人魅力就只是膨脹的自我。我認為丹尼斯是第一類球員,他對球賽是如此尊重與敬業 ,他把足球放在重要的位置上。我認為真正偉大的球員應該想著如何踢好球,而不是如 何能讓足球為他服務。如果足球成為精神上的追求,那是永無止境的,你總會有動力去 改進,踢你理想中的足球。 Then Wenger gives the example of a player who knows he ought to pass but takes a massive gamble and scores. "If he really loves the game he'll go home and worry about it. He'll know he really should have passed to set up an easy chance for someone else. But he was selfish and got lucky. If he doesn't care about the game he'll go home and think: 'That was great – I'll do the same next time.'" 雖後溫格舉了個例子,有名球員在知道自己該傳球時,選擇賭一把、射門。「如果他 真心熱愛足球,他回家會對此感到憂慮。他知道自己應該傳球給別人有更好的射門機 會。可他做了自私的決定,而且運氣還不錯。如果他不在乎足球,他回家會想『真棒! 下回我還這麼做!』」 And he says that's the difference. "That's why you have to teach the kids to respect the game and treat the game a little bit like a religion, that is above you, where you want to serve the game." 溫格認為這就是區別。「這是為什麼你要教孩子們尊重足球,對待球賽如同對待宗教信 仰。這是超越個人的東西,你得為之服務。」 Would you talk about this sort of stuff with Arsène? 你會和溫格談論這些東西嗎? "I remember when Arsène talked about players, sometimes he'd say: 'Oh no, he doesn't love the game …' This is quite a big statement from him. But I know exactly what he means. There are some players who, as soon as the whistle went at the end of training … boom! … They went inside, got changed, then straight in the car and away. 我記得當溫格談論球員的時候,他會說:「噢不!這人不愛足球。」對他來說這是很嚴 重的評價。可我明白他所要表達的意思。有些球員每當訓練結束的哨聲響起…砰!…立 馬換了衣服、上車走人。 But the real liefhebbers (the literal translation is "love-havers", the guys who really have love for the game) stayed behind to practise. And not only players. David Dein and Massimo Moratti are people who really love the game too. At Arsenal it was always the same players, eight or nine, who stayed behind to work after training. And I guarantee if you do that you'll become a better player." 但真正熱愛足球的人會繼續留下來做更多訓練。不只是球員,Dein和Moratti他們真心熱 愛足球。在兵工廠,總是會有那八、九名球員會在訓練結束後留下來加練。我向你保證, 如果你這麼做,你也會成為更棒的球員, Freddie Ljungberg would stay? 永貝里會留下? "Well, yeah. And Thierry was always there. Robert Pirés would stay. Others would stay and go to the gym, which is working as well." 會的。亨利、皮雷他們都會留下,有些人會留在健身房鍛鍊,那對他們有幫助。 And you competed with each other? 你們之間有競爭嗎? 'That as well. It's part of being a successful team. But I like what you said about pushing each other, challenging each other, in training as well." 那是自然!那是一支成功的球隊內必然之事。我同意你說的,隊友會互相鼓勵、互相挑 戰,即使是訓練中也是如此。 When you arrived at Arsenal you told everyone: 'Don't give me these soppy little passes, give me fast, hard balls because I can deal with anything that comes at me and playing faster is playing better.' By the time Pires and Ljungberg are in the team, a few years later, it's moved on a long way, it's at a much higher level. 你來到兵工廠後,你告訴大家:「別給我軟弱無力的傳球,我要快速大力的,因為我可 以應付任何情況,球速快踢更好!」幾年後皮雷和永伯加盟,球隊已經有很大的變化, 水準更高! "Yes, always give me a strong pass because I want to challenge myself by controlling a difficult ball. You have to keep pushing and testing each other. Like you test your pace and strength against Sol Campbell. He's your teamate but in training you're against him. If you can beat Sol, who can't you beat in the Premier League? And if he can stop me or he can stop Thierry Henry, who can't he stop in the Premier League? That's the challenge: always trying to improve yourself. But it can only work when everyone is giving 100%. 