看板 Asiantennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
簡單來說就是右腕手術後需要休養,因此缺席法網, Mirza手術前參加最後的一項賽事是印第安泉賽,在第四輪敗給韓娃。 Mirza暫時計劃伯明翰賽復出。(怎麼亞洲一二姐都一直受傷患困擾@@") New Delhi, May 19 (IANS) Indian tennis player Sania Mirza, forced to withdraw from the French Open starting next week as she is yet to recover from a surgery on her right wrist, hopes to get back to professional tennis in time for Wimbledon in the second half of June. “I am naturally disappointed at missing the French Open, but there are certain things beyond one’s control. I hope to be back on the circuit soon,” said the 21- year- old in a statement. Sania is targeting a return in the grass court season for the Tier 3 DFS Classic in Birmingham that starts June 7, well before the start of the Wimbledon tournament. Sania, who has been ailing from a wrist problem for quite some time, underwent surgery at Florida April 10 to repair a capsule tear on her serving wrist. The world number 32 has been undergoing physical rehab with her personal physiotherapist Renuka Pinto after the cast was removed May 5. Sania has so far played thrice in the French Open but is yet to go past the first round. The French Open begins in Paris May 25. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: