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※ 引述《Belladonaa ()》之銘言: : Mariners right fielder reaches 10 years of MLB service : OAKLAND -- Even if Ichiro Suzuki does not play another game in his Major : League career, he became eligible for the Hall of Fame on Monday night. 即使一朗現在就退休不再打任何一場MLB的比賽,他仍然有資格進入HOF : The first-inning at-bat he had against the Athletics -- a popup to third : baseman Kevin Kouzmanoff -- gave Ichiro 10 years in the Major Leagues. So : whenever he retires, even if it's on Tuesday, he will have qualified for HOF : consideration. 在面對運動家的第一局,一朗將球打給了三壘手Kouzmanoff,這是他MLB生涯的第十年, 所以無論一朗何時退休(甚至明天就退休),他仍然有資格進入HOF : Once a player retires, he must wait five years to be considered for HOF : candidacy. 一旦一個球員退休,他必須等待五年後才能出現在HOF的候選名單上 : Several voters already are on record as saying Ichiro is on the cusp of being : a Hall of Famer, citing his MLB record nine consecutive seasons with at least : 200 hits. He also holds the single-season hit record -- 262 in 2004. 一些手上握有HOF選票的人說一朗就算躺著選也能進入HOF,因為一朗不僅有著連續 九季至少200安的MLB記錄,還有2004年所締造的單季262安打加持。 : Ichiro went 1-for-4 in the season opener and scored a run in the ninth : inning. It extended his personal hitting streak against Oakland to 21 games, : during which he is batting .380 (35-for-92), started on Aug. 24, 2008. : But it is not his longest hitting streak against an opponent. 在開幕戰一朗打了個4-1而且在九局時跑回了一分,目前已經是對運動家連續21場 比賽出現安打(加上今天就是連22場),在這段期間他的打擊率是0.380,但是,對 單一球隊連續21場安打並不是他生涯中最長的(最長是連26場vs皇家)。 : He had a 26-game streak against the Royals from April 14, 2005, to April 15, : 2008, and a 22-gamer against the White Sox from April 27, 2001, to May 11, : 2003. : http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20100406&content_id=9109220 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
techi:感謝翻譯!! 不過最後兩段看原文感覺是對某隊的連續安打場次 04/07 20:53
techi:?? 而不是個人的連續安打場次?? @@ 04/07 20:53
k33536:同意樓上 是對運動家連續21場 04/07 21:14
感謝指正 ※ 編輯: Roshiel 來自: (04/07 21:19)
sgheart:一朗只欠戒指阿orz 04/07 22:13
phix:應該是拿不到戒指了..:P 04/08 00:22
DragonKill:長期而穩定的傑出表現  超難 04/08 01:56