對,傳給我快速大力的球,因為我想挑戰自己去控制高難度的球。你(和隊友))必須 不斷推動與測試彼此。就好像你找蘇金寶來考驗自己的節奏和力量,他是好隊友,但訓 練時也是名好對手。贏過了金寶兄,放眼英超還有誰贏不了?反過來說,如果他防得住 我或亨利,全英超他還有誰守不住?這就是挑戰的精髓所在:不斷地提升自己。但這只 對那些百分之百付出的球員有效。 Like having goalies who try in training. At Inter they didn't try and it was so frustrating. But Jens Lehmann? David Seaman? Fantastic! Jens couldn't stand to have a single shot go past him. And if I tried to lob David Seaman … woaah! If it worked, it was a fantastic goal and he was like: "Great, well done." But if it didn't work out, he got hold of the ball and smashed it two hundred yards away! He'd just kick it away and say "Get that!" and I'd have to go and get it. David is a nice soft guy – but not when he plays. That was his drive: "You're not going to fool me! Now get that ball!" I loved that attitude." 就拿門將的訓練來說,在國米並不那麼做(找人考驗),那很令人沮喪。但萊曼和希曼 就會!萊曼大叔連被進一球都無法忍受。當我試著挑過西曼大叔,如成功進了球,他會 跟我說:「幹得好!」如果失敗了,他會大腳開球到兩百碼外,叫我撿回來,然後我就 得乖乖去。希曼叔是個豆腐心的,但踢球的時候可就一點都不軟!這就是他的動力:「 你玩不過我的,乖乖撿球去吧!」而我就愛這他這種態度! There seems to be a critical mass. You have to get a certain number of people doing this, all with their different motivations and talents. Get the right number of the right kind of people together and somehow it works. 這好像是臨界質量,你必須需要抓到一定數量的球員願意這麼做,他們都有各自的動 力和天份,球隊裡這樣好的球員要有足夠的數量,這樣才有用。 "It starts somewhere. Maybe, as the players say, it started with me because I was like that. I wanted to give everything and when training was finished I would go on and I would keep practising and going and going … and suddenly there's goalkeepers staying on as well, saying: 'Wait a minute, I'm going to have some of that.' And then others would stay behind, too." 總得要有個起頭。也許像人們說的,這事兒是我帶頭的,因為我喜歡這麼做。我希望全 力以赴,正常訓練結束後,我繼續留下來練,突然發現守門員也在,並說:「等等!我 也想多練練。」然後其他人也留下來了。 (c) 2013 by Dennis Bergkamp. Extracted from STILLNESS AND SPEED by Dennis Bergkamp to be published by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd at £20 on Thursday = Bergkamp將在本周四(9/26)發行新書,這篇是衛報為他新書宣傳做的報導(好像是摘取 一小段吧),內容很有趣,抓來和大家分享 另外,1995年的9月23日,對,就是十八年前的今天,Bergy為兵工廠踢進他加盟以來的 第一個英超進球,被譽為新博格坎普的大眼同學,將會在什麼時候破…噢不!開胡呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
trilvie:快破嘛 \⊙▽⊙/ 09/23 16:29
Braginski:推一下博格坎普的新書 然後希望272快破XDDDD 09/23 16:38
nuturewind:要團購原文書來膜拜一下嗎^^ 09/23 16:42
Habai:一樓讓我想到某個經典簽名檔 09/23 16:58
willyt:一樓半夜不睡等G12破__ (///▽///) 09/23 17:39
trilvie:不不不 272粉絲太多了 我領到的號碼牌是2727272號 09/23 17:41
yanagawa:一樓板花~~~這推文也太........~~傷你的形象 09/23 18:00
wing2000:一樓一直都沒什麼形像 逃~ 09/23 18:07
swingboy:推文好像歪掉了XDDDD 09/23 18:19
trilvie:我一樓是在說快破英超單季助攻紀錄啦~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ 09/23 18:41
Cpan117:看成出櫃 09/23 18:57
morphna:出櫃的話... http://ppt.cc/Y~M9 09/23 19:01
Nvboy:大師級的話真催淚,以前曾非常專注在某項運動精進很能體會.. 09/23 19:45
chair209:一樓太急了,還沒過12點阿XD 09/23 19:55
Shauter:又要破了 XDDDDD 09/23 20:47
Shauter:請版花口水先擦一下 09/23 20:48
trilvie:明明只是順著原波喊聲... ;_; 09/23 22:12
ijsfkira:是說有人知道小老虎傷的怎樣嗎... 09/23 22:42
trilvie:不是生病嗎? 09/23 22:43
ijsfkira:我看到的消息怎麼是腹部受傷@@? 09/23 22:44
trilvie:新聞說是離奇不明傷勢之類的 好像跟腹部有關沒錯 09/23 22:59
nuturewind:一樓版花輔導級-限制級推文 09/23 23:49
holyduck:好想知道到底是甚麼樣的傷讓教授會用"mysterious"這個字 09/24 01:04
morphna:Bergy新書好像有免運費欸! http://ppt.cc/iKsy 09/24 18:20
※ 編輯: morphna 來自: (09/24 18:35)