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http://0rz.tw/8630b Otsuka return "highly unlikely" 大塚回來的機率微乎其微 Akinori Otsuka has probably pitched his last game for the Rangers this year. 大塚晶則本季很可能已經玩完了。 General manager Jon Daniels said it's "highly unlikely" that Otsuka will be able to return to the mound before the end of the season. GM丹尼爾說到,大塚在這個球季結束前回到投手丘的機率微乎其微。 Otsuka said he was told by Dr. James Andrews that he has tendinitis in his right elbow. The plan now is for Otsuka to rest for two weeks and then begin another throwing program. 安豬醫師告訴大塚,他的右肘有肌腱發炎的情形,現在的計劃是讓大塚先休息兩個禮拜 以後,再開始丟球的計劃。 "We're going to give him as much rest as he needs," Daniels said. "We've done this before, we'll try it again and hopefully we'll have better results. If not, surgery will be a possibility." 丹尼爾說:我們會讓他休息夠久的,雖然之前已經休息了好一陣子,但是我們仍然希望 再讓他休息一陣子,而得到比較好的結果,假如情況並非如此,可能就要開刀了。 Otsuka's situation could complicate his future with the Rangers. He is 35, he is making $3 million and he has two years of arbitration left. If the Rangers have concerns about his health and his effectiveness beyond this year, it could impact their decision to tender him a contract for 2008. 大塚的狀況,使得他在遊騎兵的未來變得很複雜,他已經35歲了,年薪3百萬,再兩年 變可取得薪資仲裁的資格,假如遊騎兵考量到他的健康和他在球季的表現,這很可能影 響到是否在2008年和他續約。 "We haven't gotten that far," Daniels said. "That's something we'll have to consider but we'll see what happens between now and then." 丹尼爾說,我們還沒想到那麼遠,雖然這點是我們必須考慮到的,但是還是得看後續的 發展才可以決定。 -- ╭════╮╭════╮╭═╮╭═╮╭════╮╭═╮══╮ ║╔ ║║╔ ═╯║╔║║ ║║╔ ═╯║╔║ ║ ║║ ║║ ║║╰╯ ║║║ ║║╰ ╰╗ ╔╯ ═╯ ═╯╮ ║ ║ ║ ╰══╯ ╰════╯╰════╯╰════╯╰══╰═╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
itemark:大塚魂...... 08/27 19:19
Apolina:大塚在mlb好幾年了~還要兩年才有薪資仲裁資格? 08/28 10:26
TevenChen:那句我也覺得怪怪的~還是大塚保留提出仲裁 08/28 15:18
TevenChen:在兩年後他仍有提出仲裁的權利? 08/28 15:19