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01/29/2007 10:00 AM ET Mailbag: Assessing Hidalgo's chances Beat reporter Alyson Footer answers fans' questions By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://kuso.cc/1blX If Richard Hidalgo makes it to the big-league club, is there a chance he could take Chris Burke's assumed spot in center? I remember he played some center back in the Astrodome days. Would he be in good enough shape to handle center field at Minute Maid Park? -- Brian F., Spring, Texas 問︰倘若 Hidalgo能回到大聯盟打球,他有無可能取代 Burke 中外野手的位置?我記得過去在 Astrodome時期,他曾經守過 幾次中外野。他適合在 Minute Maid Park鎮守中外野嗎? At this point, general manager Tim Purpura and manager Phil Garner are open to any ideas. But I doubt that Hidalgo has the speed to handle center field, and his cannon arm would be better suited in right, from which he can throw runners out at third and home. The vast center field pretty much negates the need for a super-strong arm, because once you get halfway to the wall, it's too far to home plate anyway. Hitting the cutoff man becomes much more important. 答︰總管 Purpura和總教練 Garner很樂意接受眾人提出的建議 。但我認為 Hidalgo沒速度守中外野,而且像他這種強打比較適 合守右外,他可負責長傳三壘或本壘,將跑者阻殺出局。 守備範圍廣大的中外野不需超強臂力,因為外野手在離全壘打牆 一半距離接到球,無論如何,也已經離本壘很遠了。因此將球回 傳給負責 cutoff的內野手才是最重要的。 Quite frankly, weighing the pros and cons of Hidalgo in center is the last thing on anyone's mind right now. First, the Astros need to find out if he can even play on the Major League level. While we all remember Hidalgo's better days, along with that gun of an arm, let's not forget that he hasn't had a good year since 2003 and did not play in the big leagues at all in 2006. Hopes are high for him, but at this point, expectations are low. That's why he signed a Minor League deal. 坦白說,衡量 Hidalgo守中外野的優劣,是目前最不可能的事。 首先,太空人隊必定要先看看 Hidalgo有沒有大聯盟層級的實力 。雖然我們都記得 Hidalgo巔峰時期砲聲隆隆的表現,但是也別 忘記從 2003年開始他的表現變差,而且在 2006年,他沒有打任 何一場大聯盟的比賽。 他很有希望,但大家對他的期望卻不高。這就是他簽下小聯盟約 的緣由。 Even if Hidalgo makes the team, he's not taking over in center full-time for Burke. Burke is going to play every day, and it's about time. 就算 Hidalgo升上太空人隊,他也不會取代 Burke先發外野手的 地位。 Burke會每天先發上場,該是他表現的時候了。 Do you have any idea when the Astros will hold Jeff Bagwell Night to retire his number? -- Ed R., Houston 問︰妳知道何時會辦背號退休儀式的 Jeff Bagwell之夜嗎? That has yet to be determined. I doubt it'll be Opening Day, and I'd venture to guess it'll happen sometime in the middle of the season. In the past, the Astros have given plenty of notice when they're going to retire a number. They announced Larry Dierker's day as well as Jimmy Wynn's way ahead of time. So for all of you who have written to me with a desire to plan ahead, I would imagine you'll have plenty of time to make your arrangements. 答︰舉辦的日期還沒決定。我認為不會在開幕戰當天,我推測 應該在季中才會舉辦。過去太空人舉辦背號退休儀式時,都受 到相當大的矚目。 過去太空人先對外宣布何時舉辦 Larry Dierker與 Jimmy Wynn 日。因此寫信給我,有意願打算參加活動的球迷,我想你們還 有很長一段時間作安排。 With Brad Ausmus' knowledge of players, could he possibly be a future Astros manager? -- Jeremy J., Houston 問︰既然 Ausmus對球員們瞭若指掌,他未來可能成為太空人的 總教練嗎? It's no secret that everyone views Ausmus as a future manager. When Brad's done playing, I imagine he'll be able to do pretty much whatever he wants, when he's ready. But I wouldn't look for him to step into a manager's role right away. His kids are still very young, so I'm guessing he'll want to wait until they're a lot older before he commits to being away from home for so much of the year. In other words, I think Garner's job is safe -- for now. 答︰大家都公開視 Ausmus為未來的總教練。如果 Brad不打球了 ,他做好一切準備,我想他就可以盡情做自己想要的事。但我想 他不會立刻取代總教練的位置。他的孩子年紀還很小,因此我猜 他會等到小孩比較大之後,才會離家大半年付諸行動。 換句話說,我覺得 Garner目前的工作還很穩固。 I know that the Astros have said that they are done buying from the free agent market, but why don't they go after Mark Redman? I know that he didn't put up great numbers last year (11-10, 5.71 ERA), but he couldn't be any worse than Wandy Rodriguez. We could at least sign him to a Minor League deal and give him an invite to Spring Training. That would be one more left-hander. Besides, having a winning record on a team like the Royals says a lot, I think. -- David M., Austin 問︰我知道太空人已表示不會從自由市場找球員補強,但是 他們為什麼不去簽 Mark Redman呢?