看板 Asiantennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
去年在法網拿女雙亞軍的Mirza法網首輪爆冷出局, 被扣1400分的她女雙排名肯定掉出前十,失去直接參加奧運雙打機會。 現在唯一希望就是看印度網協提出單打外卡申請是否成功。 其實Mirza當初想要參加奧運也是想靠混雙拼獎牌, 因為印度的女雙二姐排名是500多位,和Mirza搭根本沒有奪牌希望, 倒是印度的Paes已獲雙打參賽資格,兩人搭混雙希望蠻濃, 不過現在一切都變不確定了啦。 Sania Mirza faces first-round defeat; Olympic spot in jeopardy The Indian hopes of getting an Olympic spot, in the upcoming London Olympics received a blow, when Sania Mirza crashed out of the women doubles in the first round. World No.10 Sania, partnering American Bethanie Mattek-Sands, needed to stay in top-10 before the June 11 cut-off mark for a direct entry into the doubles draw at Olympics. Retaining her spot in the top-10 would not only have ensured Sania a place in the main draw at London but also given her a shot in the mixed doubles. And for that, she needed to defend 1400 points at the Roland Garros, where she was a finalist last year. Only a top-10 player can choose his/her partner at the Olympics. But Tuesday’s 3-6 6-4 5-7 defeat to Nina Bratchikova of Russia and Edina Gallovits-Hall of Romania means Sania will now have to rely on a wild card entry in the singles draw, for which the All India Tennis Association (AITA) has already applied. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
craigua:人參啊 (嘖嘖) 05/31 05:14
arjbt:所以Mirza的奧運混雙資格可以靠Paes帶入嗎? 還是她自己也得 05/31 10:49
arjbt:有一定的排名? 05/31 10:49
erickin:應該要男女選手都有參賽資格(單或雙)才能報混雙 05/31 10:58
erickin:混雙只有十六組啊! 05/31 10:58