看板 Asian-MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Sabermetrics 看板 #1N0B-jtY ] 作者: WillWaiting (Creep) 看板: Sabermetrics 標題: Fw: [分享] 轉速-MLB投手的新標準 (一) 時間: Sun Apr 3 15:00:59 2016 ※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1N0BJxA9 ] 作者: WillWaiting (Creep) 看板: Baseball 標題: [分享] 轉速-MLB投手的新標準 (一) 時間: Sun Apr 3 14:15:20 2016 http://www.sportstalkflorida.com/spin-rate-the-new-standard-for-mlb-pitchers Spin Rate: The New Standard For MLB Pitchers Shawn Ferris | Jun 05, 2015 1:54pm Look out baseball fans. The new standard to measure your favorite pitchers is coming. 球迷們看過來,衡量投手的新標準來摟 With each passing season, it seems like there's always something new. With all the money thrown at the multi-billion dollar corporation that is Major League Baseball, the good ol' fashioned eye test just doesn't work anymore when it comes to evaluating players. Whoever utilizes the next level of analytic data (supposedly) comes out on top, or at least you're going to have a tough time winning without it. 每過一季都會有新東西出現.MLB身為每年數十億美元產值的行業,評估投手用傳統的眼睛 看已經不再好用.不論是誰能夠好好用新工具就能夠贏更多,至少沒有的話很難贏 Thanks Billy Beane. Moneyball has opened Pandora's Box. 謝謝豆爺,錢球帶來新的潘朵拉寶盒(???) It sure as hell isn't as easy as simple as batting average or ERA anymore either. Fangraphs.com has taken it to the next level, tracking every pitch, swing, and catch since 2002, with data collected for pitch type, velocity on those pitches, batted ball tendencies, and oh so much more. 不再像以前那樣簡單的用打擊率自責分率評估,Fangraphs從2002開始用下一世代的科技 去記錄每一球,每次揮擊,接球,球種 球速,揮擊機率...更多更多 It's enough to grab your favorite hoodie, curl up in the corner of your room, and stare blankly at a wall. 這些已經夠讓你拿你的帽t在角落蜷身兩眼無身看著牆了 It can get to be a little much. 這有點太多了 But why stop there? Major League Baseball agrees with that statement, and this summer you can have the newest pitching standard at your fingertips. Because believe it or not, all 95 MPH fastballs aren't created equal, and breaking balls? Forget it. They're like fingerprints. 但為什麼停在這,MLB發佈消息說在這夏天你可以用鍵盤查到新的投球數據, 不管你信不信,每一個95mph速球都不一樣,而變化球?忘了吧,他們像指紋一樣 Spin rate is here. Get use to hearing about it. 轉速來摟!以後要習慣聽這個了 Let's simplify what this means. Spin rate--by definition--is considered aprimary indicator of swing and miss ability, the speed the ball is spinning as it leaves the pitcher's hand in Revolutions Per Minute, or RPM. 簡單的說,轉速(從定義上來說)是評價揮空率的第一指標,球從投手離開的轉速 每分鐘轉多少圈,簡稱RPM So is it as simple as...high spin rate = harder to hit? Well yes, that can definitely be said about breaking balls at least. At his peak, Justin Verlander's curveball had an RPM of 3,000, and spun 23% faster than the average MLB pitcher, and the results certainly showed in his swing and miss rate on the pitch, as well as his ERA and WHIP. 所以簡單來說,高轉速=很難打? 嗯..對,對於變化球來說至少這樣.在虎王的巔峰時, 他的曲球轉速高達3000,比MLB平均高23%,而這反應了他的揮空率還有ERA, WHIP -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1459664123.A.289.html
sikerkuaitai: 但Spin Rate越高越容易被打HR.. 04/03 14:17
chuegou: 落下系似乎是不會轉比較強? 像是蝴蝶和指叉 04/03 14:23
Luao47: 蝴蝶指叉 轉越多 效果越差哦~~~~~ 04/03 14:28
Luao47: 越能不轉越能展現這兩種球的價值 04/03 14:28
m06m06no1: 靠...我以前玩棒球丟指叉都不會轉 04/03 14:29
keanu2110: 是不是應該這樣說,直球轉速高=ㄧ般人說的球質輕=球員 04/03 14:34
keanu2110: 常說的球很呆不會跑?反應在投手成績上FB% HR%都高 04/03 14:34
b99202071: 3000?沒有吧 04/03 14:35
ccc73123: 轉速就是俗稱的球質 04/03 14:37
keanu2110: 低轉速的直球快進壘時比較不會受物理影響掉下去,對打 04/03 14:37
keanu2110: 者就有上飄的錯覺? 04/03 14:37
ccc73123: 一顆球的動能除了速度之外還有轉速 04/03 14:37
b99202071: 樓上錯了 是高轉速 04/03 14:38
b99202071: 樓上上 04/03 14:38
honorstar: 吾郎表示:子彈球 04/03 14:38
ccc73123: 所以速度快轉速高 捕手接到球就會覺得球很重 04/03 14:39
honorstar: 老王伸卡要往下掉低轉速就剛好 球速又快的話 難打 04/03 14:39
WillWaiting:轉錄至看板 MLB 04/03 14:40
keanu2110: 對,應該是高轉速=上飄球 04/03 14:45
b99202071: 之前texasleaguers測最高大概1760而已說 差一維度嗎? 04/03 14:51
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: WillWaiting (, 04/03/2016 15:00:59 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: chordate (, 09/23/2016 04:10:42