我知道他去年的成績沒 有很好(11-10, 5.71 ERA),可是他的球技絕不會比 Wandy Rodriguez 差。我們至少可以小聯盟約簽下他,然後邀他參加春訓。 這樣隊上就多了一名左投了。除此之外,我覺得他在皇家這 種墊底的球隊,還有這樣多的勝場紀錄,這就足以說明一切。 If Redman wanted to sign a Minor League deal, I would imagine he'd be an intriguing option. Certainly, he'd be worth a look. I'm sure that he is looking for a Major League deal, but if he doesn't get one, I would see no harm in taking a low-risk chance on him. 答︰如果 Redman願意簽下小聯盟合約,我想太空人定對他趨 之若鶩。他確實值得期待。然而我確定他要的是一紙大聯盟 合約,但若是他還沒有被簽走,我想,太空人冒低風險簽下他 也無妨。 Why is Rodriguez still considered an option in the pitching rotation? Sure, he had about nine wins at the All-Star break, but he also received about 10 runs a game on average. Anyone should win with that much run support. I don't get it. -- Gregg B., Mont Belvieu, Texas 問︰為什麼 Rodriguez還被視為先發投手輪值之一?沒錯,他 在明星賽前拿了九勝,但是他每場比賽平均可得到隊友 10分的 火力幫忙。有這麼多隊友火力支援,拿勝投是一定要的。我實 在搞不懂這樣的安排。 Rodriguez is the club's only left-hander, and though Garner isn't going to panic if he doesn't have a lefty in the rotation, he'd prefer to have at least one. Wandy hasn't done much to prove he's rotation-worthy, yet there are times he appears to be on the cusp of breaking through. He has to figure out a way to preserve his pitches and not become unglued so easily. He still has quite a bit of upside and he's still relatively young, and when you're left-handed, sometimes you get more lives than a cat. 答︰Rodriguez是球團唯一的左投,雖然先發投手群沒有一名左 投, Garner不會著急,但他還是傾向至少要有一個。 Wandy的 表現並沒有證明他夠格先發,然而他似乎還有機會變成頂尖的左 投手。他現在要設法維持投球的穩定,情緒也不要輕易受影響 而波動。他還是擁有一些優勢,而且它還相當年輕,再者,假如 今天你是個左投的話,你會比貓有更多條命。 With the three, four and five spots still up in the air, would the Astros even for just one moment consider trying Chad Qualls or Dan Wheeler as possible candidates for the rotation? I think Dan or Chad could probably do just as well, if not better, if given the apportunity. -- Ernest P., Houston 問︰既然第三、四、五號先發投手是誰仍懸而未決,太空人會 考慮嘗試把 Qualls 或 Wheeler拉來先發嗎?我想 Dan 或 Chad 或許都可以勝任,就算沒有比較合適,也是給了機會。 The third spot is not up in the air -- that belongs to Woody Williams. Qualls and Wheeler are not being considered for a move to the starting rotation, as they're way too valuable in their current roles to be moved out of the bullpen. Move them from the seventh and eighth innings, and suddenly, the relief corps goes from being one of the best in the division to the worst. 答︰第三號先發並沒有懸而未決--那是屬於 Williams的位置。 Qualls和 Wheeler並沒有被考慮移到先發,因為他們目前在牛棚 的地位實在太重要了,所以不能把他們從牛棚調離。如果把他們 調離第七、八局中繼的工作,那麼後援投手戰力會從分區第一 滑落到墊底。 How much of a chance do you think Mark Loretta has of playing the outfield? The Astros are (in)famous for putting guys in the outfield from the infield, and he does have the speed to do it, and it has worked out fairly well with Burke, Lance Berkman, Eric Bruntlett and Craig Biggio. Well, Loretta isn't a "B." -- Paul W., Crosby, Texas 問︰妳認為 Loretta守外野的可能性多大?太空人以把內野手移 到外野去的情況頗具盛名,而且 Loretta也有速度可守外野,這 樣對 Burke、Berkman、Bruntlett和 Biggio也比較公平。嗯, Loretta又不是〝B〞字號的人物。 Loretta's not a "B," and he's not an outfielder. I would expect to see him in the outfield only in a dire circumstance, like if they have another 18-inning game and have run out of bench players and need to shuffle guys around the diamond. Other than that, don't look for Loretta in the outfield. He can play every infield position and will be plenty busy with that this year. 答︰Loretta不是〝B〞字號人物,而且他也不是外野手。我唯 一想看他去守外野,只有在緊迫的情況才願意,像是太空人又打了 18局的比賽,所有板凳球員已然用光必須將內野手移到外野。除 非是這種狀況,不然別指望 Loretta會到外野去。他可以守內 野任何位置,而且今年會因此而疲於奔命。 Alyson Footer is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. ======= 沒翻好的地方, 跟我說 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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