看板 Asiantennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
現今女雙並列球后的Mirza與Hingis宣佈和平結束合作關係。 兩人從去年印地安泉開始合作即拿下冠軍, 合作一年多期間總共拿下三座大滿貫女雙冠軍和十一座WTA冠軍(包括年終賽), 期間更取得跨年41連勝,兩人搭檔最後一座冠軍是今年的羅馬女網。 兩人暫時在Race排名第一,亦已晉級年終賽, 她們都表示年終賽會再復合。 這周辛辛那堤Mirza會搭檔剛在奧運摘下女雙銅牌的Strycova; Hingis和Mirza的女雙后座除非其中一座晉級辛辛那堤決賽或拿下New Haven冠軍, 否則兩人並列首位情況將維持至美網。 After three Grand Slam victories and eleven WTA doubles titles together, we have mutually agreed that we would each be open to playing with other players for the remainder of the season. Perhaps, because of our great past results, we have had very high expectations from our partnership and unfortunately did not get the results we desired recently. We would like to clarify that it was a totally professional decision based purely on our recent results. The professional decision has not and will not in any way affect the wonderful personal relationship that we continue to share. We also look forward to defending our title in the year-end WTA Finals in Singapore in October for which Santina has already qualified.We hope that this puts to rest some of the fabricated stories that have been doing the rounds in some sections of the media. Best Sania and Martina -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Asiantennis/M.1471281243.A.71C.html